Where is the responsibilty line drawn?

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Old 03-28-2001 | 09:04 AM
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Holyman, true many laws are the result of moral accountability. However, let's not hold someone legally accountable if there are no laws on the books. i.e. in some states, cities, etc it's LEGAL to sell **** to adults. Not only is it legal to sell, it's also legal to buy. On the other hand, many in this country believe it is IMMORAL. The viewpoint that you seem to be taking is that since it's not moral in someone's eyes for me to buy ****, for someone to sell the **** to me, that both myself and the person that sold it to me should be prosecuted simply because it may be against moral standards even though it was perfectly legal for us to do what we did. And that my man is utter nonsense.

Again I say, let's not hold someone legally accountable just because they have been found morally accountable. Because no matter how you look at it, and no matter how many times moral issues produce new laws, we MUST have the law first before holding them legally accountable.
Old 03-28-2001 | 01:20 PM
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I agree w that only problem is too many people are me myself and I and the 1s that are are not quad or even outdoors people and most of them are rotten spoiled brats that cant see the forest through the trees.It scares me that people go along w everything and every law without questioning authority.As a christian myself it really bothers me that if we ever had a dictatorship/antichrist government it would be like taking candy from a baby because people are so lost now.also I would agree with proscecuting people to the fullest degree but ya got too many damn bleeding hearts saying the death penalty is wrong and as long as ya have the insanity plea and the plea that if ya testify against some 1 else you'll get lesser time,this in my eyes is crap,if ya did the crime ya can do the full time no matter how hard the punishment seems.I also feel the punishment should fit the crime,,lethal injection is too easy to die.As for Lasher ya sound just like a mirror of my father.He use to tell me look before ya leap or think before ya speak because 1 ya say something or do something ya cant take it back.He wanted to teach me responsibility and he told me you are responsible at all times for your actions and if I wasnt I would have to suffer the consequances.its funny now cause I hated when he would tell me that it would just kill me. Now I relize it was because he loved me and wanted to teach me wrong and right and responsibility and didnt want to see me get hurt.Well god speed lasher cause we need more people like you.
Old 03-28-2001 | 01:31 PM
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You bring up a very point. One should never just blindly follow all laws without question. I personally have been to jail 6 times or so fighting laws that I disagree with.
Old 03-28-2001 | 04:16 PM
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I'm not saying that a person is either morally OR legalyl accountable. I'm saying that a person obeys a law because they have an inborn quality that recognizes the essence of that law and the intent of that law. A person will not automatically obey a law because someone tells them to, they have to appreciate the essence of the law.
A person who legally buys or sells pornography and is at the same time not aware of the negative effects of promoting and/or observing it, cannot be held accountable either morally or legally.
A person who legally buys or sells pornography and at the same time knows of the negative effects is morally accountable.
A person who ILlegally buys or sells pornography but does not know of the negative effects MAY be held legally accountable but is not morally accountable.
Many people hide behind the laws of a land and simply plead they didn't know a certain act was wrong yet at the same time a person can and perhaps should be held morally accountable.
Not long ago in Chicago a young man was shot by some gang members. Some of his friends [fellow gang members] dragged him to a local hospital and set him outside because they didn't want to answer questions about how he got shot since they were there and would be implicated. The staff of the hospital watched the boy bleed to death because it was against the law to go outside the hospital grounds and remove him from the sidewalk to give him medical care.
From a legal aspect NO-ONE did anything wrong.
Morally they should all be held accountable. The gangs, the paramedics that stood there and feared losing their jobs, the nurses that did the same and the doctors that threatened job loss to those that wanted to go get him.
There was also a guy that raped and killed a little girl in a casino bathroom while his buddy watched. The rapist got caught but the buddy had no legal punishment because he didn't do anything illegal by not trying to stop him.
Morally his actions are conteptible beyond thought.
People who lack even basic morality obviously do not follow moral principles but also reject the essence of the law which is to make the greater community a better place even if it results in some inconveience.
I say that the laws of morality are over and above the written laws and represent a higher standard that should be reached for by anyone who truly has a respect for the written laws.
Written laws are a result of an overly self centered humanity and quite frankly most laws could be eliminated by following the principle of "love one another...". Because most people don't even know how this concept works, there are millions of lawyers, good and bad, that must be employed to defend us when our thoughts and those of the law come into conflict.

