Ask The Editors: Is Segway In Trouble?

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Ask The Editors: Is Segway In Trouble?
Segway finds itself in a bit of trouble.

Dear ATVC: I just got back from the dealer who told me Segwway got in trouble with the government. What did they do? Will they still be making ATVs?

Yes, while it appears they will still be producing off-road machinery as per usual, Segway did indeed find itself in hot water with the CPSC recently.
Ask The Editors: Is Segway In Trouble?
The Consumer Product Safety Act (CPSA) has something called ATV action plans – these are federal law and basically programs where the manufacturer agrees to not market the machines to children under the designated age, follow safety guidelines and so on.

The CPSC found that Segway had imported 152 machines without an ATV action plan. They were fined a $5-million civil penalty as a result.

However, the CPSC has agreed to suspend all but $1.25 million of the $5 million penalty as the full penalty exceeding would cause the company financial hardship and compel SPI (Segway) to cease business operations.

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