How many members of the bush administration, are needed to change a lightbulb?

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Old 09-16-2004, 04:33 PM
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Default How many members of the bush administration, are needed to change a lightbulb?

Hondabuster, that post looks like you got it from a CBS document.
Old 09-16-2004, 05:23 PM
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Default How many members of the bush administration, are needed to change a lightbulb?

1. Honesty
Bill Clinton was impeached for lying about his sex life. George Bush is applauded for overthrowing two governments (three, if you count Haiti) based on deception. He lied about the threat of Iraq, he lied about the cost, and he lied about the expected outcome. He lied about the purpose of his tax cuts, he lied about education, the environment, energy, and his own past. He lied about the cost of Medicare. Everything he says is choreographed to achieve political gain without consideration for the truth. In Bush's administration, truth takes a back seat to power every time.
As far as lying, listen to me now, where is your proof besides what the democratic party and liberal media tells you? Even your precious Kerry and Clinton said Iraq must go, numerous times.
Bush invaded citng UN resolutions that were unanimously passed. Saddam was hiding something and needed to be delt with according to those resolutions. Other nations reported that they had wmds as well. I dont think he lied. Purpose of tax cuts....hmmmmm? so you pay less taxes.. Im paying less taxes... where did he lie? Education - this is funny. "No child left behind" was written by Ted Kennedy, Bush signed it, then Kennedy gripes about it. Well, his dumass wrote it ,why is he griping? I can tell you i know plenty of teachers and it is holding them to higher standards and it is providing resources and it is working. It is mere propaganda to say it isnt. And everything Kerry says isnt choreagraphed for political gain? Please.

2. War
History will not be kind to George Bush. In two years he overthrew two governments, and has his eyes on several others. He has ignored the UN, the US public, and 90% of the rest of the world, including millions who protested in the streets. He has violated the US Constitution and international law by attacking Iraq when it was not a threat to anyone. In his empire-building march across the Middle East, he has wasted the lives of thousands. History will wonder why no one stopped him.
History will be kind to W. We were attacked first. Remember that? He defended his country, nlike his predicessor who sat back in 1993 and 2000.... The UN is a waste. We created them. The resoluitons concerning Iraq speak forthemselves and were passed. But we sould not have to ask the UN to defend ourselves. The US public supprted BOTH wars if you look it up. Only when the polls were manipulated did things appear to shift. 90% of the rest of the world. once again, we were atacked they were not. we have a right to defend ourselves. the president is president of the US, not the world. he has a right to defend the country regardless of what the "rest of the world" thinks.
Oh remember when clinton invaded Bosnia? Do recall his reason? In was a humane reasons. Well, we liberated two abusive nations for similar reasons (in addition to others) and all of a sudden its not justified? Clinton did it and it was ok? Dont that tell you something about the media and democratic party?
he did not violate the US Constitution, for it says that "ONLY CONGRESS can declare war." Congress declared war and passed it overwhelmingly. then we invaded. 500+ members of your congress did this - dems and republicans. Kerry and edwards. but you blame only Bush? no you are buying into the hollywood trend of hating bush for this. he did not act alone and he did it with his opponents' approval (who changes his mind every day about it).

3. Economy
As soon as people saw that Bush might get elected in 2000, the economy started to fall, helped by Bush's talk of recession. He, of course, tried to blame Clinton. Since then, the economy has dipped in and out of recession, a million jobs have evaporated, deficits are soaring, and Bush's only response is to cut taxes for the wealthy. Every few months he promises that jobs are just around the corner -- if Congress will only approve my tax cuts -- but month after month job statistics give substance to the lie. Bush seems bent on destroying the very institution he heads.
you are on crack. economies go up and down. what aggrevates me is that people dont understand this. the economy was is downturn when clinton left office- not because of Bush MIGHT come in was a very close race and no one knew the outcome 4 months is advance. did you? did your crystal ball tell you that? what if Gore would have won, what would you say then?

The real hard truth is that it is NOT the presidents job to make sure you have one. That is a side thing.
His job is to uphold the constituion and protect the american people. The constitution says nothing about giving you a job.

