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Long Island NY Impounds

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Old 11-16-2004, 05:16 PM
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Default Long Island NY Impounds

Under what conditions can a cop confiscate your quad in NY? I've been stopped twice and threatened with confiscation. They've never done it, although I'm usually just taking it and not arguing with the cop.
Old 04-15-2005, 08:32 AM
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Default Long Island NY Impounds

Hey Nickg. I rode in MayBrook a few weeks ago the thought it was great!!!!! I loved the buildings and the mudders area was the best. Maybe I'll see ya out there this weekend. 05 Grizzly Blue with ITP wheels and tires.
Old 04-19-2005, 09:33 AM
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Default Long Island NY Impounds

Originally posted by: Cheapass
Well, as long as you accept it was your own fault. Nows a good time to reconsider riding illegally and making the rest of us look bad, huh?
Must be that this 'concept' got lost in trying to figure out what LEO's "can and can't do" when you're out there breaking it.........[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
Old 04-19-2005, 11:50 AM
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Default Long Island NY Impounds

Or you guys not on the cost have no concept of living in a state with 0 acres of state approved riding land yes 0. there is not a single square foot of public land thats actually legal to ride on in the entire state of CT. Im lucky enough to have friends with a lot of land and theres a big area of powerlines that are illegal to ride but the power company really doesnt care. they just have to put up signs for insurance purposes.
Old 04-20-2005, 08:37 AM
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Default Long Island NY Impounds

Originally posted by: CTATV
"...and theres a big area of powerlines that are <u>illegal</u> to ride "but"....... the power company really doesnt care. <u>they just have to put up signs for insurance purposes..."</u>
I'm sure that many of you out there believe that the younger readers of this forum should 'raise themselves' and that role modeling (as some of our current sports stars have had no problem announcing publicly) is an "outdated concept that has absolutely no effect on others".


Do all you guys act this way in front of your <u>kids</u>......or is this the reason why we have all these problems <u>in the first place</u>?

I rode wherever I darned well pleased when I was these kid's age and nobody DID these kids today think that we're all stupid enough to believe that this same attitude exists the 21st century? We're (older riders) really sorry that some of you missed out on the "golden age" of off-roading; yet you have a chance TODAY to affect this sport in a way that we (frankly) never took advantage of.

It's called "building a legacy through example" and I think there's enough of us older riders out here that would be darn proud to stand beside any one of you to finally accomplish what (many of us) so long took for granted.

Let's nip this trespassing talk 'in the bud' on these forums and start standing up like true men and women concerning the issues which face us.
Old 04-20-2005, 03:58 PM
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Default Long Island NY Impounds

Sad truth is there is only 1 legal track on Long Island in Yaphank. They are looking into a atv trail park but it will never happen. I rode a bike for years without a problem, quads came along and screwed everthing up. people will alwyas ride wether the place is legal or not does not matter.
Old 04-21-2005, 09:11 AM
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Default Long Island NY Impounds

Originally posted by: TomTom2"...I rode a bike for years without a problem, quads came along and screwed everthing up..."

Sorry, but I disagree...people screwed everything up and many of them were close acquaintances of the very same community members who were at that very same location abiding by the rules. It is these people who are ruining our sport today. NOT the people you mention in the balance of your reply ("(violators) will always ride wether the place is legal or not...does not matter.")...but the balance of our community who don't have the guts to call a spade a spade <u>when they witness it or have knowledge that these events are occuring</u>.

It's not irresponsible riders that we (as a community) have a problem's an unwillingness among the rest of us to <u>shame</u> those same people <u>right on out of the sport</u>.

"Oh my, 'we' can't take a stand...we might hurt someone's feelings or they might not send in the membership dues which keep my non-profit afloat and these written-off weekends on the trail or at some off-road 'seminar' a perpetual reality!"


"I'm not going to say anything about Billy Bob's kids not wearing helmets and doubled up....we've got a weenie roast together out at Windrock this Saturday!"


"We're going to ignore those signs that the power company only puts up for insurance know <u>who</u> we are, <u>where</u> we'll be and <u>when</u>...DON'T call the law!"

Don't blame the idiots who will always be a fact of life......take a hard look at the people who witness it happening right in front of them (see Windrock and the fact that everybody in this country knows what's going on there) <u>yet don't have the kahunas to make this community a legitimate one in the first place</u>.

I'm sorry, but I simply won't stand next to someone who won't say what I've said above, mean it and look these leaders straight in the eye (and in public) when they do. The time has long since past for being "politically correct" regarding <u>any</u> of this.
Old 04-21-2005, 09:39 AM
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Default Long Island NY Impounds

Here's a quick example:

Not very long ago, our "leader" in all things off-road declared that all groups involved in orv issues (cyclists, qauds, full-size four wheel drives, sleds, etc.) would form a group to bring issues to our DNR as one and that finally some of the things I had been hollering about for <u>years</u> (to no avail) would come to fruition. A new atv group selected their president and one of their board members to serve on this 'new' group's board and the "united" representation even took an official sounding name.

