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Old 12-23-2009, 11:13 PM
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We try to provide a place for Chinese quad owners to speak...and not be afraid of being bashed by the anti Chinese crowd.
And where in the hell are they now. I know you took a big stick and ran them all off. I haven't seen one of them 'you dumb ***' posts in quite some time. Good job mod! Now it is just the rah-rah China crowd left.

And the remark about crap coming out from Japan during the "Made in Occupied Japan". That period did include post war Japan. And just how on Earth would any rationale person expect first rate products to be produced from a country whose infrastructure was completely demolished and critical shortage of raw materials and skilled labor. I would say thought within ten years they got a very significant way down the road to being a powerhouse. Ten-twelve years. That is hardly longer than Bush or Clinton had a hand at running us into a world-last loser.
Old 12-23-2009, 11:17 PM
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Originally Posted by windtrader

Damn, you got me going. enough of this crap. It is CHRISTMAS, not some f...n holiday week.

Ride hard, stay safe!
LMAO! Great post.

One day, we'll realize what we lost. Not so much in market shares but, in ourselves. We need to return to the mentality that, when we put our heads together, we win wars and put men on the moon. It's been really easy to say, "Let those people do it and I'll take it easy." Well, those people did do it and now they call the shots.

I still believe we have it in us. We just have to find that commonality. Like you said, these people return to their "new" countries to live like kings. That's what everyone who came off a boat felt about here. THAT is what we have to get back.
Old 12-23-2009, 11:34 PM
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Originally Posted by windtrader

...And the remark about crap coming out from Japan during the "Made in Occupied Japan". That period did include post war Japan. And just how on Earth would any rationale person expect first rate products to be produced from a country whose infrastructure was completely demolished and critical shortage of raw materials and skilled labor...
I'm using Japan as an example of a place where "junk" was made, regardless of the circumstances, and they rose to be a world leader in production. Without going into history lessons, I think we'll find that these countries that have risen from "third-world" status [where we're heading now] to industrial powers after a major shift in government policy. Free market goes a long way. As long as China's manufacturing is under the thumb of the state, the money that might be used to improve their business infrastructure, goes to that big, fat surplus. Quantity over quality is their motto.

That's why I said, "We'll see."
Old 12-23-2009, 11:43 PM
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What are you doing up so late? Can't be as bored as me.

I still believe we have it in us. We just have to find that commonality. Like you said, these people return to their "new" countries to live like kings. That's what everyone who came off a boat felt about here. THAT is what we have to get back.
I hope for the best but we have challenges we have never seen. What gives me hope is as you say, if we can all pull together, get on the same page, and clearly focus on common goals, we clearly have the people and natural resources to come back. I fear we have lost the global capital market. Money now goes where it gets the best return at the least risk. Never before has countries such as China and India been more politically stable and accepting of foreign capital. If our dollar gets so weakened we can get capital flow back here but that just means we have sold out assets nickels on the dollar to foreign entities who have the money.

I just feel very few people understand the magnitude and scale of these countries. Their sheer numbers of people make the US look smaller than the tiny island of Japan did to us back when.

I am not an economist but I just don't see unless there is really BIG change in policy about foreign markets and how we do business globally how we can ever come back. The trend is clear so something radical has to happen to change the course we are on.

This topic is so far OT. Ah. back to cheap chinese quads. They will get better and not cost much more. You know why. Because in then years they can sell 200 million units a year in China ALONE. That economy of scale and business opportunities means things get better and cheaper. China is doing things backwards but it is working. First get the economic reforms moving, keep a tight political chokehold on until sufficient free market gains are made to start letting go of the political reigns. It is working.

It is really quite simple when you look at business with a global view. What scares me most is we have not seen the impact of technology on white collar and professional industries. Sure we see the call centers go overseas which followed back office functions such as paper encoding and such. We have seen how IT professionals, programmers and such, see their jobs go overseas. You would be saddened to see how much investment by large US companies such as Microsoft, Intel, Cisco are in high tech centers in India and increasingly China.

Next, you can bet you will see more medical services go offshore. We have the technology now. High speed Internet links allow real time transmittal of radio xrays and such to be reviewed by a radiologist in New Delhi. Quite fully competent as he was trained and got his MD in the US. We have many opportunities to lose more and more in our standard of living. We live on a global stage and we will see an increasing leveling and equalization of compensation for equal work around the world. This means us fat cats in the US have a lot more to lose or you can view it as the foreigners have a lot of ground to gain.

The last thing is the USA is too diverse for its own good. I do not mean in terms of racial or gender but culture. I respect other cultures here but when the USA concedes it sovereignty we are lost. A country without a common language is weak. A country that somehow now feels it must print a Driver's License manual in 20 languages is lost. A country where half the local cable channels are in a foreign language is lost. How on earth can we get on the same page when we have lost the ability to communicate with each other.

so sad. damn got way OT again.

MWQ - come over and run me down with my cheap POS chinese quad. oh never mind. it has a busted chain, dead battery, and frozen crankshaft. I knew there was a reason to buy a HONDA .

Good night - have a good year - see you next century. I am going to bed with a massive cardiace
Old 12-23-2009, 11:47 PM
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Originally Posted by windtrader
...Absolutely, no understanding of the other variables one juggles in our stress filled lives and making compromised choices every day.

Glad you have joined along with other more mature old timers to offer a more balanced and objective view of the POS we all own.
"My name is Geoff and...um...I...I...I bought a...a...a...I bought a Chinese ATV..."

Thanks for including me in the "mature old timers" section. LOL. It's funny how a simple discussion about a "less-than-superior-quality" [how's that for PC?] recreational toy for kids can turn into a discussion on world socio-economic views. I guess it's all related...like the "Seven degrees of the Kazuma Meerkat."

