Gas price gouging bill

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Old 05-24-2007, 07:32 PM
squeege's Avatar
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Default Gas price gouging bill

OK? Now you must be for Subsidizing Big Oil then too.....right?

Maybe if we all took 5% of our earnings and donated it to them at the end of the year we would be even richer....more money for them means more money for our 401k....

Profit margin no longer matters when you control so much money you can have anything you want........A smart man once said "We have the best government money can buy"
Old 05-24-2007, 08:58 PM
pimpsmurf's Avatar
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Default Gas price gouging bill

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Originally posted by: squeege

OK? Now you must be for Subsidizing Big Oil then too.....right?</end quote></div>

No, I think subsidies are terrible as well. We pay farmers to pour milk onto the ground, and NOT to grow corn, when there are starving people in our own country and we have an ethanol shortage (adding to the gas price.)

Not to mention the tarrifs we have on imported corn, ethanol, sugar (can be used to make ethanol) ETC ETC ETC. The government's intrusion into the free market is what has created this problem. What about the (very literally) HUNDREDS of different blends and formulations the gov't requires the gas companies to make. Every state, and some cities, have thier own personal blend requirements with different chemical concoctions to meet different things here and there. After Katrina, Bush temporarily waved those requirements so that gas made for South Carolina could be taken to other areas hit by the storm where refineries had been knocked out. This helped drop the gas price very quickly in less than 2 weeks.

This brings me to another problem. Liberal enviromentalist wackos havn't allowed an oil refinery to be built in this country for over 20 years. They won't allow drilling for oil off the coast of Florida, in Alaska, or in other places where we know we have enough oil for the entire country to run off of for many many years (although it wouldn't all be pumped out at once, obviously.) Of course none of this has anything to do with the gas price... That whole supply and demand that they used to teach in high school economics class before it was replaced by how to balance a check book and hair braiding was just mumbo jumbo anyways.

Lets talk about the huge numbers of people in China and parts of Eastern Europe who are just starting to be able to afford a car. China is the world's fastest growing consumer of oil, they have very lax polution laws, and are exempt from the Kyoto Treaty.... Great idea.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Maybe if we all took 5% of our earnings and donated it to them at the end of the year we would be even richer....more money for them means more money for our 401k....</end quote></div>

Hey, if you believe that I have a bridge I want to sell you.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Profit margin no longer matters when you control so much money you can have anything you want........A smart man once said "We have the best government money can buy"</end quote></div>

Wow. Class warfare, ok I'll take a shot at it (pun very intended.)

A much smarter man once said, "We have the worst government ever, except all the other ones."

Indeed, profit margins DO matter. They can NOT have anything they want (less INSANE restrictions on new oil refineries, more drilling, etc) which would dramatically drop the price of oil in this nation and reduce our dependence on foreign oil (IE, islamic dictatorship gov'ts, etc)

What you are saying is that anything anyone absolutely NEEDS should be controled by the gov't? So food, clothing and gas should all be socialist enterprises? Maybe, since the gov't has already screwed up the situation, we should just hand it all over to them and let them give all you whiners "free" oil paid for by tax increases on anyone who makes over $100k a year? I don't made $100k a year, not even close, but the difference between you and I is I think it's very likely that I will be making more than $100k in the next 20 years. That is why I'm a conservative. I have hope, and I'm self sufficient.

Wow I really stepped in it this time. I reduced a man to blathering quotes from dead alchoholic, opium adicts AND responded with paraphrasing a Winston Churchhill quote. Unfortunately, we live in a representative republic and not a democracy, so the political pandering the democrats are doing with this bill will be short lived. Fortunately, your going to lose the next election.


Fact: The gov't changes gas regulations and formulations every year which is why refineries shut down for weeks at a time to retrofit and safety check thier equipment causing a spike in gas prices.
Fact: We won the cold war, so get used to capitalism
Fact: Gas prices can not be set. "Gouging" is propoganda used on people, such as yourself, to make you dependant on the authoritarian left which needs to keep you needing them. It's the only way liberalism can survive.
Fact: Ted Kenedy once allowed a woman to drown while he went home to sleep.
Fact: I can not be stopped.
Old 05-24-2007, 10:06 PM
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Default Gas price gouging bill

How fast do you type?? LOL [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Old 05-24-2007, 10:42 PM
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Default Gas price gouging bill

I serve the independent party...that's right!! registered independent!