4. Liberties
Yes, we need to catch terrorists, but we don't need a police state to do it. John Ashcroft has shown no concern for personal liberties, only for catching the "bad guys." Is it really necessary for the government to know what books you read? Is it necessary to read your e-mail? Must librarians be gagged? This slide toward Fascism is as scary as anything else Bush does. And rather than scale back the most egregious aspects of the act, Bush wants to make it even more intrusive.
well what would you do? if someone is writing an email trying to plot and make a terror attack that might kill you, wouldnt that be useful info to prevent it from happening? 9/11 changed everything. there is no way to go back to the way things were. changes are in order. sorry.

5. Taxes
No one likes taxes, but we all pay them in hopes that the government will provide the services we need and want: schools, highways, bridges, and security. Bush, like Reagan before him, intends to choke the government down to size. By cutting taxes, primarily for the wealthy, deficits soar and nothing is left for education, the environment, social programs (including Social Security) or necessary regulation of corporations. After spending $800 billion a year (by independent estimates) on a bloated military, there is no money for books, no money for highways, not even money for the soldiers who must fight his wars. There is no money. But schools must remain open, roads must be repaired, and the sick must find treatment; all this is left to the state and local governments, which are now raising taxes, firing teachers, and cutting services.
i really dont know where you get this from. You may not remember how things were before Reagan took office. The avg interst rates were about 19-20%. The goverment was all up in your#$%^@ all the time wasting money for nothing and bacoming a welfare state. You think just handing out money wont wreck the nation? The fact is that the demcratic party doesnt trust you to make your own decisons. they think you are incapable of finding a job, working, providing for your family and retirement. They are disgracing you and wanting your freedom in axchange for their "provision." Its a joke.

so you think the wealthy should pay! they dont need it. This is ridicuolus Robin Hood economics. A person going to school when some others may not have and earning degrees, acquiring wealth should pay because he worked hard for it? Now thats invasion and stealling. Yep that will make it all better.

7. International Relations
When you're the strongest nation by a factor of ten, you don't need to play nice. You can be a bully, and if other countries don't like it, too bad. Under Bush, we've seen this arrogant attitude regularly. He walked away from Kyoto, from the land mine treaty, from the international women's rights treaty, and the international criminal court. He ignored the pleas of long-time allies to avoid war, insulting them childishly. It will be decades before we can regain the respect of the world.
you think everyone who has signed kyoto is adhering to it? it was a crock of crap. russia has been cranking out new tactical nuclear weapons since the the 'cold war' ended. they have a about 40,000 now. every country on this earth want nukes wether they signed this document or not.
international womens rights.....hmmmmmm- we didnt sign the peice of paper but we liberated 2 nations that opressed women. that dam bush! oh your talking about their 'right' to kill their unborn children huh? no one needs to support the murder of innocent babies wether they or in the mother or not. ive seen premature babies that were born MONTHS before their time and they were real humans not some blob of tissue. but thats another argument, but you see where i stand and im glad we dont support that tragedy, i mean treaty.

when did bush childishly insult the allies? did he call them a 'poo poo head?'

8. Secrecy
This is the most secret administration in memory. Decisions are clearly being made by corporations and far-right interest groups, but Bush refuses to admit it or to say who is behind such important policies as energy. Government can only be trusted in the sunlight, and this government hides at undisclosed locations.
yeah do you want it live on CNN all the time like when we invaded Somolia in 1994 under clinton? The enemeies were watching CNN to know where and how to retaliate. Somolia was an utter failure and a big disgrace to out troops and our nation. How come no one talks abaout that? Hmmmmmmm.. could it be that it happend under clinton and the liberal media wasnt to stay out of that one b/c that was their hero? Im gald we dont make everything public. CNN is mad too- thats why they propegate the whole "secrecy" thing.

