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Howard Dean wants to ban atv riding?

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Old 02-18-2004 | 04:49 PM
AlaskaBoy's Avatar
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Default Howard Dean wants to ban atv riding?

I would not worry about Dean as he is pulling out of the race as for Kerry I am not sure where he stands. Bush is another story, I could see him doing anything to get reelected, I am not sure we can afford another 4 years of him.
Remember his pledge to get Ossama, well I have less rights now and he is enjoying his freedom giving us the old bird. What about the Moon base, I do not give a rats a@@ about that. I want the rising medical costs taken care of and not rebuilding Iraq for them to just take back and go back to the way they were. My rant. AlaskaBoy.
Old 02-18-2004 | 05:43 PM
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Default Howard Dean wants to ban atv riding?

I agree with that Alaskaboy!
Old 02-18-2004 | 06:13 PM
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Default Howard Dean wants to ban atv riding?

If you had $300 million in personal wealth, and you didn't want to get caught, believe me no one could
catch you. BushyBoy is doing a pretty good job, IMHO. At least he had the gonads to go after those
idiots. Economy is coming back, taxes are lower, my IRA is bigger, and Hussien is captured. Bush has
absolutely nothing to do with rising medical costs, that is a private enterprise. And socialized medicine
is a joke, we DON'T want it here.
Old 02-18-2004 | 08:45 PM
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Default Howard Dean wants to ban atv riding?

WoodsRunner, I did not say Bush was the reason of rising healthcost, but he is one of the reasons it is not fixed. With the republicans getting so much kick backs and yes the dems too to keep them from regulating healthcosts. Did you know that our country is the only country that allows the pharmecutical(spelling bad) to recoup the R&D costs for all drugs it makes and sells, so we have to pay for all the other countries cheap drugs as they can only charge the cost of making that single pill in Canada and Mexico and so forth. Then you have the doctors who can't stay in business because their malpractice insurance keeps going up, medicine is a learning game, there will always be new procedures and yes they will have risk but because somebody chooses this route and dies, does this mean that they should get sued (doctors) for hundred's of millions of dollars. It is up to the govt to put some limits out there but alass that will not happen as they get kick backs from the lawyers who bring up these frivlous lawsuits. Bush is not the reason your IRA is going up, you can thank Greenspan for that and he has been there since the creation of dirt. As for taxes, that will not last as we keep spending like we do, the tax sunset clause is fast approaching and their is alot of congressmen, rep and dems who are in favor of letting it set and not renew, so their goes your tax breaks. The economy is also do to Greenspan, but how long can we go with the interest rates at 1%. I agree with you on the socialized medicine, that will just cost too much and it does limit what procedures can be done when you need them. What is needed is TORT reform laws that work, there is the cases were there is negligience, but to to go after and win millions and even billions of dollars for an honest mistake just keeps driving up health cost. So, did you agree with me over the moon base as wasted money?
I voted for BUSH and probaly will again as I am more afraid of getting another spineless Billboy or worse his wife who does want to ram sozialized health care down our throats.
No matter how you look at it, who is the lesser of the two evils gets my vote.AlaskaBoy.
Old 02-18-2004 | 10:55 PM
deanz400's Avatar
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Default Howard Dean wants to ban atv riding?

[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]that was a pretty good rant there alaska boy the biggest thing is how do we as americans get people to take responsibility for there own actions ?? that would stop the frivolus law suits . how about putting some judges up there in the higher courts to stop stupid people , speaking of which they should repeal a required helmet and seat belt laws so we can get rid of more stupid people , because there polluting the gene pool with stupidity . what ever we do don't let stupid people listen to demaocrats or tree hugging liberals then they get that 1000 yard stare and think they don't need to take personal responsabilty for themselves or there actions .bushes enviromental policy is a heck of a lot better then any one on the demacrates policies . just say no to any democrates !!!! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Old 02-18-2004 | 11:11 PM
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Default Howard Dean wants to ban atv riding?

No I do not agree the moon base is a waste of money, nor the planned trip to Mars.
Every dollar NASA spends on new projects like this returns 17 dollars in new taxes. It
is a fact, look it up. We need to explore space, for the knowledge, for the advances
in technology, for the sake of exploration, for the natural resources. If we don't do it, ]
no one will. Look at what Kennedy's moon project did for these.

The IRA increases are a direct result of Bush's 2 tax relief packages. It was in them. Read
them. He and Congress increased the amounts we can put in an IRA every years and get a
tax break on. Greenspan had nothing to do with it. If you noticed, Greenspan has been cutting
interest rates for 4 1/2 years, and it did not turn the economy around. Tax breaks, the return of
confidence by the people and companies, and renewed investment is what turned it around.
Without the tax cuts, the other two would not have happened.