Quote of the day "It does not require many words to speak the truth."
Old 05-24-2007, 11:52 PM
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Default Gas price gouging bill

I type 120 WPM with both hands and 60wpm with my right hand alone. Kinda went off didn't I? Sorry. =)

Congrats on being an independant. Now if you weren't dependant on poorly writen, unenforcable legislation, then you could truely be independent.

I'm a registered independent also. I'm a moderately right libertarian if anyone cares. Unfortunately I will have to change my party affiliation to republican to vote in the primary here. We keep electing liberals running as republicans because not enough conservatives vote in primaries (republicans run the roost in SC.)


Old 05-25-2007, 11:26 AM
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Default Gas price gouging bill

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Originally posted by: squeege

Quote of the day "It does not require many words to speak the truth."</end quote></div> aren't even close to his league and that's a "cop out".[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Old 05-25-2007, 11:43 AM
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Default Gas price gouging bill

I thought that a majority of the "big oil" companies profits were actually incentives that the government had given them. They didn't have to pay any royalties on oil and gas produced in publicly owned waters in the Gulf of Mexico.

According to one report, the could be 7 billion in royalties over the next five years. And that was when the energy prices were low. There was a lawsuit filed last week challenging one of the programs restrictions, and if successful, could reach 28 billion in royalties.

They're not making all this money from selling expensive gas, they're making it because lawmakers had the idea that these incentives were good because they believed there would be no cost to the taxpayers.

Here's a link to the story. click
Old 05-25-2007, 12:21 PM
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Default Gas price gouging bill

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Originally posted by: motox26

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Originally posted by: squeege

Quote of the day "It does not require many words to speak the truth."</end quote></div> aren't even close to his league and that's a "cop out".[IMG][/IMG]</end quote></div>

I like to express my opinion without a long rambling on because so many people, such as yourself, have a short attention span .....thank you
Old 05-25-2007, 04:13 PM
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Default Gas price gouging bill

Scootergptx: FINALLY! Someone makes a somewhat valid point! Thank you! Yes, not charging them for the right to drill for oil is a sort of incentive, but the idea behind it was that IF they charged them because "We are the US, and these are our territorial waters!" then the price of oil would be even higher! This would negatively effect the price of gas for us (higher prices). Think about it this way. You know that you need to make a certain percent return on investment (usually 8-25% in the stock market depending on how aggresive you are). You buy stock and as a stock holder you DEMAND to get a certain amount of return or heads roll (firing CEOs, etc, etc.) These oil execs know this, and do what they can to maintain a reasonable profit margin (which is about 8-9% depending on the company) because if they don't the board members (elected by stock holders) will fire them. It is that simple. If anything interferes with your costs, then it gets handed down to the customer because you absolutely have to make that certain margin.

So if you followed me, charging the oil companies "royalties" for them to drill and extract oil that the oil companies themselves found (not the US gov't) would only be passed down to the consumer (you and me) in the form of higher prices. It is, in effect, a tax increase on all 216 million driving Americans.

Squeege: You lack any ideas of your own, and spout liberal talking points until you run out. If you aren't interested in intelligent discussion of matters, then maybe next time you should just wait for someone else to post a piece of liberal propoganda and just chime in here and there with "LOLz OMG U R DUM! BUSH IZ 4 ****!!!!!"
We are all very aware that you are capible of forming complete sentences with at least some punctuation and nearly correct grammer, but if you haven't really said anything at all, then what have you accomplished other than stringing words together?

Old 05-25-2007, 04:19 PM
mywifesquad's Avatar
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Default Gas price gouging bill

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Originally posted by: pimpsmurf

Squeege: You lack any ideas of your own, and spout liberal talking points until you run out. If you aren't interested in intelligent discussion of matters, then maybe next time you should just wait for someone else to post a piece of liberal propoganda and just chime in here and there with "LOLz OMG U R DUM! BUSH IZ 4 ****!!!!!"

We are all very aware that you are capible of forming complete sentences with at least some punctuation and nearly correct grammer, but if you haven't really said anything at all, then what have you accomplished other than stringing words together?

-JNY</end quote></div>

Easy on Squeege pimpsmurf, Everyone has a right to a opinion here, even if its not popular.

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