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Old 08-23-2005, 05:14 AM
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Default Oregon Dunes and Dune Fest

What's wrong with riding on beaches? I try to make it onto the beach everytime I ride in Florence.
Old 08-23-2005, 03:59 PM
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Default Oregon Dunes and Dune Fest

I just absolutely love the beauty of the beach and part of the beauty is lost when machines go racing all over it. I feel that there are enough places to ride without mucking up the beach. I'm not going to go into detail about being nice to nature on here because I've seen how people react to that on these forums. So anyway....I don't hate people that ride on the beach where it is allowed I just feel we should think about what we are doing more.

Ride Friendly!
Old 08-28-2005, 03:59 AM
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Default Oregon Dunes and Dune Fest

"racing all over it. I feel that there are enough places to ride without mucking up the beach"
I am still lost to your reasoning. Oregon has 200+ miles of coastline and beaches with only a fraction allowing vehicles. Some could say the true beauty of the beach is that the rising tide erases the traces of those who came before.
I've lived on beachfront property, visited most of Oregons beaches and many in other countries. I've been riding in Florence for 28 years and not once have I ever seen anything but tire tracks left behind by vehicles of any sort. Once again, the tide removes those a couple times a day.
The beach means alot of things to people and some people enjoy riding on it and enjoying longer stretches of it than they have time or energy to walk on. If seeing tracks on a beach bothers you, I suggest traveling a short distance to another one of Oregons pristine beaches that doesn't allow vehicles.
Old 08-29-2005, 04:03 PM
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Default Oregon Dunes and Dune Fest

Well, I don't exactly feel like arguing about this, but I think not having the time or energy is a poor excuse (excepting the disabled, of course). Anyway....enough's been said.
Old 08-30-2005, 08:31 AM
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Default Oregon Dunes and Dune Fest

I'm sorry that you thought this was an argument. I'd say you still failed to make any logical case against beach riding so I will continue to take my friends and family on beach rides and picnics with our dunebuggy. Try carrying a 2 year old and a wagon full of toys and beach gear down that beach and then tell me about energy.
I'm struggling to understand how a person with environmental concerns such as your would have the audacity to own a quad. Perhaps there is hope for you yet. Some people would say you don't belong on the dunes and are mucking them up. Try riding down to the beach in Florence on a nice day and watch familys, some who have never seen a beach, enjoy themselves. Take a clear look around on the beach and realize the only thing mucking up the beach will be garbage that floated ashore. If it's worth picking up though it's called beachcombing.
Be carefull that living in Corvallis doesn't blind your ability to see that not everyone having fun is out to destroy to environment. We have alot less ability to affect the environment than you may think. Nature can take back trails and even destroy paved roads in a relatively short amount of time.

Old 08-30-2005, 12:24 PM
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Default Oregon Dunes and Dune Fest

Seriously, I wasn't really trying to convince anyone. I was basically just stating my opinion, and I never once said that everyone trying to have a little fun is out to ruin the environment. People can have environmental concerns and still own a quad. And what makes you so sure that I've never been to the beach with a two year old?? Sorry I got your panties in a wad, and I'll make sure all that bunk environmental science that they are inundating me with in Corvallis doesn't make me turn into a hippie. Chill.
Old 08-31-2005, 07:25 AM
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Default Oregon Dunes and Dune Fest

I'm sorry I've gotten you wound up, look at it this way, you came into my house and took a crap on my garage floor and I'm still just trying to save you grief.
The loss of riding areas is a real concern on this forum and probably the most sensitive subject you can bring up. There are plenty of people ready to jump your case (as you found out) but I who actually care about the environment more than you will ever believe, asked to hear some sort of reason that vehicles on the beach are bad. What you gave me was the equivalent of a boats wake temporarily ruins the beauty of a pond, meanwhile there's a huge lake nearby.
If you want to step into these issues, prepare at least some kind of decent argument other than it's just my opinion, other than that you really won't contribute more than the teenagers who take this forum down with name calling, even if you do write better than most of them. If you can't justify your opinion, it's probably best to keep it to yourself.
You want to know why you don't have a 2 year old? First I never said you hadn't taken a 2 year old to the beach, if you did I hope you enjoyed it, but I doubt it was yours.
You joined the forums from Corvallis at the same time college kids come flocking in. Not many girls in Corvallis have quads and you said you used to live at the coast. If you were 18 and a freshman, you'd be too busy and confused to be on these forums plus I think you've been exposed to some college environmental um guidance. You used the word muck which is very English so I'm guessing you picked that up reading Harry Potter or you hang with that crowd. The words chill and panty twist also fit that bill, personally I like the word knickers. You have a new Yamaha Raptor, advertising for which is heavily targeted toward young people and so are their financing plans. The old style raptors must be discounted so that an older more financially stable person would have bought something else or an 06 model. Your profile shows your name to be Meghan, popular for the age group in question. Then your style of writing and the way you try to end the your post as a finality but with a jab also seem a bit juvenile. You don't buy time and energy as an excuse, something the youth don't value much. If you were further than a Sophmore I also don't think you'd be on the forums or buying a quad.
All these may not be correct but they add up to a 19ish college student who most likely hasn't tried to herd a family down the beach for a picnic. Simple deduction Watson!
I've only tried to give you advice, take it or not
. P.S, I'm rooting for U of O to take you guys down in that fancy, undeserved new monstrosity of a stadium.

Old 08-31-2005, 09:05 AM
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Default Oregon Dunes and Dune Fest

I wonder if Brigit has ever been to Daytona Beach.

She aught to be upset with Katrina for fouling the Gulf shoreline.

Florence has a very small section of beach to ride on. The waves and wind erase any footprints left from atvs/dunebuggies.

Old 08-31-2005, 09:10 AM
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Default Oregon Dunes and Dune Fest

nice pics warmdye and you too mystereid

Was that supersprung Toyota 4Runner worth a darn,,,,,or did it just barely roll along trying to avoid breaking something.

Can't wait to shread the seashells next trip to the sand.
Old 08-31-2005, 03:23 PM
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Default Oregon Dunes and Dune Fest

Myst: I do have my reasons other than my opinion, but I did not state much more than that because I did not want to argue with anyone (though it has turned out that this is the case anyway). I've already been in some discussions about environmental policy, and that really went no where so I chose what I thought to be a less volitile approach of stating something very benign: simply that I don't feel people should ride on the beach. I did not say that people that do so are environment wreckers or stupid ignorant hicks or anything else inflammatory. I could have gone into more deep reasoning, but I did not want this discussion to go any farther than a simple statement of my opinion and perhaps another simple disagreement. But this is not what happened. My comment obviously irritated some people and even my statements saying that I do not begrudge those that ride where it is allowed made no difference. Basically, I didn't want to continue deffending myself when it was unnecessary. However, I'm human and therefore react poorly at times. I continued to retort because I don't like people making assumptions about me as a person, especially when I did nothing of the sort. I apologize for my 'jab' at the end of my last post, that was purely out of frustration. With that said, I am not going to waste my time explaining to you in detail why your assumptions about me are wrong. You can believe whatever you want, that's fine by me. Oh yeah, in response to your 'jab' about our new stadium: I'm not one who really cares for sports so if the ducks win...good for them. Also, I don't particularly care for our new stadium or our gigantic eyesore of a new parking garage. I think its all waste anyway and the money used for those things could have gone to better causes.

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