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Your vote: Bush or Gore?????

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Old 10-05-2000, 06:10 PM
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I would like to add my two cents worth. In 1992, Clinton promised a middle tax cut. In the VP debate Gore gave his word that he wouldn't rest until the working class got the tax cut they deserved. Democrats ran both houses of Congress. I'm still waiting for my tax cut. The only thing I remember are tax increases. Gore must be superhuman, going so long without rest.
They passed more gun restrictions than any other White House, while letting persecutions of Felony firearms counts go down. What good are more laws if they don't enforce the ones they have? It just makes more trouble for the law abiding. I read somewhere (I think it is true, but I can't verify it)that NRA members are something like 100 times LESS likely to use a weapon to commit a crime than the general population - so why are they being blamed for lawlessness? Gore has been caught telling so many fibs I lost count of them long ago.
I may not agree with everything Bush says BUT
He said he would cut taxes in Texas & did
He said he would raise education standards in Texas - and did - some say they need to do more, but at least they are going forward
Texas also has some of the most improved ratings for cleaning up pollution.
At least he does what he says or at least trys to!
Sorry, but Shady politicians get on my nerves, which means I am crancy alot. I also can't stand Gore's environmental proposals for farmers. Why should they have to follow pollution laws many times more stringent than a golf course? Sorry, I'm getting started again.
Old 10-05-2000, 06:39 PM
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Hey, there wouldn't even be an ATV Connection if Gore hadn't invented the internet! LOL, What a stooge.
The problem is I think Bush is no better. I really don't like either candidate this time.
Party politics and lobbying groups make me sick anymore. I'm concerned about the environment but I don't want to give up my ATV either. I'm a gun owner but I wouldn't vote strictly on the basis of that issue, there are foreign affairs and the economy to consider also. So, I'm still on the fence but leaning towards Bush. It's just that I don't really feel confident that he'll make a good president.
Old 10-05-2000, 07:04 PM
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This will probably be my first time not voting.Im a Dem and have allways voted in that direction,however,I cant stand either Bush or Gore in this election.It's not really a choice.Instead of picking the better of the two,it's more like picking the least WORSE of the two candidates.

Its like being robbed and the robber ask's?Im going to shoot you before I leave,do you want the bullet in the arm or the leg?
Old 10-05-2000, 08:41 PM
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I'm voting for Bush. Gore=no tax cut or maybe even a tax increase. He is for gun control. Gore lies at every chance he gets.
Old 10-05-2000, 08:44 PM
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i agree with rangerchet,i dont care for bush or gore..im really leaning towards nader as well..just wish he had a better chance
Old 10-05-2000, 08:50 PM
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I will vote for Bush and enthusiasticly. This country was created under the concept of freedom. That responsible,law-abiding people not be constrained by government to choose and live their lives. Bush, though not perfect, represents these ideals. Gore, on the other hand, promises everything to everyone, with one small catch. Subjugate yourselves further to government. That's what a targeted tax cut is. Behave as the government wants and we'll "reward" you with money, heathcare, etc.
On the atv side, Gore believes that the greatest "threat" to the earth is the internal combustion engine. They are not trying to ban snowmobiles from Yellowstone because they make the snow messy. They claim the exhaust is bad for the enviroment. This is happening under Clinton/ Gore. It is their policy. If Gore wins how long before the next "polluting" recreational vehicle is banned or restricted from public land?
I like Bush. He was a class act in the debate the other day. In contrast Gore acted like a spoiled brat overtly sighing and hogging the debate time. I believe Bush to be honest and sincere. As governer of Texas, he is certainly qualified ( remember Clinton was governer of Arkansas). Gore on the other hand is an ESTABLISHED liar and even told several huge whoppers during the debate. Why would anyone vote for someone who is a known liar?
The choice is clear to me; Bush! Now let me vote!!!
Old 10-05-2000, 08:54 PM
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I am concerned about the Nader fella, RangerChet. Have you taken a look at what Nader stands for? Protection of everything except our rights as US Citizens! He would love to see us all get rid of our cars and get inside a balloon propelled by an electric fan. Not how I want to get to my favorite fishing spot = )

I am a 57 year old retired mechanic who did everything the old fashioned way, I EARNED IT. I retired to the sierra nevada mountains at age 50. In my 30 years as a mechanic the most I earned was $45,000 in a single year, had a wife who stayed home, and raised 7 great children who have all went to college on MY DIME and grew up to be responsible adults. The government DID NOT do anything for me nor would I expect them to.

Those considering voting for Gore please take the time to examine what this country was founded on. Freedom and responsibility. We have now become a country of freedom ripping rules, scandals, lies, and handouts. Gore has had 7 years to make a difference, and instead continues to run on the same false promises. Why should anyone believe him? The man tells lies, even in presidential debates! For those of you who think that Clinton/Gore have brought prosperity to the country, ask a poor person if they are any better off. For those that are better off, did you do it or did the government? If you are RICH according to Gore and made over $50,000 while feeding a family of 4 how did you like paying over 1/3 of your income to the government? Clinton/Gore even raised taxes on Social Security yet seniors still think he's gonna save it? Great idea! Save social security so you can tax the old folks to death! Feeling a heart attack coming on must get off the Gore subject ; )

This year I will vote republican for the first time since George Bush in 88. (Perot 92 (stupid mistake), and was in the hospital with cancer in 96) I believe George W Bush has a sincere interest in this countries future. He has shown he has the leadership skills to bring people together and get jobs done. I feel he will be respectable and bring respect back to the office of the presidency.

