Friday Funny: ATVs Meet Photoshop

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In the event that you’ve never visited Freaking News, these guys host an ongoing series of Photoshop contests in the name of creativity and humor. It’s especially cool when the subject of ATVs come up. Here’s a few of our favorites.

Big Time: Here in the US bigger always means better. Supersize your fries, make mine a double and why not toss some monster tires on your ATV?

Friday Funny: ATVs Meet Photoshop

Hunting on the Mini: Praying Mantis are already badass insects but imagine the hunting they could accomplish from the saddle of a camouflaged ATV? Run little beetle, run!
Friday Funny: ATVs Meet Photoshop

Moon Rock: Have you ever wondered why we never bothered going back to the moon? That’s because we didn’t have the Yamaha Raptor the last time we went! Can you say 1/6th the gravity?
Friday Funny: ATVs Meet Photoshop

Alien Versus Predator: We’ve all pictured it since Polaris first unleashed an ATV called the Predator back in 2003 and besides the dude’s already sporting that wicked cool helmet.

Friday Funny: ATVs Meet Photoshop

X-Files: Sure Area 51 is off limits to civilians but we’ve all imagined showing those extraterrestrials what some good roost looks like. Just gotta steer clear of strange lights above.

Friday Funny: ATVs Meet Photoshop
Rolling the Doubles: Maybe it’s a good thing there aren’t many Amazon women around these days; we imagine the natural terrain would be irresistible to quad riders everywhere.
Friday Funny: ATVs Meet Photoshop

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