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Old 07-31-2003, 08:45 AM
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Default Questions about Land between the Lakes, Turkey Bay.

Originally posted by: Diablo
......thanks for the very helpful info, especially the heads up on the alcohol issue! That blows, I'm going to have some very disapointed campers, including me!............(from another post)......."I'll let my buddy know about the DB not being enforced... he's been scrambling around trying to get a silencer for his quad....."
Am I just not 'hip' to the younger generation?

Why would it make a difference if the rangers cracked down on sound or drinking on the trail?........especially if you wouldn't even think of trying to run a loud pipe or carry alcohol in the first place?

I see way too many posts up here regarding "do they check this?.....do they enforce that?"

What do the younger kids who read all of this........... finally come to believe?

Everything's "O.K.".....as long as you can get away with it?

Old 07-31-2003, 12:27 PM
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Default Questions about Land between the Lakes, Turkey Bay.

BLACKBALLED- Get a life! Is this all you do, look through the forums and try to analyze everything and point out how our generation isn't up to par with yours?

1. Some people, with performance quads, not utility, like to modify thier quads and increase the performance, meaning changing the pipe and filter, therefore increasings the DB output and putting them over the limit. Why is this so bad? Should everything stay stock? Would that be O.K. with your generation? The same generation who raced Hot Rods and created Woodstock?

2. I never mentioned taking alcohol on the trails. I would never, never encourage that. I meant on the campground. I will be with all adults, and we most likely were planning on drinking a few, AFTER we were done riding for the day. I would never let anyone drink and drive, never. I've lost friends to drinking and driving, and have lost my father to alcoholism, so I am very responsible when it comes to alcohol, and only drink on occasion. Did you not notice that I said we would still have fun exploring the place? Think before you post!

Maybe you took some of the things personal that I said to you from a previous topic, who knows. I stepped out of that topic early because I realized that you, Or your generation, could not be corrected. I've read some of your other topics, and find that you contradict yourself quite a bit. I chose not to reply because theres no reason, you are always right. You mention people not doing enough to battle the opponents of ATV's. You say the ATVA doesn't do enough? What have you done, other than sign the petition? I personally think, after reading your reply to this post, that its people like you that force "my generation" to have to put up with more and more regulations. So what side are you really on? To answer your question, which seems to get anwered every post that you reply to, no, you're not "hip" to my generation. I'm usually a nice guy, but you need to lighten up, and get a life......
Old 07-31-2003, 12:42 PM
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Old 07-31-2003, 01:08 PM
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Did you read my "disclaimer" that I posted after one of my previous replys? Thought I should throw that in!!!! I'm leaving tonight for LBL, so it'll be interesting to see what he has to say when I get back Sunday. Unless he posts sooner, which I hope DR. Blackballed will.
Old 08-01-2003, 08:52 AM
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Default Questions about Land between the Lakes, Turkey Bay.

Originally posted by: kfxtrailrider
They (LBL) do have rangers that drive around and check people for drinking and they will arrest you. If you are drinking, be careful because it is a federal offense if caught.........

Diablo's reply:
..."Hey, thanks for the very helpful info, especially the heads up on the alcohol issue! That blows, I'm going to have some very disapointed campers, including me!"

Please don't try and insult my intelligence by inferring that you boys were about to get your panties all in a bunch over drinking AT THE CAMPGROUND. If so, maybe you and your friends just might require intensive psychotherapy; that is, if you're all "worried" about keeping your drinks "in a cup" as anybody over the legal drinking age has figured out a long time ago. Do you think rangers "drive around" these campsites and give out tickets that are a "federal offense" for smelling alcohol in a plastic cup? Give us a break. I searched the LBL website and found nothing regarding alcohol "in camp" and will make a call today to confirm it one way or another.


From Diablo:

....." How "strict" are they with DB levels, I know their website says that you have to have a baffle, just wondering if they enforce this?......"

....."I'll let my buddy know about the DB "not being enforced", he's been scrambling around trying to get a silencer for his quad....."(From Blackballed.....so why in the heck should he stop scrambling???).

...."Some people, with performance quads, not utility, like to modify thier quads and increase the performance, meaning changing the pipe and filter, therefore increasings the DB output AND PUTTING THEM OVER THE LIMIT. Why is this so bad?...."

Then you have the 'gall' to imply the following?

(From Diablo):
...."I've read some of your other topics, and find that you contradict yourself quite a bit....."

Contradict myself? Pray tell, please give me some (or even 'ONE') example!

Why don't YOU take a look at what YOU are trying to convince all of our young riders on here that is ACCEPTABLE?

Screw the sound laws.......AS LONG AS YOU DON'T GET ***"CAUGHT"***???

Seems to me that you are no different than "duckdiaz" or some of the other kids on here who think it's O.K. to say whatever they please..........yet when someone actually QUESTIONS the validity of their statement?...........they never "said" or even "meant" whatever they claimed!". Is this how your liberal grade school teachers are molding you youngsters to behave? (sorry kids, but we didn't just all fall off the turnip truck!.......).

And "this" is the kicker:

(From Diablo):
...."You mention people not doing enough to battle the opponents of ATV's. You say the ATVA doesn't do enough?.........."

Let's first define who some of the "opponents of atvs" actually are. They are actually people like yourself who rarely care "what" the law is.......and then turn around in the next breath and claim THAT IT DOESN'T MEAN A DAMN TO YOU....... because there is probably not going to be anybody there to enforce it!

The ATVA? Yes, I signed the petition......... and wrote right on the document how much I felt that the statement we were all supposed to be sending to Washington was at best "weak" and did absolutely nothing to identify and straighten out those amongst us who were causing our problems.

(From Diablo):
..."What have you done, other than sign the petition?...."

