MX Vs. ATV Supercross Video Game Update

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We don’t know what it’s like in your neck of the woods but around here winters are long! We take what solace we can in alleviating some of the anticipation of having to wait all the way till spring to get out and shred laps on the track by racing virtually with our friends via the small screen.

To that end, we’ve received word that the latest entry into long MX Vs. ATV franchise is coming along nicely and promises to return to the earlier examples of the series rather than the most recent one, which players deemed a step in the wrong direction.

“When it comes to existing brand assets, we don’t always see the need to put our own touches to a game,” explains Reinhard Pollice, business and product development director at Nordic Games. “In the case of MX vs ATV it was clear that it didn’t require a completely reworked concept. We analysed previous entries in the series and collected feedback from fans, then looked at those games to find the secret source to what made them fun.”
Not to worry if you were disappointed in the last game to come out in the series (Alive), Nordic feels your pain.

“The latest entry to the series received a lot of negative feedback,” Pollice admits. “To some extent MX vs ATV Alive suffered from the collapse of THQ, and wasn’t a finished game at all. We decided to go back to when the series was at its peak and retain the fun from MX vs ATV Reflex, while also bringing back a motivating core game mode. This is the career mode that we have in Supercross.”

MX Vs. ATV Supercross is scheduled to be released on October 7th and will boast 17 Supercross Tracks for both MX and ATV riding, career mode with 3 series (250 East, 250 West, 450 Championship), more than 80 licensed companies in the game to ensure authenticity, over 40 professional riders licensed to race against and a new improved physics and control system including reinterpretation of the fan favorite “pre-load” from classic MX vs ATV games.

All times are GMT -5. The time now is 10:27 PM.