Sticking it to Old Man Winter – Tips for Snow Riding

Sticking it to Old Man Winter – Tips for Snow Riding

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snow riding

Cause Snow Shouldn’t Ruin Your Fun
by Jason Giacchino

Winter is here. But don’t fret; with the lousy weather comes the opportunity for lots of fun. After all, the ability to shred through some fresh pow pow on an ATV is truly one of those experiences that can warm your winter heart.

Whether hankering down behind the blade of a plow or simply carving up the snow-covered trails, there are a few tips and techniques that can make snow riding all the more enjoyable. So without further ado, we’re pleased to pass along some snow riding tips that can make all the difference between taming Jack Frost and simply coming home frostbitten.

atv snow plow


Just like riding in sand, snow presents a whole new demand for traction. If your quad’s current tires are sketchy in the dirt, save yourself a lot of grief in advance and consider upgrading to fresh tread before tackling snow. While it’s true that replacing a worn tire for a fresh one will yield benefits, serious snow riders will consider the most aggressive tread pattern possible. A few manufacturers offer dedicated snow tread patterns, but the safest bet is to look into mud tires for their deep treads, beefy lugs and self-cleaning capabilities.

If serious snow removal is on the agenda, chains are a great way to increase traction on the cheap. Finally those looking to hang with snowmobiles without the usual disadvantages associated with ATVs should consider conversion kits. These typically consist of track-wheel coverings for the rear tires and skis for the front.

snow conversion kit

Mighty Mo

Just like riding in deep sand or attempting a steep hill climb, the most effective way to traverse snow on an ATV is to rely upon momentum. It’s true that gobs of power on tap and multiple driving wheels can more easily propel an ATV through the deep drifts, but the reality of snow is that the moment your machine gets hung up on its frame, all of the power and drive-wheels in the world become utterly useless. To keep this from happening, riding to maximize forward momentum is absolutely critical.

Gentle, steady application of the throttle should keep wheel spin to a minimum and once your ATV is up to speed, select lines that will allow you to maintain a steady velocity. Riding atop the snow will always require less power and effort than simply pushing through it.

atv snow gear

Gear Up

It may sound self-explanatory, but being miles from civilization is rarely the best time to discover you are underdressed. The very nature of ATV riding places the rider’s body into a position where heat dispersion and exposure to the elements happens automatically, so while ATV riding in the snow may keep your heart warm and fuzzy, it won’t keep your appendages that way. Unlike in a car, cranking up the heat isn’t an option. Layered clothing, extra warm gloves, and waterproof boots are a great place to start. Cold air wreaks havoc on the sinuses, so bringing along a handkerchief or tissues is never a bad idea; nor is face wrappings that can be worn under-helmet.

Smart Accessories

We know times are tough and simply owning/ maintaining an ATV can be expensive enough as it is, but there are a few accessories that can remove nearly all of the misery from the snow riding experience. If your budget will allow it, the following items come highly recommended:

atv winch

Winch: A quality electric winch can turn even the nastiest of stucks into a virtual walk in the park. We’ve used them to yank machines to safety that were hopelessly buried in the deep stuff, as well as the occasional crash through thin ice. Plus it’s tough to put a price on the security that comes with knowing it’s there should you need it.

atv heated grips

Heated Grips: Our snowmobile brethren have been aware of this little gem for years. Riding with cold hands can spoil the entire experience. The outstretched positioning of an ATV rider’s hands assures constant exposure to moving air. Even the heaviest of gloves can prove inadequate in short order in such conditions. Fortunately having a grip that emits steady warmth into the underside of a rider’s gloves is a practical, functional remedy.

atv enclosure

Enclosures: For the same reason you see so few convertibles on the highway during a blizzard, protecting one’s self from the harsh elements is perhaps the most logical means of staying comfortable. Fortunately countless companies offer ATV enclosures for nearly every make and model. Especially popular with riders plowing or blowing snow with their ATV, these beauties can be just as valuable out on the snowy trails. As an added bonus, not only do they keep the rider out of the harsh cold, they often trap engine heat within the cab.

Anyone have other tips they’d recommend? Shout off in the Forums:



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