Vote your conscience and you will make the right decision...BUSH/CHENEY 2000
Old 10-05-2000, 09:28 PM
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I'll be voting for Bush for many reasons, probably least of all ATV issues. The other posts have done a pretty good job of listing many of the other reasons and I don't have the time or space to list all of my reasons here.
I do not agree with Gore on even a single issue. The democrats "targetted tax relief" is nothing more than social engineering and my family is never the "target". Of course, I can afford my own food so I guess I'm rich to them. I don't believe anything that he says and after 8 years of lying, enough is enough.
I agree that Bush may not be the perfect and I have voted for Liberatarians in the past. But, in this race, it looks like every vote will be important. Unfortunately, a vote for anyone other than Bush will get you 4 more years of lies and even more erosion of your freedom. Please vote Bush.
Old 10-05-2000, 09:38 PM
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BUSH/CHENEY - Main reason, FREEDOM, I don't need the governments help making a living in this, the greatest country on the planet. I don't need the governments assistance in giving my child a good education or keeping them off drugs. I'm involved with my children. I know how they are learning and all my firearms are kept safely out of a childs reach. They will be taught the respect for firearms in due time.
The Democrats are all about, let me help you....
you poor pathetic person, who doesn't know how to get a job or take care of your family, let me help....

I don't need your help, keep the military strong and leave me alone, try not to INCREASE my taxes.
Take all of your government programs and shove 'em!!!
By the way, who makes minimum wage anyway? The kids flipping burgers and McDonald's are making $7/hr.
Old 10-05-2000, 09:54 PM
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Ok, I got to put in my two cents (this may be a little long, but I promise it will be worth it)….
This subject has had me upset for awhile. I’ve read all your posts, and please give me the chance to clarify a few questions and ask a few…. First let me give you some back ground on myself. I am a Sergeant First Class in the United States Army. I have been in the Army for 14 years. I have been on most the major deployments during that time. I have fought and killed for my country. I have served honorably and take very seriously my duties to protect your rights as outlined in our constitution.
This election is not about this candidate or that candidate. This election is about our way of life. It’s the fundamental differences between the parties and the candidates. Not whom you think is a good speaker, or even who promises the best policies. What is important is the bigger picture. Before I get into that, let me explain the major differences in the beliefs of the “majority” of the two parties. (I’m only scratching the surface)
Republicans, Conservatives; It is said that they are for the rich. This is true in part. The top 5% of the nation pay 50% of all taxes. And create the majority of the jobs for the rest of us. Why should some one who makes $1,000,000 a year have to pay $ 480,000 of that in taxes. He earned his money just like we did. The Big businesses, if they pay less taxes, that’s more resources they have to hire more workers, to increase production, so they can make more money and hire more workers, and life is good. Conservatives also, believe in personal responsibility. You, and no one else, are responsible for your actions. The rights of one individual shall not infringe on the rights of another. Personal freedom, government should be limited, only big enough to provide the minimum necessary to keep the nation intact.
Democrats, Liberals; It is said that they are the peoples party. Well, they believe in the little guy, the individual’s rights to be or do what ever they like. Nothing, is your fault, it’s society’s fault. Anything you do that’s wrong can be written off to a bad child hood, or TV influences or the fact you’re poor. All of this can be yours and all it costs is your taxes, lots of them. The rights of any individual cannot be infringed. If in exercising your rights, you infringe on another’s, they should leave, because you have the right to do anything you want. They believe that all big business is evil why, because someone is getting “too rich” (isn’t that the American dream?) and the “little people” aren’t, and that’s not fair to the little guy. That the Government should be all powerful and control all aspects of your life, in order to make things good for you, of course.
Now let me ask a couple of question; Why is the NRA bad because it stands for up for a certain part of the Constitution, while the ACLU is good, because it stands up for a certain part of the Constitution? Why do they believe that having self-esteem is more important than actually doing something to earn it? How is it that they can believe that businesses create oppression and government creates prosperity? Why are they against capital punishment but for abortion on demand, in short, they support protecting the guilty and killing the innocent.
I don’t understand Liberalism, they believe that every one should believe and act as you wish, that is, unless you don’t believe the same as they do. They condemn conservatism as fanatical, because we believe in individual responsibility, and that’s not fair.

Bush is not the clear choice, he is the only choice. It’s our lives, our children’s lives we’re voting for, and this responsibility should not be taken lightly.

One more thought… The second amendment “to bare arms” was not intended for the hunters and sportsmen, its purpose was so that the people could overthrow an unjust government. Thomas Jefferson said, “Only when the government fears the people it is government, when people fear government it is tyranny”. The revolutionary war was fought over a 3% increase in taxes, a total of 35%, we’re past 50% now combined.

This is MY opinion, the way I see things, I mean no insult, you believe as you wish, but I hope this makes you think about things.

Bruce L. Hall

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