To demonstrate the crookedness of some of those in charge of the law check this out...http://news.lycos.com/headlines/TopN...&date=20010328

Should they be held accountable?
Old 03-28-2001 | 05:37 PM
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Fkna Sometimes i really amaze me and others sometimes when i speak.Anyway I never been to jail,but when i was in my senior year of highschool I finally got sick of being unpopular and being hassled by the teachers and students and revolted aka speak up for your own ***.Well My 1 home room teacher put on my report and file I had no respect for authority at all and would have a hard time in the real world.Well my parents werent too happy cause I was brought up to respect teachers and authority,Im 26 and havent had any trouble w no 1 so far including the law.My parents were like F*ck that teacher cause we know you always obeyed all your other teachers and us.it took me along time to speak up for myself and Im no longer afraid too either but if I dont like what is said to me or just in general i'll tell ya whats on my mind or I'll just tell ya *** off,because as the atving world knows Silence isnt always golden.When ya let stuff go thats how people get taken advantage of and God knows i dont take crap from no 1 anymore including the big whigs.I know alot of corporate people in my church that bully lesser people and put them down but when it comes to bigger political issues these people act like sissies,or whine or beat around the bush or why oh why do they support the wrong people for all the wrong reasons.Only gods knows why i suppose anyway as soon as I get better from mono im getting my banshee.believe me this is my 1st quad and Im more excited than a virgin on prom night
Old 03-28-2001 | 08:23 PM
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Sugarhead, sounds like you have some good parents. I'm glad that they backed you on something like that.
Old 03-28-2001 | 08:30 PM
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Holyman, what can I say other than I agree with everything in your post. In regards to the Lycos news article I couldn't pull it up
Old 03-30-2001 | 11:58 AM
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Lasher thank-you!They were the best parents a kid could possibly have.Unfortunately my dad died in 93,7 months after I graduated high school in 3 shorts weeks of leukemia,I thought that was the worst of it,then in 97 my mom was diagnosed w stage 4 ovarian cancer,we almost lost her 2 times then, 1 from the chemo,in 99 it metasized to her liver and stomach and it eventually went out to her skin.She passed away last month.The year of 2000 was a year I rather just forget,as it was the year from hell 1 I will never forget.Not 2 weeks went by and I get grimly ill w mono.I cant lose to freaking win.My moms best friend just told me my mom was embarrassed that she had kids late in her 30's and early 40's.Getting off the drinking subject I read in the newspaper that a new study says parents of much later age make better parents of about 300 percent than parents in there 20's.I really dont know why she felt like that because mothers are mothers no matter how old for the most part.Its funny my parents looked like they were both in there 40s when they were really alot older.Anyway my Faith and love of bikes and atvs seem to keep me going.Well Have a great day,Life is short ride hard !
Old 03-30-2001 | 12:13 PM
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Fkna,They supported me as long as I listened and stayed away from drugs and trouble.When i had trouble in school,my dad would say ya better not be lying cause if I find out your on your own then.My mom would say oh fred give the kid some slack why would he lie about stuff like that.When i was 16 1 night at the dinner table the conversation about drugs came up somehow.Well i said I would never ever do drugs,My dad said never say never and then he went on and lectured me,he told me I can come through that front door as many times as I please but if i ever do drugs and he finds out dont bother even coming through that front door,my mom was like your being too harsh on him,Well harsh or not Ive never really drank and I have never touched any illicit drug.My dinner table was either a warzone or a comedy club sometimes both,i think most teens in here can relate to that.God dont ya just hate it when your ideas especially the 1 where ya ask for a quad and the folks shoot the whole idea down,where ya gonna ride it...The backyard... no your not gonna tear up the yard and the neighbors will not be happy w the noise and smell ,theres no place to ride them..Its not funny to hear that kinda stuff as a kid.Well sweet revenge not only do i have my dirtbike I will soon have my quad.Heres pie in my eye
Old 03-30-2001 | 01:05 PM
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Sugarhead, I have BAD NEWS for you. It doesn't end after you leave home. You just get replacements for the parents. Wait until you get married, the wife is going to say "where are you going to ride it, where will you put it, you're going to kill yourself, etc." lol

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