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Old 04-19-2007, 09:45 PM
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Default Gun control

All the anti gun folks will be out i after your congressman to ban hi-capacity firearms! Whats your take?
Old 04-19-2007, 09:49 PM
pabst660r's Avatar
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Default Gun control

shoot em....HAHAHAHA!
guns don`t kill people...i kill people (with humor).
Old 04-19-2007, 10:00 PM
squeege's Avatar
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[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]The Bill of Rights plays a central role in American law and government, and remains a fundamental symbol of the freedoms and culture of the nation. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

The United States Bill of Rights consists of the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution. These amendments limit the powers of the federal government, protecting the rights of all citizens, residents and visitors on United States territory. Among the enumerated rights these amendments guarantee are the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the freedom of assembly, the free exercise of religion, the freedom to petition, the people's right to keep and bear arms, and the rights to be free of unreasonable search and seizure, cruel and unusual punishment, and compelled self-incrimination. The Bill of Rights also restricts Congress's power by prohibiting it from making any law respecting establishment of religion and by prohibiting the federal government from depriving any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. In criminal cases, it requires indictment by grand jury for any capital or "infamous crime," guarantees a speedy public trial with an impartial and local jury, and prohibits double jeopardy. In addition, the Bill of Rights states that "the enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people,"[1] and reserves all powers not granted to the Federal government to the citizenry or States.

These amendments came into effect on December 15, 1791, when ratified by three-fourths of the States. Most were applied to the states by a series of decisions applying the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, which was adopted after the American Civil War.

Initially drafted by James Madison in 1789, the Bill of Rights was written at a time when ideological conflict between Federalists and anti-Federalists, dating from the Philadelphia Convention in 1787, threatened the Constitution's ratification. The Bill was influenced by George Mason's 1776 Virginia Declaration of Rights, the 1689 English Bill of Rights, works of the Age of Enlightenment pertaining to natural rights, and earlier English political documents such as the Magna Carta (1215). The Bill was largely a response to the Constitution's influential opponents, including prominent Founding Fathers, who argued that it failed to protect the basic principles of human liberty.

The Bill of Rights plays a central role in American law and government, and remains a fundamental symbol of the freedoms and culture of the nation. One of the original fourteen copies of the Bill of Rights is on public display at the National Archives in Washington, D.C.

The original document proposed by Congress actually contained twelve "Articles" of proposed amendment. However, only the third through twelfth articles, corresponding to what became the First through Tenth Amendments to the Constitution, were ratified by the required number of states by 1791. The first Article, dealing with the number and apportionment of members of the House of Representatives, never became part of the Constitution. The second Article, limiting the ability of Congress to increase the salaries of its members, was ratified two centuries later as the 27th Amendment. The term "Bill of Rights" has traditionally meant only the ten amendments that became part of the Constitution in 1791, and not the first two, which dealt with Congress itself rather than the rights of the people. That traditional usage has continued even since the ratification of the 27th Amendment.
Old 04-19-2007, 10:16 PM
booboobear's Avatar
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Default Gun control

join the NRA they help protect are rights for the people who hunt, and own guns, and they will never be able to control the guns, they have problems already with automatics, and assault rifles
Old 04-19-2007, 11:12 PM
SPD522's Avatar
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Default Gun control

Buy as many guns as you can face to face where no paperwork is done. Keep those guns stored in a safe place in case it all goes down and those they can trace to you via paperwork are confiscated. At least you have something to fall back on when the SHTF. Have plenty of ammo and magazines for each gun stored in an airtight package to prevent corrosion.

Just a thought...
Old 04-20-2007, 01:16 AM
440EX026's Avatar
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Default Gun control

I think gun control is something everyone should learn before owning a gun. What good would it be if you cant control it anyhow.

OK seriously this whole issue has become more of a fight between the left and right or liberals and conservatives with both sides so concerned with winning that rational thinking or our protections under the constitution (very nicely laid out above !!!) seem to be forgotten.

Though I have never seen a gun pick itself up and shoot anyone lets forgoe the whole "people kill people" thing for a moment, and just consider the other obvious issues.