Do you think anybody in that atv club even so much as asked what their president/board member were doing in regards to their responsibility of representing <u>every atver in the state</u>?

Did anybody from this new group even <u>show up</u> when our ground-breaking 25 year orv update plan was brought forward for comment?

Do you think you can find even any record of this group's <u>existence</u> today?

And when this group "fizzled" out of existsence with absolutely no explanation whatsoever....DO YOU THINK ANYBODY ASKED "WHY" OR EVEN SO MUCH AS CARED???!!!!

Weenie roasts and "group rides" have replaced the WORK of being involved politically with off-road isuues....and I don't see it changing (here in Michigan, at least) one <U>bit</U>. in the near future [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
Old 04-24-2005, 11:49 AM
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Default Long Island NY Impounds

you should run for president with those political lines. Its great to talk all tall and mighty out there in michigan. I dont ride anywhere. I know plenty of places to ride where I am almost never bothered but they are all illegal just like they were illegal when you rode everywhere as a kid which at 19 im sure you still consiter me one. Im almost never bothered unless im on the road but every once and a while somebody decideds to put up a stink (not usually the owner of the property) and when that happens I am in the wrong and it makes for less enjoyable riding always looking over your shoulder until your deep into the woods. Always know there is a possibility they'll be blueberry cherries next to the truck when you emerge from the woods. theres no problems in the trails its really nosy neigbors at all the entrances who like to bother us because they think its their moral duity.

IBM owns almost 2000 acres in a town next to mine. They have like 30 year old no trespassing signs up at the entrance to a trail. An old lady was driving by and called the cops on me. The cops showed up and said, look we totally understand we'd leave you alone if we drove by ourselves but this crazy old lady took down your lisence plates and called it in so we have to tell you to leave. They even said IBM really doesnt care the signs are just to cover their butt. its 2000 acres of fields and woods with no construction on it and its next to an airport so noise is not a factor.

Perfect example of what im talking about. You have a base to stand on for your ATV activism out there. There is a unified CT group of ATVers and they have never been able to get more then private land to ride on that they all pitched in for. there is lesss and less open land in CT and no time in the ever future will any of it be put aside for ATVs. The few off road places that are put asside are for only dirtbikes and snowmobiles. We are supposed to register our ATVs for 30 dollars a year and you know what htey do with that money?? just put it into the general budget and 0% of it goes to any related off road things.

Be all high and mighty but I guarentee you if you were living here you would be riding the same places we do so dont be a hypocrit. And im not an a$$ when i get stopped. I've always been polite and just played dumb to the fact that it wasnt there. Most of the time after talking to people and them seeing im a polite young gentlemen just out to enjoy the country they leave me alone. Its easy for you to be so perfect when you have the chance to be but when your going to prep school 6 days a week, some of your friends dont have drivers lisences and nobody has the money to trailer up to masachusets on their one day to sleep in dont tell me you'd be princess twinkle toes and never bend a rule when you knew you really werent hurting or bothering anybody with common sense.
Old 04-24-2005, 01:49 PM
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Default Long Island NY Impounds

Originally posted by: CTATV
you should run for president with those political lines. Its great to talk all tall and mighty out there in michigan.

Believe me, my friend...all that I've said above is so close to the truth that I couldn't get elected anywhere in the 'atv' community; let alone politics.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] By the way, we just might be tall and mighty out here in Michigan with over 3,000 miles of trails....we just don't have the kind of light 4-wheeled ridership who are interested in building the type of political legacy which might <u>support it</u>.

".... I dont ride anywhere. I know plenty of places to ride where I am almost never bothered but they are all illegal...."

Again, I am sorry that there are only a few of us on here who won't allow you to state this and get away with it. We care about what our children read and do not want them emulating what you propose or think it's "cool". We don't care how far you have to trailer to ride....because YOU don't care about getting involved enough to impound the vehicles of people just like you. We <u>immediately</u> strike down what you say with prejudice and try to show you for just who you really are (and sorry if that wasn't as p.c. as your 21st century teachers might have 'put it' [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]).

"...just like they were illegal when you rode everywhere as a kid which at 19 im sure you still consiter me one......"

You are a kid, my friend....because you still act like one. Being an adult has nothing to do with is earned in (basically) how you teach others <u>not</u> to do the same things we all knew were wrong in the first place. Unfortunately, you were not even born when many of us were riding as you do; so you have little appreciation of how liberal the laws were at that time and what they afforded us. I am very sorry that this may not seem 'fair'....yet this is another concept that comes with maturity.

