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Old 03-20-2003, 10:04 AM
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Default Dixie Chick Solution


Sorry, I guess I'm showing my age, but it is a good quote. Would you prefer General Patton?
Old 03-20-2003, 10:20 AM
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Default Dixie Chick Solution

Don't know her age, but some of our young people really are being messed up by our education system.
I was clearing up some scrub brush and trees that were grown into a fenceline once, and my wife's sister & family (from the city) came to visit. I waved as they drove by, shut off the chain saw, and followed them to the yard. When I got there, the youngest one seemed to have a concerned look. I asked him what was on his mind. He asked why I was cutting down trees. I said because they were grown into the fence, and hanging into the field. Clearing them out makes it easier to fix fence, and keeps me from scraping the tractor against them when I do fieldwork. He then asked how I expect to be able to breate without the oxygen from the trees (he was 14 or so at the time). I told him the grass and corn that would grow in it's place would give off enough. He replied that, according to his science teacher, TREES give off oxygen, and if we cut them down, we will eventually run out of air to breathe. He went on to say that his science teacher didn't say anything about any other plants giving off oxygen. I assured him that grass and corn do, but he didn't seem too sure. I told him to ask his science teacher, and let me know what he said (If he didn't answer right, he was gonna get a long-distance call). Next time I saw my nephew, he said that his teacher admitted that grass and corn give off oxygen, but 'not as much' as trees. GRRRRRR

Now, I really can't blame the kid, that is just what they are 'indoctrinating' into them in school. Remember, this is Nebraska. I can only wonder what they are (and aren't) teaching kids in places like Kalifornia, especially places like Bezerkeley.

Remember, if someone seems to have a left-wing point of view, you don't have to resort to name calling. Just run some FACTS by them. About 90% of the time, they don't have any facts to back their point of view up, just a response designed to make you sympathetic to their cause (If it saves the life of just ONE child, isn't it worth it????) with no proof that they are right.
Old 03-20-2003, 05:28 PM
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Default Dixie Chick Solution

Um, er, ah, Rick, things kinda quiet around the shop there? hehe. I prefer the sound of a baying Beagle chasing bunnies over the Whiney Chicks. Freedom of speech, yes. Poor judgement, yes.

Farmer, as the son of two, now retired teachers, I laugh (with you). They now farm full-time. Some people really do need to get out of the city more often. How does that Whiney Chicks song go "wide open spaces"? Trees will grow back, and plastic TP blows!
Old 03-20-2003, 06:03 PM
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Default Dixie Chick Solution

Farmr123, I completely agree about the schol system, some teachers are cool, but others, if they see me with a ATV magazine or dirtbike magazine I do get some dirty looks, while other teachers want to look at them. Its mostly the science teachers that I hear most of this from. My drafting teacher on the other hand, he is as much against enviromentalists as I am, so thats cool.
Old 03-20-2003, 06:03 PM
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Default Dixie Chick Solution

Notice the lack of the reply from mudngirl.....she doesn't know why she is against the war, its just what the "cool people" are doing.....nice....what a clown
Mike Chero....actually you need to thank Steve Jobs(Apple), he made the OS that Gates copied to make it easy for dumb people to us the computer.
God Bless the Troops
Old 03-20-2003, 06:11 PM
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Default Dixie Chick Solution

Actually, Sandneck...

We need to thank Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, where Steve Jobs stole the idea for the original Lisa and Macintosh, for making the OS that Gates copied to make it easy for dumb people to us the computer.

Just some useless trivia. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Old 03-20-2003, 06:35 PM
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Default Dixie Chick Solution

I thought Algore invented the whole dang thing???
Old 03-20-2003, 06:55 PM
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Default Dixie Chick Solution

I never said that I am against war. I said the pres is whom I do not care for. I said defending our country is NOT bad. I find it very sad that Mommies and Daddies have to leave their children and their is a chance that they may never see them again. I grew up without my Dad and I wish that no child ever has to suffer the consequences of being without a parent. I am above resorting to name calling, I was raised better than that. I am entitled to my opinion and you, yours. May God watch over each and every one of us. It is a scary time in the world right now and people really should be nice not slandering people they do not even know.
Old 03-20-2003, 07:13 PM
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Default Dixie Chick Solution

Army, that was a good one, a really good one.
Thetooth, thanks I never knew that, interesting.
mudngirl, Do you agree with what they said about Bush or the Apology?I can respect people who have differing opinions, but I can't respect people who argue with emotion instead of facts. I also can't respect people who don't have the guts to stand behind what they say. I would respect you and the Dixie Bitches if you would have stuck to your guns. Your point is easy to disprove because you resort to a fallacy and so the rest of your statement is moot.I respect your right ot an opinion, but your information is wrong, his "daddy" could have done it in one more day, that was not the objective, get over it. Your right, name calling should be above us all. Maybe if he got that BJ he would be more like Clinton, gotten caught, lied about it in court, fired missles at Iraq for a distraction (without UN or French approval) and then you could think he was OK.
Here is a question you... What would you do if a President of the United States was the subject of an assination plot sponsered by a foreign state?
And you say " if we are all bombed and dead a boycott won't matter anyway" ...Thats what happens when we don't go to Iraq, and they give one of these WMD to a terrorist orginazition and they drop it on Chicago......
Old 03-20-2003, 08:43 PM
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Default Dixie Chick Solution

It's not all Mommies and Daddies. From my experience combat troops are mostly made up of single men, volunteers, and get this: they want to be there! Soldiers train constantly for war, and to assume that they don't want to leave home is misinformed. I knew a whole lot of guys who were gung-ho and wanted nothing more than the opportunity to use their skills to save the world from the forces of evil. Like the saying says, travel to exotic faraway lands, meet new and exciting people, and kill them.

Mike, to be honest, I would prefer Patton over Benatar.

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