Tag: Fail

Friday Funny: Darn, That’s Cold

Friday Funny: Darn, That’s Cold

Now that winter is almost over for many of us, it’s getting to the point where we can laugh at some of the sub-zero antics that took place all these months prior. Almost. Take this week’s Friday Funny entry for example, couple of guys on their quads atop a frozen lake, letting the ice make […] More »

By: | March 27, 2015

Friday Funny: Should Have Brought the Snorkel

Friday Funny: Should Have Brought the Snorkel

Picture it- a brisk creek, all your friends cheering you on, and a steep bank separating you from local hero status. That must be what was going through the mind of this week’s Friday Funny victim but what follows is a text book endo and an impromptu swim.

By: | March 20, 2015

Friday Funny: Hotted’s Broken Pants

Friday Funny: Hotted’s Broken Pants

Just when your jaded ATVC editors thought they had seen it all, we encounter a gentleman by the name of Hotted (hopefully not for the abbreviation of hot & Ted); a dude who reminds us all that not only is it possible to crash at the lower reaches of first gear but it’s also possible […] More »

By: | March 13, 2015

Friday Funny: Riding On The Fence

Friday Funny: Riding On The Fence

The thing about this week’s Friday Funny entry is that potential for a crash seems almost predestined- guy in a tank top, shorts down to his ankles, no helmet, doing donuts on the street. It would kind of be more of a surprise if the video ended without him taking a digger. What’s more surprising […] More »

By: | March 6, 2015

How To Jump & Crash Like a Boss

How To Jump & Crash Like a Boss

Just the other day we told you all about Polaris’ new XP1K2 campaign, which in short answers the question, what if Hollywood took a serious stab at making a film about UTVs that wasn’t BS? Now we present, for the first time, some of the fruits of the crew’s labor; about 10-minutes worth to be […] More »

By: | October 15, 2014

Friday Funny: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Friday Funny: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Don’t ever get into the line of reasoning that only men act like clowns on their ATVs- the fairer sex has their share of moments as well. No need to take our word for it, take this week’s Friday Funny clip for example. Here we have a bitter female photographer, wishing ill upon some guy […] More »

By: | August 15, 2014

Friday Funny: If At First You Don’t Succeed

Friday Funny: If At First You Don’t Succeed

Well, we’ve all heard the expression “If at first you don’t succeed try ‘try again’” but these drunken UTV operators take the concept to new heights, or depths as the case may be. When they nearly topple their side-by-side the first time, most of us would have parked the machine, thanked our lucky stars and […] More »

By: | August 8, 2014

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