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Old 10-20-2000, 10:27 AM
FKNA's Avatar
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I'm very familiar with Texas law. Since you're bringing up Texas law regarding the helmet issue, let's look at the rest of the laws. For $5, an application, successful completion of a safety course OR $10,000 in medical coverage the state will issue you a sticker which would allow you to ride on public property WITHOUT a helmet.
Old 10-20-2000, 10:38 AM
kevin_staton's Avatar
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Good points.

I wear a helmet 99% of the time. I ride with people that NEVER wear a helmet, and I ride with others that always wear a helmet. Each and every person makes the decision to wear or not wear a helmet. It is their decision and they must live with the consequences.

For me, I would never forgive myself if I had a wreck and injured myself because I chose not to wear a helmet. For me, it is just too easy to put one on.

This whole conversation comes down to individual rights. Who knows more about what is best for you? Can you think of a single politician that you would want telling what to do every second of every day? Think it isn't happening right now, you're fooling yourself. If you're reading this on a computer, there are government regulations that stipulate how much energy your monitor can use, how much RF energy it can give off, look on the back and you'll see that it meets some osrt of FCC regulations.

Did the monitor manufacturer do this voluntarily? No, they didt it because the government said they had to meet all these requirements if they want to sell monitors in this country.

Any government agencies first priority is self preservation. They try to grow as large as possible so it will be hard for people to live without them.

If you want to know what you can do to keep the government from controlling every aspect of your life, start by voting for Harry Browne for President and any other Libertarian candidate you can. As long as you continue to vote for the same old parties, you get the same old government. Check out www.harrybrowne2000.org and learn more about your choices.

These are my views and do not represent an endorsement by Windrock ATV Club.
Old 10-20-2000, 03:26 PM
TEXMud's Avatar
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FKNA, Wow I did not know that sticker meant you didnt have to wear a helmet. Very interesting.
Old 10-20-2000, 04:37 PM
FKNA's Avatar
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TexMud, just so there is no confusion let me explain just a bit further. There are two types of stickers one can get for their atv. 1) An atv registration sticker (which is required in order to ride in national forests, etc) which costs about $50 for a year, from March to March. 2) Helmet exemption sticker ($5) which allows one to ride a motorcycle, atv without a helmet.

In regards to the first sticker (atv registration) they will tell you that is required for ALL PUBLIC LAND. However, looking on the DPS site their ATV Transportation Code mentions NOTHING of having to have the atv registration sticker in order to ride on public land. I always carry that code with me just in case someone tries to ticket me.
Old 10-21-2000, 06:39 AM
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I use to live in Illinois, where there is no Helmet laws in affect. I would always see people riding without a helmet and thought to myself how crazy they were, but that it is thier right.

What I saw on one paticular day, really made my blood boil. Kids on the back of thier mother and fathers motorcycle without a helmet.

I'm sorry, but I do not agree with that at all.
Those kids are relying on an adult to make a good judgement on thier behalf.
Old 10-21-2000, 11:23 AM
King's Avatar
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I agree that if a parent is allowing thier child to ride they SHOULD make that child wear a helmet.I have seen the same and it gets me real bent when i see a parent not makeing thier child wear a helmet.I take my 19 year old daughter rideing.And even thou she is an adult i MAKE her wear a helmet or she dont ride.
Old 10-21-2000, 12:00 PM
JoshCVBz's Avatar
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Personally, I think that it is up to the rider, on whether they wear a helmet or now (unless there is a law). However, I think that the smart choice would be to wear one either way. Just my thoughts.
Old 10-22-2000, 06:36 AM
FKNA's Avatar
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I hear ya BadCat. Kids should be wearing helmets. Helmets DO = Safety. And those parents should be smacked over the head with a baseball bat to knock some sense into them....Don't get me wrong, I'm all for individual rights. However children do not have those same rights. When they turn 18, then they (in my opinion) should have the right to NOT to wear a helmet, NOT wear a seat belt and take a chance on killing themselves. But until that time they have no rights and WE as RESPONSIBLE parents should ENFORCE SAFETY UPON OUR CHILDREN.
Old 10-22-2000, 02:05 PM
IndyDave's Avatar
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I agree. You shouldn't be FORCED to wear a helmet on your property, or on public land. If you ride on someone elses private land, you respect their rules, and wear the helmet if required.

If you choose NOT to wear a helmet, you should be required to sign a waiver, stating that you will not make ME, THE TAXPAYER, pay your medical bills, and your welfare check should you become a vegetable.
Old 10-22-2000, 08:18 PM
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indy dave now someone in here finally thinkin. I was tryin to figure out how to say just what you said. Im so tired of people in here not sayin the whole picture. Ok lets say for this discussion you go on someones land without a helmet and you kill yourself, Not only does the rest of the atv community looks like we all are unsponable idots, but i get to pay for your 4 rugrats to live for the next 18 years cause they get to collect social security. As far as i care ride on you own land without a helmet, but you should never leave your house without the dam lid. Im all for freedom but what the hell do you exactly do you have against a helmet anyways?? I think you are only thinkin of yourself by this refusal to wear a helmet, what about your family, what about the guy to gets to find your head on one side of a tree, and your body on the other??? Maybe there shouldnt be a law to make you ware one, but why would you need a law to tell you to do something that you know damm well is something you should have been doing all along? Use the common sence that your parents beat into your thick head.


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