Any weapon can be used to harm or kill someone, and there are also literally thousands of other devices that can be made to do just the same thing so if your diligent enough you can use most anything as a weapon. Does this mean pretty much everything needs to be controlled, or kept away from the american public?

Another issue that always seems to be forgotten is that in areas where gun controll is strongest (NYC, phila, CA, il, NJ etc etc) Both violent crimes and murders involving guns continue to happen in very large numbers. I dont have stats, but it does seem that these numbers are higher than in other areas with less restriction. So much for control.

Our country had pushed the idea of different types of deterants on the public for years during the cold war. It isnt a secret to anyone paying attention that keeping both sides in similar arms strength was thought to also keep both from doing anything "stupid". Does not the same apply here?

I guess there are more arguments against additional restrictions than for it (maybe why the majority of the country has reasonable gun laws), and the debate will continue on, but if you consider the one major reason for the right in the first place was to avoid the potential problem of the govt taking over the people it was designed to serve it just doesnt seem proper to continue to attempt to rob this right from the citizens thru unusual restriction.

Things are different all over the world, and even in our country, but no matter how bad an occurance may be (this last one in VA was very sad, and a total trajedy) its just not right to try to fix a totally unrelated problem thru tearing apart the very laws that were used to establish the civilization we so enjoy.

Just a thought but if this nut in VA had used a homemade flame thrower, pipe bombs, bottle bombs, chemicals or some other simple but just as deadly weapon would there be calls to control the basic items used to create those things?

I think it honestly all comes back to the intent of the left to turn our society into some kind of a socialist disaster where we are nothing more than brainwashed followers looking to the govt for everything (yes including protection, income, thoughts, and most recently bringing up our children).

Sorry for the rant, but something just isnt right, and fixing the wrong problems just isnt helping any.
Old 04-20-2007, 01:36 AM
ctateusa1's Avatar
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GUN CONTROL is BS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is no such thing as gun control all that the "gun control" is is a deterent for law abiding citizens to not be able to buy guns.

I am a convicted felon(stupid mistake in the past no one got hurt, and no one could have gotten hurt). I can not buy or own firearms by law. Let me tell you though if I really wanted to I could buy at least ten this weekend. All a felon has to do is look in the paper and buy from an individual, no paper trail and no background check.

If I wanted to I could buy any kind of gun that I wanted everything from a sniper rifle if I had about 1800.00 to ak47, sks, 9mm, .45, a 50 cal.

GUN CONTROL does not exist. PERIOD. It is a dream that politicians use to get votes. They lure in the unaware and the gullible and ruin a true sportsmans ability to hunt and have fun. No a person does not need a m-14 to hunt a fricking deer with. But be resonable a person should be able to own firearms to protect themselves and their property. They should be able to have them to use for recreational shooting and hunting and that is what they are meant to do.

I no longer get to enjoy hunting that was a favorite pasttime of mine and I dearly long to have it back but it will never be that way, I can still buy my hunting liscense and hunt, just nothing with a trigger, unfortunatly I suck with a bow.

I hope that some people that were unaware or gullible read this and realize that even GUN CONTROL will not stop the real criminals from getting guns if I can get one at any time, from anyone except a liscensed dealer that has to run background checks.

Most guns will be sold at least 4-6 times between individuals, I know I still owned 8 guns after my conviction, that I sold over the next couple of years. I still own 3 guns now that are not in my name and I actually have not even held or seen in the past 4 years. I will never have them in my possesion because I dont want to lose them. So hopefully my father in law will be alive 15 more years for my daughter to become legal to own firearms, so that I can have them passed to her. Some of them will be worth a lot of money by then but I hope she will enjoy them and not sell them like I did.
Old 04-20-2007, 02:47 AM
twentycharacters's Avatar
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"GUN CONTROL" only keeps guns away from law abiding citizens who have a right to have them for hunting and protection and sport. you disarm the people the gov and whomever else becomes more powerful...i think this was done germany. it kinda led to a jack@ss, evil ____ dictator killing allot of innocent people and trying to take over the world. washington dc has no weapons...their crime is high. in london (citizens cant own any) and the cops dont even carry guns... go ask them how thats working out.

