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Old 01-12-2005 | 09:28 PM
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Originally posted by: atvaddict01
Smoking dope and drinking yourself into a stupor is not the real world.

My children know the difference between what is right and wrong.

No i will not
shelter them,hopefully they can learn from the stupidity of others.

TexasPsycho be with your kids its the best thing for them.Show them the stupidity
and explain why it is wrong.
This is what Im getting at, present them what is right and wrong with the consequences that can happen, and pray they make the right desicion.
Old 01-12-2005 | 09:31 PM
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Originally posted by: atvaddict01
Smoking dope and drinking yourself into a stupor is not the real world.

My children know the difference between what is right and wrong.

No i will not
shelter them,hopefully they can learn from the stupidity of others.

TexasPsycho be with your kids its the best thing for them.Show them the stupidity
and explain why it is wrong.
NO you dont get it! I didnt say smoking dope and drinking IS the real world,I say that IN the real world it happens regardless if your kids are watching or not,get used to it,whether you like or not its there and if you just turn a blind eye and place your kid into a make belief world where nothing bad exists or happens,when your kid falls he/shes gonna fall HARD! As I say in the other thread,I know you dont want your kids looking at the blood and carnage of a real motorway accident,but if he/her saw what can REALLY happen when it goes wrong,he/her WILL be more carefull to not let it happen to THEM.
But I gotta praise your words,the best advise so far...be with your kids,its the best thing for them(too right!)if your not there to guide em thats where you went wrong,just dont censor everything and hide it,because theyll see it sooner or later,its better to teach them the REAL rights and wrongs sooner in life,as they respect lessons more the earlier they are taught,your kids will ALWAYS have respect for you but the older they get the more they think THEY know all the awnsers.
And they always say theres another awnser other than the REAL awnser to the problem,they say shoot-em-up videogames are responsible for wanting to shoot up a school,bull$hit,irresponsible bad parenting,no more no less.Where did he get the gun from in the first place? If your not there for them then whos gonna be there insted? You choose,real world or your ideal world(it dont exist,sorry).
Old 01-12-2005 | 09:59 PM
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Seems like all you hear in the news these days are drug busts and shootings over drugs and stuff. Its terrible. You know, you can still be COOL if you don't do that kind of stuff. People don't realize what it does to yer body. As long as it makes them feel good and forget about their probs, they do it. I hate seein those commercials with homevideos of people then it says, killed by a drunk driver. Makes me sad and pissed at the same time. Maybe its because I don't drink at all or do drugs. I don't feel like fryin my brain or shoppin for a new liver any time soon, hahahaha.
Old 01-13-2005 | 11:17 AM
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Weedman thank you. I tried not to point out any one gallery and hope you didn't take offense when I said what I did about you screen name but instead gave it a little thought about how it portrays your image. I noticed you have future marine listed. I served in the military for several years and I wish I could say that you can forget any drug use in there but I can't since it's just as bad as in civilian life. I can say that through out life a lot more opertunities will be open for you if you have a clean image. I hope I don't sound like I'm preaching to you because I'm only sharing what I have learned over the last 40 something years. I really appreciate you removing the picture and how you handled this subject has shown you are a mature person that is not here to start trouble. Thank You.

Like I said before there is no way I can keep my kids from being exposed to drugs and drinking, it's everywhere. But if I can try and help provide a clean enviroment that they can come to and not see this type of stuff shouldn't I do my part? It's my job as a parent, and not just for my kids but for other kids also. I've heard parents here in town gripe about our school system and how it seems the people in charge are turning their heads to the drug problems, not to mention all the other problems in our schools. When I say something their reply is why bother we can't do anything or if we stop the drugs in school they will just do them after school. If you think about it thats a cop out. Yes they will still be exposed in other places but if we can stop one then thats one less place we have to worry about them being safe. And if all parents would get involved over time it would make more and more difference. I talk to my kids all the time and I have even admitted to them I did some drinking when I was in school but I also told them the bad stuff. I have explained to them how I thought it made me look cool but actually made me the joke of the party when I couldn't stand up or talk. I've told them about the stupid stuff it can make you do while everyone is watching and how thats what they will remember about for many years. I explained how when they are of legal age they will have to make their on choice to drink or not and if they decide to drink that they should do it responcibaly. I can't protect them 24/7 but I will protect them while I can. I don't know if you have kids or not but if not when you do have kids you will understand why I feel the way I do. Heck before I had kids I used to look at the collage girls and think Hmmmmmm! But know when I see a cute collage girl I can't help but think" thats someones daughter, how would I feel if a man was staring at my daughter?" I know they do but I don't want to hear about it! I hope you can understand my position a little better now Choky and you didn't take this the wrong way
Old 01-13-2005 | 11:25 AM
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Parenting is something of a metaphor of our idealistic American free society. You can't have Big Brother in Washington watching every single move of every single person, they all have to make their own choices and so long as there is a semblance of moral fabric throughout society it will take care of itself.

