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Sport quads own the trail at Wayne National Forest

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Old 10-16-2003, 07:45 PM
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Default Sport quads own the trail at Wayne National Forest

Went for a ride October 11th with 6 friends.
Apparently some sport quads don't have to slow down when they pass folks on the trail.
The whole place is narrow two way trails.
We keep a close watch for guys coming the other way.
When we see them coming we get over to the right and slow down.
Some of these jerks passed us without slowing down at all.
These A**HOLES should be banned from ever riding again.
One wrong move and there's an instant head on collision followed by a pileup.
There are moms and dads and kids and old people out on these trails.
The place is not a damn racetrack.
Inconsiderate pukes!
You put all of us at risk just so you don't have to slow down for 15 seconds.
No wonder they have a life flight pad there.
How about showing a little consideration for slower bikes and less experienced riders brothers????
Old 10-16-2003, 08:24 PM
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Default Sport quads own the trail at Wayne National Forest

Good post “Muddy”.

I’m all for having fun and I’ve been known to smoke the trails myself sometimes, but I, as everyone else should, only ride as fast as visibility and conditions permit. One has to expect the unexpected at all times and be able to come to a complete stop to avoid something that might be in your way at any point along the trail. So that means you must slow down on the corners or in other low visibility areas until you can confirm the path is clear and once that determination has been made it’s ok to turn up the heat as long as conditions and rules permit. Of course you should always be considerate of others and go slow when passing, this will keep anyone from getting “roosted” or worse yet hurt should a slip-up occur.

Also to bring up another point about trail courtesy, if you are overtaken by faster riders please pull over and let them by that way everyone involved can get maximum enjoyment out of their trail riding experience by riding at the pace that is most comfortable to them.

Just a little common sense and courtesy will help avoid accidents and other problems, problems that could end up having severe restrictions imposed upon your favorite riding area or having it shut down completely.
Old 10-16-2003, 08:27 PM
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Default Sport quads own the trail at Wayne National Forest

SPORT QUADS ROCK! now I know I own the trail too!

I dont discriminate who I run into,. I plowed over a holier than though dirtbiker 3 weeks ago who thought he owned the trail too.
Old 10-17-2003, 12:33 AM
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Default Sport quads own the trail at Wayne National Forest

I wonder if you'll have the same attitude after you kill somebody's kid.

I just want to make it home to mine.
I've got nothing against sport quads.
Just people who don't give a crap about anybody else but themselves.

Not "holier than thou" but obviously more concerned than you.

Wear your helmets brothers and watch out for warrior007!
He's not slowing down no matter who he might dismember.
Old 10-17-2003, 08:38 AM
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Default Sport quads own the trail at Wayne National Forest

muddyashell---- I ride WNF a lot. I was there the 12th. I can empathize with you. I have almost been head-on'd 3 times down in WNF Athens district(LoganOH). I ride a sportbike., but I ride with a little common sense. I DO slow up for the conditions, and slower traffic.. I TRY to be courteous when passing, I try not to splash slower riders when passing in muddy stretches. What I am saying is: Most of us do operate with some common sense, and courtesy. I will agree that there are some brain-dead dildoes out there on the trail. Lucky for us all, that they are few ,and far between!!!!!
Enjoy the Wayne !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yeah, don't worry about Warrior 007 types. The genepool has a way of flushing them away! LOL
Old 10-17-2003, 10:39 AM
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Default Sport quads own the trail at Wayne National Forest

It's not only sport bikes either ...

Every summer there are ATV tours through the province of Newfoundland. People come from all over to cross the provinces trailways. These are typically guided tours operated by mainland companies, and these guys FLY down the trails here. The trail is basically the old railroad and is just wide enough for two quads to pass by each other. The ATV tours come sailing around turns and such in excess of 70km/h.