We need to keep government OUT of things like health care. The problem always gets worse
when governments get into the act.
Old 02-19-2004 | 12:01 AM
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Default Howard Dean wants to ban atv riding?

For one bush couldnt even run his own loan and fianance company did daddy had to pass laws to keep him out of the pen....We went from almost NO debt to 7 Trillion dallors in debt... How is a moon station going to help the figure... It WONT If you want to blow your hard earned money on the crap thats your choice.. Your probably in the oil buissness and getting kick backs from all the taxes bush pass for the RICH... As for the middle class that bust our A$$ day in and day out IM GETTING RACKED by bush... If hes in office another 4 years we all might as well move to a 3rd world country because it will be better than this place..Thats where all our jobs are any way....
Old 02-19-2004 | 01:02 AM
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Default Howard Dean wants to ban atv riding?

We went from almost NO debt to 7 Trillion dallors in debt
This is not true. We have had a DEBT for a long time. I think since the end of WW2. Deficits were slashed during the Clinton years as a reasult of MILITARY spending cuts -and leaving us as a sitting duck. Debt and deficit are 2 different things. DEFICIT is the shortfall of planned budgeting. DEBT is the accumulation. There is no way that BUSH got us in over 7 TRILLION dollars in 3 years. Furthermore, the 'SURPLUS' that CLINTON projected during his last year in office NEVER EXISTED. It was all pretty PROJECTIONS IF the economy were to grow at the pace it was growing every year for the next 10-15 years. There was never ANY money in the bank. IT was all speculation, projection. Do I blame CLinton? NO. Given the data at the time, I would have projected the same thing. BUT, If you knew anything about economics, you would understand that recession is a natural cycle of the economy. It is not Bush's fault and its not Clintons fault. But alot of people give Clinton credit for the 90's boom. Hey, it was a 'right place right time' scenerio. Technology was coming of age. He was in office. Perfect timing.

The record shows that during the last quarter of the first Bush, the economy was recovering. It stayed recovering until the LAST quarter of CLINTON. Yes, it was in a decline when Clinton left office. Bush came in, and inherited the downturn, the normal cycle of the economy. And all of a sudden it's his fault. what a load of crap! NINE months after BUSH got in, the attack on America happened. What you you have done if you were him? He had to re-adjust his priorities to protect America and that's what he did. What would AL Gore have done? he would have bent over and not done anything. ANd the economy would have had the SAME downturn.

THe President is not elected to create jobs. He is elected to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America and to protect it and the people in it. He is not WALMART, he is not an employer. EVERY 'nay sayer' acts like BUSH got in office and maliciously FIRED 3.5 MILLION people. That is not even close to the truth. The truth is that the economy has suffered more to corporate scandals than anything BUSH has done. I tell you what, last year was the FIRST year I have ever gotten any tax back. I am not one of the richest 1%. I am middle class at best. The tax cut definitely helped me and my family and millions of others. The tax cuts are necessary so stop listening to the democrats who dont care about you - they just act like it. They dont want tax cuts b/c they want gov programs and stuff and want to line their pockets with the money skimmed from programs. Do the research - there have been WAY more scandals with democrats than with Republicans.

But if you are a rider, which this is a riding forum, you will NOT want o vote for Kerry b/c he hates ATVs and wants to stop them and keep them off of any property. even your own.
Old 02-19-2004 | 01:31 AM
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Default Howard Dean wants to ban atv riding?

[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]hey bottom line people the general knowledge is that most if not all liberals or democrats want to take our riding rights away and in general you can blame who you want but the out right knowledge is republicans want smaller gov. ( ie less taxes ) and the democrates just want you to give them your money ,so they can invest it in welfare systems , so they have a voter base they can control. if you want to know the average americans , or the welthy anyone making over 60,000 a year thats what the democrates say is welthy , pay like 92% of the tax base of this country and the top 1%earners pay over 50% of the tax base . the republicans are the only party that is trying to give some thing back to the general population.not just the welfare recipiants . hey spudss you want 3rd world why don't you join a military service and have them send you to iraq . thats where i am right now and if you think a 3rd world nation is so great you should see what a leader like saddam did to a country that had more free welth then many and what kind of abject poverty these people live in . when's the last time you lived in a mud block hut with a dirt floor ,you should try it .it's not pretty .
sincerely SSG Dean G.
Old 02-19-2004 | 01:38 AM
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Default Howard Dean wants to ban atv riding?

I am not a soldier and cannot even pretend to understand what kind of hell you have seen, but I truly salute you and just would like to say thank you for serving/protecting America, SSG Dean G!

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