What have "I" done?

How about attending state orv board meetings, spending countless hours up on the net and in person to keep the public "aware" of the mess we have up here in our orv leadership.......how about spending 7 to $800 (probably much more) of my 'own' money last weekend (non-reimbursable) to make sure twenty kids got their atv safety training certificate? How about being a current or former member of the MATVA, CCC (both here in Michigan), ATVA and the Windrock ATV Club?

And what do YOU DO, Diablo? Worry about getting caught drinking and if your buddy ought to 'quit looking' for a legal muffler before you all leave for LBL today?

....."I personally think, after reading your reply to this post, that its people like you that force "my generation" to have to put up with more and more regulations......."

The more I hear from young people like yourself who could care less about what the laws are..... as long as you don't get "caught"............I'm going to lobby more and more that they throw the book at you kids when they do. It's getting pretty evident to me that you kids don't need more regulations.........YOU NEED SOME GOOD "OLD FASHIONED" ENFORCEMENT!!!

And aint that really a shame for the "next generation" who never really had a chance to prove that they had more sense and respect than their fathers did. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
Old 08-01-2003, 10:20 PM
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Default Questions about Land between the Lakes, Turkey Bay.

I was just there a few weekends ago I didnt camp but my brother and his friend did.
While they were getting signed up for camping the Ranger stated that
"daily visitors are not allowed to drink, but campers are allowed to only
if and when they are done riding for the day". I think you can ride from about 8am
till 8pm... If you decide to drink at night make sure you bring enough because its a dry
county and it about 30-40 min to the next county that sells .. I did hear a lot of loud
pipes on few 4 wheelers and bikes, they also allow jeeps, dune/rail buggies so I dont think
it matters too much how loud it is. I do remember them saying that you had to have
a spark arrester. here is the link to their site


have a great time,
Old 08-02-2003, 05:32 PM
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Default Questions about Land between the Lakes, Turkey Bay.

Originally posted by: MikeCer
......While they were getting signed up for camping the Ranger stated that"daily visitors are not allowed to drink, but campers are allowed to only if and when they are done riding for the day"......."
Gee...."imagine that"..........when kfxrtrailrider stated the following:

...."They do have rangers that drive around and check people for drinking and they will arrest you. If you are drinking, be careful because it is a federal offense if caught...."

It took "Mike" to let folks like Diablo in on the fact that it (shockingly) actually wasn't a 'federal offense' punishable by 'arrest' to drink at a 'campsite' (gosh, I'm really sorry that I 'misunderstood' their intentions and 'disappointment' in regards to drinking down there.....).

Tell me something.......why do some of you guys come up on here and try to blatantly teach our youth about disregarding the law ("screw the sound law......who cares about 'decibels'.... if you don't get 'caught'!") and then turn around and get 'pissed off' when someone questions you about it? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]

I also agree with Bill above that the motorcyclists are the biggest offenders out there. We need to stiffen up our sound laws to the point where we inform this country that the majority of our people don't give a damn about "performance" beyond our racetracks and controlled settings. If you aren't talented enough to race...... or PAY THE MAN to use his track when the more gifted give it up to you... why should we all put up with your 'wannabe' wet dreams out here into the woods?.
Personally?....I could care less if every pipe manufacturer who had problems with meeting the limits...... had problems with staying in business also (and I'm sure that most every person visiting LBL for a "quiet weekend"...... would agree wholeheartedly [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]).
Old 08-03-2003, 05:46 PM
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Default Questions about Land between the Lakes, Turkey Bay.

I am considering going to Turkey Bay within the next couple of weeks. I have read the rules and regs and have a couple of concerns. First, I noticed that they want riders under the age of 16 to be on a dinky 90 cc quad which causes a problem as my 11 year old son rides a 300ex and my 10 year old daughter rides a Recon 250.

Do they really enforce this? How is the registration process and so forth? I would hate to drive 5 hours to find out we can't take our kids.

Also I noticed they require spark arrestors. This is a more solvable problem, but how picky are they about that? All my quads have stock exhaust except my V-Force which has Alien duals, but the arrestor is available for purchase.

thanks to anyone that can help.....
Old 08-03-2003, 06:43 PM
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Default Questions about Land between the Lakes, Turkey Bay.

Originally posted by: brewster2003
First, I noticed that they want riders under the age of 16 to be on a dinky 90 cc quad which causes a problem.........Do they really enforce this?

Also I noticed they require spark arrestors.........but how picky are they about that?

Like I mentioned above.........I guess your answer lies in what you want to teach your two youngsters about obeying the law and following the rules.

I guess you can always teach these kids that "you" know more about what law that LBL should have required for this area in regards to their age.............. and that spark arrestors are far less important than "horepower" when it comes to visiting a national forest.

Why show these kids that they need be inconvenienced........... if they don't get 'caught'?

Old 08-03-2003, 10:31 PM
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Default Questions about Land between the Lakes, Turkey Bay.

Me and my son have been going to Turkey Bay for years and he has never been "legal" age. He is now 12 and rides a Blaster they have never given him a second look . I register both quads in my name and we stay away from the check in station. We have run across rangers on the trails and they have never given us any problems. He is under my supervision at all times and riding with me. I don't believe in the age guidelines for quads, sorry go ahead and spank me. There is no way that my son could ride my daughters (age 8) 90 on the trails we ride and hill we climb. That would be crazy to try it. They let any age kid ride any size motorcycle I see no reason why it should be different with a quad.
Yes I guess I am teaching my kids to break the law. I guess I can't be perfect like some of the others. Go on and enjoy Turkey Bay it has some great riding. For a little more fun with out the restrictions on age, helmets,or riding double check out Coal Creek mining in Oliver Springs, TN. Great place to go ride.

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