9. Military
We spend more on our military than the rest of the world combined. While most of us appreciate the sense of security a strong military brings, we also question the wisdom of such spending when we have no clear enemy. Iraq was overthrown for about $100 billion. We spend four times that every year on the military. And now Bush wants to build a magical missile shield that no one believes will actually work. Oh, it will cost many billions, and a few select corporations will get rich, but meanwhile we have other needs, desperate needs, that are not being met. We don't even have health care for all our children. We can't even provide breakfast for all our children, or books, or decent schools. But we can kill bad guys better than anyone. And if Bush has his way, we will soon be dropping tactical nuclear bombs on them.
well im for a strong military. i guess you arent. i guess you would want our nation to bend over and surrender to any little or big attack. like i said earlier - i dont know where all this comes from. I know teachers and they are getting stuff they never imagined under No Child Left behind. Its working around here. Maybe up there they are pocketing the federal money and then crying they dont have any???
the problem with healthcare costs is frivilous lawsuits. Bush is trying to stop that. Do you want to go to a clinic and wait for hours hoping the goverment pays for it and telling you you can only have an emergency a couple times a year? well, thats what a federal health care plan will look like. washington wil decide when and if you need to see a doctor.

10. Corruption
The line between corporations and the government has disappeared during the Bush administration. Corporations give money to elect Bush, then Bush forms policies and rules that favor those same corporations. This is nowhere more evident than in the energy industry, which has sent millions to Bush in the form of campaign contributions, then received billions in return. Think Bush, Cheney, Bechtel, Halliburton, Schultz.
funny. you think others didnt get corporte help.. after all, china financed someone's re-election and then just happen to get nuclear secrets...
Old 09-16-2004, 05:24 PM
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Default How many members of the bush administration, are needed to change a lightbulb?

The guys that amuse me most are the ones that are voting for Bush because they can still ride their I find that humorous..I say screw the draft...just take all the Bush voters, and send them to Iraq to fight for what they obviously believe in...At least in Iraq there's a lot of sand for them to ride there godly ATV's in, right? That way, we all get what we want...Less Bush support in America, and all the ATV riding we can stand..

Oh..And about the lightbulb thing...Are we sure the lightbulb needs to be changed? Maybe GWB is the only person that thinks he goes at it alone...he procedes to remove this "Evil" lightbulb...After doing so, he realizes that he doesn't have another decent one to replace it with!! So here we have it..George Bush standing on his step-stool of righteousness holding this "Evil" lightbulb in the palm of his hand, without any clue as of what to do next...all while the national debt rises beyond repair [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

But at least you still get to ride your Rancher around the lot! yee haw...

Old 09-16-2004, 05:50 PM
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Default How many members of the bush administration, are needed to change a lightbulb?

Move to canada if you don't like Bush. We don't need your whiney asses here bitching about how america sucks under Bush's presidency. You aren't swaying anyone's vote by starting a thread like this. All of yall democrats sound like a bunch of comunists anyway.
Old 09-16-2004, 05:53 PM
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Default How many members of the bush administration, are needed to change a lightbulb?

Originally posted by: roosthrower
Move to canada if you don't like Bush. We don't need your whiney asses here bitching about how america sucks under Bush's presidency. You aren't swaying anyone's vote by starting a thread like this. All of yall democrats sound like a bunch of comunists anyway.
So move to canada if I don't like Bush? Hm...that kind of "My way or the highway" attitude sounds exactly like GWB, must be a sad, strange little world you're living in..
Old 09-16-2004, 06:02 PM
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Default How many members of the bush administration, are needed to change a lightbulb?

twentycharacters....OMG[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif[/img] You never cease to amaze me...GREAT RESPONSE!
Old 09-16-2004, 08:45 PM
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Default How many members of the bush administration, are needed to change a lightbulb?