"...Im almost never bothered unless im on the road but every once and a while somebody decideds to put up a stink (not usually the owner of the property) and when that happens I am in the wrong and it makes for less enjoyable riding always looking over your shoulder until your deep into the woods....."

And isn't this what your liberal teachers have taught you? That YOUR experience is #1 (at the expense of modeling proper behavior or even obeying the law) and that if that experience isn't "enjoyable" have every right to simply do as you wish! Gosh, far be it for us "conservative" old folks to cause you to "look over your shoulder" whenever a pang of guilt might get in the way of your having fun!your way!

"...theres no problems in the trails its really nosy neigbors at all the entrances who like to bother us because they think its their moral duity....."'s that outdated "moral" crap that really gets to you, doesn't it? I bet you've had enough public school deprogramming that this outdated concept is just about on the same level as modeling good behavior for others. Hey, at least you learned something in school!

"....IBM owns almost 2000 acres in a town next to mine. They have like 30 year old no trespassing signs up at the entrance to a trail. An old lady was driving by and called the cops on me. The cops showed up and said, look we totally understand we'd leave you alone if we drove by ourselves but this crazy old lady took down your lisence plates and called it in so we have to tell you to leave. They even said IBM really doesnt care the signs are just to cover their butt. its 2000 acres of fields and woods with no construction on it and its next to an airport so noise is not a factor...."

Do me a favor. Write IBM and get permission on paper. You are using people who have relationships to build within the community (cops) speaking for absent landowners that they have NO chance of knowing what their desires actually may be. Nice try....yet this still doesn't jive with what we all know to be true....written permission is the only "adult" way to behave and there is no substitute.

"...Perfect example of what im talking about. You have a base to stand on for your ATV activism out there....."

Another lesson that I'm going to give for free..what you start with in life has absolutely nothing to do with what you end up with through persistence and hard work. I realize that these public schools teach you that large numbers of people are destined to be poor, destitute and homeless no matter what my first sentance above implies. I'm here to tell you that the world isn't flat and that you don't fall off of it when you hit the CT state line. We travel many miles to do our riding and support clubs both in and out of state. Try and be the guy who starts something rather than the guy who never tried.

"...There is a unified CT group of ATVers and they have never been able to get more then private land to ride on that they all pitched in for. there is lesss and less open land in CT and no time in the ever future will any of it be put aside for ATVs....."

Why don't you JOIN these guys and try to make a difference either in or out-state?

"...the few off road places that are put asside are for only dirtbikes and snowmobiles. We are supposed to register our ATVs for 30 dollars a year and you know what htey do with that money?? just put it into the general budget and 0% of it goes to any related off road things...

We are fighting the same thing here in Michigan......have you been in contact with the people who care about these things, asked them what is being done about it and/or if you can help?

"...Be all high and mighty but I guarentee you if you were living here you would be riding the same places we do so dont be a hypocrit....."

I have the choice to ride wherever I want. There is plenty of farm country up here that i could violate on all day long and never probably even get 'caught'. What I choose to do is act like a man, not ruin things for others and lead by example for others somewhat younger than myself. I know, it's that stupid 'ol "morals" crap rearting its ugly head again.....maybe this concept really is only for us 'old fogies' after all.

"...And im not an a$$ when i get stopped. I've always been polite and just played dumb to the fact that it wasnt there. Most of the time after talking to people and them seeing im a polite young gentlemen just out to enjoy the country they leave me alone...."

Whether you can play 'the game' has less to do with the fact that your using the term "most of the time" implies that you are continually getting caught and not getting punished. It is very easy to see why you (and many others who agree with you here) are so allied against increased penalties or impoundments. How could you afford it or what would you ride?

"....Its easy for you to be so perfect when you have the chance to be but when your going to prep school 6 days a week, some of your friends dont have drivers lisences and nobody has the money to trailer up to masachusets on their one day to sleep in dont tell me you'd be princess twinkle toes and never bend a rule when you knew you really werent hurting or bothering anybody with common sense.

#1) If your friends don't have drivers licenses at 18 or sounds like the atv community needs some of this <u>same</u> legislation....

#2) "Not having money" simply means not doing what you want today....not going out and taking what you want from others <u>that have worked for it</u> (another subject I'm sure that your teachers passed on) is a conservative ideal that (in your defense) I'm sure was never preached to you in grade school....

and guys aren't "bending" any rules're flat out thumbing your noses at them.

Sorry, but like your old farts can tell the difference. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

Good luck in getting more involved instead of bitchin' (or I guess at somebody in your group getting their licenses back....).

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