I think just the fact that they exist explains allot of what's happening in many of our lives. We really don't want to deny ourselves much, especially the things that relieve our stress, and we don't want to spend what is so much harder to earn these days. A few years back, when we were all doing much better, we might not have given these things a single glance.

In my searches for quads for my kids, especially on craigslist, there are allot of desperate people selling whatever they can to get by. It's sad really. I'd hate to be so far down that I'd have to look at my kids and say, "Sorry...the quad has to go."
Old 12-23-2009, 11:50 PM
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Quit replying! We both typing at the same time.

Free market goes a long way. As long as China's manufacturing is under the thumb of the state, the money that might be used to improve their business infrastructure, goes to that big, fat surplus. Quantity over quality is their motto.
Agreed but that is what is making it work for them. It is like the basic monopoly that Microsoft pulled off. Total control and domination of a specific area which allowed it to define a common standard and have all players get in line and pull on the same rope the same way in order to play.

The Chinese govt. is doing the same thing. They are investing as fast as they can. They are being smart and not throwing money away, spending faster than can be absorbed. It is already amazing how fast the growth rate is. I believe it is still going to be over 10%. They have a massive stockpile of cash since they sell so much more than they consume. Once they start really selling crap to their own countrymen watch the hell out.

Basic economics of the dollar multiplier effect will make the place explode. Their productivity will rocket orders of magnitude greater than it is now. I honestly believe the commies don't want to keep the power long term.

They see where it is going so they are trying to provide for a transition that minimizes any revolutions. We'll just have to see how it plays out. good night.
Old 12-24-2009, 12:24 AM
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Boy you guys have been busy!

Since I stumbled upon this site back in 2005 things have changed besides Chinese quads having their very own form! Back then there was a bit of what Chinese atv was the best bang for your buck and like someone mentioned you guys are crazy to waste your money on that crap sort of posts. Of course there was all the ones like "I bought my kids a ATV from Pep Boys and now it don't start help!" kind of posts. Now lately we've been getting new posters with posts like " I bought a used Chinese atv or I was given a used Chinese atv and where do I get parts, sort of posts. The form here is great as it gives people who may be stuck with a Chinese atv not running and don't know what to do a place to get some advice and tips.

As for MIC quads pros and cons well that's been debated to death pretty much lately hasn't it lol!! They fill a niche market that's for sure. Now it appears there is a new market out there.... used Chinese atv's!! I know if I was 14 again and could get my hands on a 200-250ccc fixer upper Chinese atv for a couple hundred bucks I would have had a blast!!! I was always tinkering on stuff as a kid. (go figure huh!) I got a new Yamaha GT 80 when I was 9 if some of you old timers remember those. After a few years someone told me "those two strokes need a piston and rings after a while.... So when I was about 11 I tore the top end apart. My Dad sure wasn't impressed with me!! As he had to go and get new parts , get it bored and help me put it back together! Me thinks it was probably ok the way it was! I then I got an atv when I was 12 or so ... a Honda ATC 200 with no suspension just those bouncy tires! Talk about a dangerous back breaking ride!! I would have loved to have my kids 2007 chinese 150 quad with suspension!

We are in a sad state now a days as it seems less and less want to get their hands dirty anymore and actually fix stuff. Its such a throw a way mentality now a days it seems. "Not worth fixing anymore" type of attitude. Which is right in a lot of cases as we can buy imported stuff so darn cheap. Walley world and Home Depot - China's best friends. At least McDonalds sells a product that is grown (Made) here in North America. The last decade TLC's shows like American Chopper, home repair shows and the likes have sparked some interest in the Trades and it being "cool" to build stuff . I don't know about where you guys all live but everyone is concerned up here when the baby boomer tradesmen are all retired there won't be enough man power left in the trades. Heck now up here in Western Canada up till things crashed last fall they were bringing in tradesman from all over the world to work and yes even workers from China!!
Old 12-24-2009, 12:52 AM
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Originally Posted by mywifesquad
Welcome to the forum Geoff_NJ!

While I will agree that the Chinese ATV fills a need.... to say the Japanese used to make laughable junk is a bit of a stretch..Hondas made in the late 60's are still running today and none of the rubber parts have cracked either.

The Chinese copy Form ok, but they suck at function. Sort of why spring rates and damping is a mystery to who ever makes shocks for most of them. And why rubber parts fall apart in a few mos.

The Chinese at best make kids toy quads and quads for light duty under adults. The day the Chinese make a adult sized quad that can compete head to head with its Japanese rival will not be in the near future.. and maybe never. (usually dont say never, but in this case its a good bet)
Yes the 150 has a nice ride - soft suspension... but what happened to the damping part of it?? Fix that fix the rubber issues, throw in a few more vibration isolation rubber mounts for stuff and they'd solve a lot of their common issues.
Old 12-24-2009, 08:44 AM
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My head hurts now... and I'm kinda depressed. Geoff! How's that Meerkat!!!

Old 12-24-2009, 08:59 AM
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Originally Posted by OneTenCC
My head hurts now... and I'm kinda depressed. Geoff! How's that Meerkat!!!

LOL, Joel.

I was over there yesterday. [it's hidden at Mom Mom's house] It fired right up. I still have to clean the jet in the carb, adjust it and add an air filter element. I'm so excited about giving it to him that I'm having a hard time keeping it a secret. Still, without one for both, it can't happen.

I'm still focused on getting another one for my older son. I found a 2001 Polaris Sportsman 90CC and am waiting for a phone call. It's only $600. Since the price is about half of what these normally go for, I figure they are either tired of it sitting in the garage or, it's beat to crap. I posted a thread in the Polaris section on here. [I came out of hiding from the Chinese ATV room]

Not to take this thread from Kazuma Meerkats to World Finance and economic woes to Polaris but, it's all connected.

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