Originally posted by: hondabuster
bushy top ten

1. Honesty
Bill Clinton was impeached for lying about his sex life. George Bush is applauded for overthrowing two governments (three, if you count Haiti) based on deception. He lied about the threat of Iraq, he lied about the cost, and he lied about the expected outcome. He lied about the purpose of his tax cuts, he lied about education, the environment, energy, and his own past. He lied about the cost of Medicare. Everything he says is choreographed to achieve political gain without consideration for the truth. In Bush's administration, truth takes a back seat to power every time.
2. War
History will not be kind to George Bush. In two years he overthrew two governments, and has his eyes on several others. He has ignored the UN, the US public, and 90% of the rest of the world, including millions who protested in the streets. He has violated the US Constitution and international law by attacking Iraq when it was not a threat to anyone. In his empire-building march across the Middle East, he has wasted the lives of thousands. History will wonder why no one stopped him.
3. Economy
As soon as people saw that Bush might get elected in 2000, the economy started to fall, helped by Bush's talk of recession. He, of course, tried to blame Clinton. Since then, the economy has dipped in and out of recession, a million jobs have evaporated, deficits are soaring, and Bush's only response is to cut taxes for the wealthy. Every few months he promises that jobs are just around the corner -- if Congress will only approve my tax cuts -- but month after month job statistics give substance to the lie. Bush seems bent on destroying the very institution he heads.
4. Liberties
Yes, we need to catch terrorists, but we don't need a police state to do it. John Ashcroft has shown no concern for personal liberties, only for catching the "bad guys." Is it really necessary for the government to know what books you read? Is it necessary to read your e-mail? Must librarians be gagged? This slide toward Fascism is as scary as anything else Bush does. And rather than scale back the most egregious aspects of the act, Bush wants to make it even more intrusive.
5. Taxes
No one likes taxes, but we all pay them in hopes that the government will provide the services we need and want: schools, highways, bridges, and security. Bush, like Reagan before him, intends to choke the government down to size. By cutting taxes, primarily for the wealthy, deficits soar and nothing is left for education, the environment, social programs (including Social Security) or necessary regulation of corporations. After spending $800 billion a year (by independent estimates) on a bloated military, there is no money for books, no money for highways, not even money for the soldiers who must fight his wars. There is no money. But schools must remain open, roads must be repaired, and the sick must find treatment; all this is left to the state and local governments, which are now raising taxes, firing teachers, and cutting services.
6. Environment
One of his first acts as president was to raise the allowable level of arsenic in drinking water. Since then, we have seen a continuous assault on the forests, the air, the water, and the land. Global warming threatens to wreak havoc on our economy, our food supply, and our social fabric, but Bush only listens to the scientists on the political right, and they see no reason to panic. Don't worry, be happy.
7. International Relations
When you're the strongest nation by a factor of ten, you don't need to play nice. You can be a bully, and if other countries don't like it, too bad. Under Bush, we've seen this arrogant attitude regularly. He walked away from Kyoto, from the land mine treaty, from the international women's rights treaty, and the international criminal court. He ignored the pleas of long-time allies to avoid war, insulting them childishly. It will be decades before we can regain the respect of the world.
8. Secrecy
This is the most secret administration in memory. Decisions are clearly being made by corporations and far-right interest groups, but Bush refuses to admit it or to say who is behind such important policies as energy. Government can only be trusted in the sunlight, and this government hides at undisclosed locations.
9. Military
We spend more on our military than the rest of the world combined. While most of us appreciate the sense of security a strong military brings, we also question the wisdom of such spending when we have no clear enemy. Iraq was overthrown for about $100 billion. We spend four times that every year on the military. And now Bush wants to build a magical missile shield that no one believes will actually work. Oh, it will cost many billions, and a few select corporations will get rich, but meanwhile we have other needs, desperate needs, that are not being met. We don't even have health care for all our children. We can't even provide breakfast for all our children, or books, or decent schools. But we can kill bad guys better than anyone. And if Bush has his way, we will soon be dropping tactical nuclear bombs on them.
10. Corruption
The line between corporations and the government has disappeared during the Bush administration. Corporations give money to elect Bush, then Bush forms policies and rules that favor those same corporations. This is nowhere more evident than in the energy industry, which has sent millions to Bush in the form of campaign contributions, then received billions in return. Think Bush, Cheney, Bechtel, Halliburton, Schultz.
Old 09-16-2004, 09:15 PM
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Default How many members of the bush administration, are needed to change a lightbulb?

<<<Condaleeza Rice reads War and Peace written in its original Russian. Twice. >>>

Does she read it to shrub at bedtime? By has own admission he doesn't read.
Old 09-16-2004, 09:19 PM
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Default How many members of the bush administration, are needed to change a lightbulb?

<<<funny very funny ..... but Kerry is a freaking (explicit) so lets ride with Bush 4 more years what harm can come of it?>>>

Uhhhmm......more American lives? US credibility in the world? Nothing important.

Smoke another one there rasta man..........
Old 09-16-2004, 09:24 PM
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Default How many members of the bush administration, are needed to change a lightbulb?

Did you read the whole thing? It's pretty long....... LOL........

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