Me and a buddy did a long trail ride one day (190km) and just about got head-on'd by a troop of theses ATV tourists all riding some Kawi utes, I'd say a good 6 or 7 times in the span of an hour. I'd like to string up clotheslines across the trail that the locals and anyone riding at a safe speed could see an easily avoid, but take out the a$$holes .. it would never work, but it's a nice thought [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

Ride save, arrive alive!!
Old 10-17-2003, 11:36 AM
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Default Sport quads own the trail at Wayne National Forest

Originally posted by: muddyashell
I wonder if you'll have the same attitude after you kill somebody's kid..
Everybody is somebody's kid, Im wondering what you consider a kid? someone 8 years old riding a polaris 700 ute like I usually see? Usually dads in front waiting at the next trail turn beer in hand from his cooler. Mommy? I passed her 5 miles back with a 6 month old on her lap but she pulled over cause the baby was crying. Thats what they do, and you know, I ride a sport quad and thats what I do so I tend to ride faster. Anything over 5-10mph looks fast when you are sitting still waiting for someone to pass the opposite direction but really isnt all that fast.

If your coming the other way on the trail and its easier for me to get over and stop than you of course I am doing that!

Its all common sense, sport quad or ute. but it definitely DOE NOT MATTER what your riding someone else is always in the wrong.
Old 10-17-2003, 12:29 PM
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Default Sport quads own the trail at Wayne National Forest

Come on NLWarrior01, a clothesline?
Not a nice thought.
If they are guided tours maybe you need to talk to the people running them.
They have to know that the trails are two way and that there are other riders out there.
They need to set the rules for their riders and enforce them.

The kids I'm talking about warrior007 are the 8 year olds on a 90cc bike riding behind their dad.
Responsible parents teaching their kids how to ride and be safe.
I saw three young girls on 80cc dirt bikes the other day riding with their parents.
Helmets, boots, goggles, gloves, armor, all the right gear.
These people are who the trails are for.
I saw a mommy with a baby the other day too. No helmets either.
Bad idea mommy! Take an ATV safety course.
There's just no excuse for roosting past them at 50+ MPH.
Are you the guy assigned to punish them for their ignorance or inexperience?
That's up to the park rangers, not you.
Just get past them without anything bad happening and enjoy the rest of your ride.

I ride a 650cc bike and believe me, my group rides faster than most people.
When we come upon a slower group we slow down.
When they pull over we pass them at a safe speed.
I know when somebody is blowing past me at 45 or 50 MPH.
If I show enough courtesy to slow down and make room, the passing riders should slow down to a reasonably safe speed.
If you want to race, go to a track. If you want to trail ride, show a little consideration for your fellow riders.

Old 10-17-2003, 12:38 PM
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Default Sport quads own the trail at Wayne National Forest

I know it's not a nice thought, but you could safely say that they wouldn't do it anymore [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

It's not an option I know, it's just how I feel about ignorant people like that. No common courtesy. Our own atv associations have tried to talk to the tour operators and have even gone so far as to try and involve the police, but no success. The police in Newfoundland are just not equipped to police trails and the tour operators just want to do as much business as they can, so they're not gonna be too bothered about a couple of pissed off newfies.
Old 10-17-2003, 12:38 PM
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Default Sport quads own the trail at Wayne National Forest

At first I wasn't quite sure if this was a post about safety, or an "I hate sport bikes" post. Anyway, as long as we are making generalizations about other groups of riders, I would say that out here in So. Calif. the most risky trail users tend to be teenagers on dirt bikes. This is natural, because when you are a kid you tend to think you are indestructible, and you are testing the limits of your abilities. Out in the dunes, you have the added risk of the sand buggie, which outweigh you by a whole bunch! And, there is pretty heavy alcohol use in a lot of the popular camping areas!!

Oh, and sorry, but if you are on a ute, you probably aren't going to be regarded as any kind of serious rider!!!!!

In 40 years of riding off-road, I have only had one serious accident with another rider. I was in the hills behind my house, riding a fire road. The road is wide, but has a lot of blind turns. I was WAY OVER on the right side (almost in the ditch) coming around a corner, and I met a kid on a dirt bike who was on my side of the road!! I went left to miss him, and unfortunately, so did he!! My right rear tire rolled up over his front tire, fliping my quad and launching me 20' through the air. I was wearing lots of safety gear, and walked away with only a bruised forearm. His whole front end was mangled!! I hope he learned his lesson!


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