if we had law of the old west i wonder how things would be? i think some would think twice before going on a rampage or trying to start stuff. im not saying pop everyone who attempts a problem there has to be PEOPLE and TEMPER control but if everyone has a gun they could protect themselves and deter things. countries do it all the time. one country stated that "as long as we have bombs (nuclear) no one would dare attack us." its true. no country on earth will attempt it. they will be annihalated if they do.
Old 04-20-2007, 09:10 AM
pwillie's Avatar
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Very good responce!My take is moderation,I think some restrictions should be in place,but don't penalize a hard working citizen with a clean history. I said citizen.The Korean was not a citizen,and I don't see how our Govt. can let a person that is not a citizen of this country have a permit to own a gun. What is their responsibility? As for as weapons go, there were more people killed with nitro and diesel fuel than firearms,so if there is a nut about,they can find ways to kill you,look whats happening in Iraq!The only reason the need of a high capacity firearm is to meet force with force.I own many firearms and see a problem in the future as more and more people trade in their guns for computers and such,kids are playing games and surfing more than doing outside we are losing numbers of gun enthusiest..and votes.....
Old 04-20-2007, 12:19 PM
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Let's take a hypothetical situation where the antis get their wishes and ban all guns. As stated, they will only take them from the law abiding and not those with criminal intent.

The ban manages to forbid the sale and possession of guns by civilians. That leaves the gun makers with only the police, military, and export market. None of the gun makers will stay in business very long. Why? Because the police, military, and export market is but a small share of the overall sales. The civilian market for self defense, hunting, sport shooting, and collecting is where all the money is made. They are the entree for the manufacturers. Police and military are the dessert. You can't survive on dessert alone.

Take away the civilian market, and the manufacturers cannot afford to stay in business. Those other markets are all by bid and low bid wins. You can't keep a big factory in business and profitable by only selling to low bid. So the factories close.

The towns where the factories were suddenly have a big jump in unemployed workers. The economy takes a big hit. The police and military markets start losing suppliers. The weapons they need are no longer available. The USA is having trouble getting weapons to it's soldiers.

There is the snowball effect. With no guns, there is little need for ammunition. So these factories also start shutting down. More workers unemployed. More lost tax revenues to the cities, states, and US to keep up with the day to day expenses. Not to mention the non-gun related businesses that suffer when high unemployment cuts into the abilities of the public to buy consumer goods.

Companies that manufacture accessories for guns also lose. Not much need for rifle scopes, slings, bipods, gun cases, reloading supplies , and so on if there aren't guns out there needing them. So these companies lay off workers and eventually close too. More unemployment and less money for the economy to survive.

Then we have the hunters. Many have been laid off because their business was related to guns, guns accessories, or suppliers of products or raw materials used by those industries. Or, because of the mass unemployment, the consumer products they do manufacture are not being sold in the quantities they used to be. So they got laid off too, even though their jobs had nothing to do with guns.

The former hunters don't have guns to hunt with even if they could afford to. They can't afford to travel to other states to hunt. So those states that take in millions to billions every year from hunting and shooting related industries, start getting hurt. Restaurants, motels, gas stations lose. Millions of hunters who used to provide healthy game on their families dinner tables are no longer able to do so.

Every state has a Game and Fish department. With no hunters, they cannot control the wildlife populations effectively. Animal populations explode. Many die due to starvation when there are more animals than the land can sustain. Animals start coming into cities searching for food. Many become vicious and attack people and pets. Vehicle/animal crashes rise at alarming rates causing human deaths. Naturally car insurance rates skyrocket and less people can afford insurance since they aren't working anyway. Not to mention the lost revenues from hunting licenses. So the Game and Fish departments cannot help keep our forests and waters in healthy condition.

The economy nationwide starts to nosedive. The stockmarket crashes with companies of all types losing money. With record unemployment, crime rises dramatically. The undermaned and undergunned police cannot keepup with it. Murders, assaults, and thefts soar. With the civilian population effectively disarmed, they are easy targets for the criminals. And with many people facing death by starvation, they are forced to commit crimes against their fellow man that they would never have otherwise considered, just to survive.

The government steps in and declares martial law in an attempt to control the chaos. We become prisoners in our free country. All because some near sighted folks decided to put the blame on an inanimate object instead of dealing with the real source of the problem.


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