Same with kids. I educate mine because I know there is no way for me to watch their every move, now or when they leave the nest. And even if I could that's no way for them or me to live. They know about drugs, about alcohol, about firearms, about lying cheating stealing and the rest. Raise a moral, educated child and you've done all you can do, and can sleep well when they are away.
Old 01-13-2005 | 11:51 AM
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Default Whats happened to this site?

. . Please note that the views expressed by the Members and Moderators on these discussion boards are that of the individuals only and do not reflect the official policy or view of the atvconnection website. LOL!! Thats all I'am gonna say about this topic.
Old 01-13-2005 | 04:00 PM
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Originally posted by: TexasPsycho
I hope you can understand my position a little better now Choky and you didn't take this the wrong way
No dont worry I dont take it wrong way,infact I have to say(I hope you dont mind)that your post had little or no relevance to what I said in my post apart from mentioning my name and a very short referance to exposure.
I can see you care about your kids,and you seem to be going the right way about educateing them,but my point is that hiding the truth isnt protecting them,I see from your last post that you dont hide it,you tell them the danger of taking stuff and even tell them that its theyre own choice when they are old enough.Thats good,but sorry,not all parents are like you,and the kids of those parents are probably the ones who will be the "threat" to your kids later on.(And by threat I mean try to give them "stuff")
If you think/know there are drugs in your school,tell them,so they are aware of it,AND MOST OF ALL tell them how the others will taunt them to try the stuff,make them expect it so they know that theyre firm awnser should be "no" when the time comes,because if theyre not sure theyll probably end up trying it.
I just got up,I gotta go do some things,maybe Ill come back to post a little later but now I havent got time. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Old 01-13-2005 | 05:33 PM
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Ok i started reading this today while i was in school and i just had to say something when i got home. First i'll say right off the bat that i love quads and it is my favotite thing to do and when ever i get a chance i go out and ride. Drugs are everwhere and it hard to find a place where they are not. My school has even gotton worst since last year with how many kids do drugs, smoke, and drink. My school has a smoking place outside so kids will not smoke inside the school and bathrooms seems like a good idea, but i still smell weed and smoke while i'm in there. I'll tell you right now that out of all my friends there is only like 2 that actually don't smoke, do drugs, or drink that's sad. Most of the kids do drugs and drink in my school and the reason why is that there is just nothing to do in my town, it boring as hell here.

I know that in the real world people who do drugs and stuff like that are going to have a harder time making it and having a successful life. I was talking to my mom the other day and she was saying how much different the world is now than when she was growing up, because of all the bad things that go on in this world. I already have my future planned out and want to do something with quad either work on them or work at my local dealer because i know everybody there well and they know me. My parents hope that i make the right choices as i get older and have to say so far so good. Yes my friends do offer me **** but i blame it on my girlfriend and say no because i want to keep her as long as i can cause she's great and want to make it in the real world. It a hard to live and it cost a lot of $$$.
Old 01-13-2005 | 05:47 PM
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Figured i would chime in.
I agree with most of you guys. I really think the galleries should be for YOUR toys not random pictures of bikini woman drugs and drinking pictures.
It waists bandwidth someone has to pay for.

I don't know about you guy that have been here a while but this forum is getting overran by hot headed kids or just kinds in general.

Seems like most of the topics i see rolling through anymore are crap or someone throwing bs around.

I don't know
Maybe it's just me.
Old 01-13-2005 | 05:59 PM
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From: Oeste Del Tejas
Default Whats happened to this site?

Blackraptor, nice tennis shoes!

Thought I's the only one that did that! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif[/img]

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