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Ever had a run in with the COPS ......??

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Old 03-24-2004, 11:00 PM
Honda125Fourtrax's Avatar
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Default Ever had a run in with the COPS ......??

well around here we dont worrie about the cops. They kno my house very well we ride my track and kids coem from all around and by the time they get here cops are called the cops will show up come in my back yard and give us a speach. They take down our names addresss and color of the quad. and having the only green quad around isnt fun.I would ride roads 15 miles from my house 2 rid ewith my friend i would loose a cop on my way home but when i did get there would be another cop in my drive way.we made a back way in now. Cops around here either hate u or liek u i was at the gas station meeting my friends to go ride and a cop pulles up asks for our names then i took of my helmet and he said well ahev fun guys later.It was my cusin.There is a guy that lives a mile away going towards thew quarries and he usded to call the cops on us.he he stoped when they didnt do anyhting. so he stated to walk in the middle of road with a pipe and threten us my friends he stole there keys and when inside he came out and said ll keep them next time. He has pulled a gun out once or 2 times when i cruzed by. He also ripped a kid right off the back of his quad and took trhere keys the kid called the cops and the cops around here made him like a honary officer so they liek him and favor him that wat we deal with some of u are lucky
Old 03-25-2004, 12:48 AM
grizzly2bad4u's Avatar
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Default Ever had a run in with the COPS ......??

da Bear eah,
mabe u are a cop that would be the good guy and not give us resonsible atv'ers a sitation but what cop would
even come on an atv forum and actually say out to the public that they would give tickets to every atv'er if the were to ride on da road.

Let me ask u a question when u were a kid (only applies if u had moto off road vehicle of some sort?) did u ever get pulled over by a cop out of the blue?? if u did what was ur first reaction???what did u do

Nother Question: as of right now if u seen a quad on the road and pulled them over like u said u would with and end result as a routein check what would u do if it was a kid (under 16)driving a quad when the 200cc quad says
reccomended age 16 or older.(FYI under 16 manufactures reccomends 90 cc or less i think)
(which i think is aganist the law every where if on public land) to be riding a quad to much ponies, I might add

so that must give every right to run from u police right(i understand not in ur eyes)

i heard from my friends that if u are under age u can get ur four-wheeler impounded from riding on road and underage is this actually true? It seems like that is why the young crowd is more likely to run.right ??
just like adding 2+2

1ore Q(for my refrence) can a neibor call cops for distirbing peace in middle of the day and what would u do

Would like u to answer Questios like the situation is happening and as true as possible (no sugar coating for the atv'ers because most cops,i guess are having a bad day when they see an atv.(not in my experince as all went well)

O how could u hit a inocent bystanderd if u are on an atv and u are trying to lose a cop off road or are u using a refrence to a past police chase of a Car??what type of four wheeler do u own or any other vehicles in that category.

Thanks for ur time
Just remember Bear , this letter intention is not to disrepect u or to offend Police as a whole but the whole thing about getting a 250 dollar ticket sure is persuading me to .......I mean .... umm...just...
(lets just keep it at AVOID cops for now eh?)Don't hold me to it i never once said i would run from cops in this post
answer away please

Old 03-25-2004, 02:06 AM
SandyBear's Avatar
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Default Ever had a run in with the COPS ......??

Some of you raise valuable questions. And some of the questions you raise and the assumptions you come to rather quicky baffle me. No wonder why you would think about running.

One thing. I do assume a big responsibility when I initiate a PURSUIT. And I quickly have to assess whether it is safe to continue. Yes, I have terminated several because they were too risky. I like the things that I own and dont want to face losing them. But most of all, I dont want to face a family because I was trying to be a cowboy chasin the villain.

Gee, Im on an ATV forum. I guess I ride. Feel free to look at my pic. That is my current ride. There are alot of other things that I ride too. So, speaking in this forum and commenting on it, I can see it from both sides. But being in the political side of it as I am, I see where some ruin it for others. Hence, the reason I commented so candidly about the senslessness of running from the police. And the impression doing so leaves with others about the ATV community.

I also ride jetskis. Last year I was on a ride upriver with a friend. It was a warm Saturday morning and we rode up the Columbia River. This is a big river. The water was like glass and we were going up the main channel. All of a sudden, this boat was on us. He came out of anchor and sped after us. He cut my friend off and was trying to run me down! I finally stopped after swerving out of his way and he sped up to yell at me about how I had run his gear over the other day and he was going to kick my !@! He sure got quiet when I otherwise presented some identification and after calming him down to embarrasment, explained that he had me mixed up with someone else. The point of this is perception. He hated jetskis because of what someone else had done. And look at what means he went to. No, I didnt arrest him. Cite him. And he was REALLY embarrased. But after talking to him for awhile, it was all good. But the main point of this is: WHAT DO YOU DO TO MAKE PEOPLE HATE WHAT YOU DO? WHAT DO OTHERS DO TO MAKE PEOPLE HATE WHAT YOU DO?

As far as writing tickets and private property. You are responsible for knowing where you are allowed to ride. And to know the laws that apply. I had a ticket two months ago because I did not make myself fully aware of the law. I despised the way the deputy treated me during the contact and I have since resolved this in a tactfull manner. And I paid the $113.00 ticket. I was wrong and it was his perogative to write the ticket. No problem. But even though that was a bad experience, the Deputy lacked professionallism. (I did not tell him I was a Police Officer until after he had issuedthe ticket and I put it away). (Yes, he was duly embarrassed and rightly so). I would not consider " Running" the next time. That is senseless.

I speak to your question about impounding the vehicle. Different places have different laws reguarding age etc. I can only speak to my own decision and the way that the laws apply here. Age reccommended by manufactures is just that. Riders here must have attended an ATV safety class. This is a good thing, IMO. But I would not be able to impound the ATV or bike just because someone did not have a ATV Safety Class card. But if they ran from me, other regulations apply for a felony arrest.

I just hope that some of you will think a little more about what you are doing before you do it. Think it through. The most important thing I do in training is ask myself "What if..........?" It wouldnt hurt you to do the same.

Old 03-25-2004, 02:09 AM
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Default Ever had a run in with the COPS ......??

Originally posted by: Eceriderjbomb
One good ole sunday moring im taking a go0od ole ride back on the trails and needed some gas. Since i live in hicksville pa i can praxticly go down the road 1000 feet and be at a gas pump. we ended up going down there. Me and 1 friend on a 3 wheelier. We pumping up our shinizels{yes i said snizzles}[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] and theres a state police officer on the other side of the road. We dont worry about him beacuase as long as where notm riding we are not doing anything wrong. He pulls over and where jnot just going top ju8mp on and run so he talks to us. He was a very nice young police officer that got cals on a red and a white/yellow atv's going down the roads racing{ witch was not me on a green bigbear and a red 3wheelier} He said that the state councile was tihnking of banning atv's for any dirt thats not your own but came to the conclustion that if you stay on the side of the road going about 5 to 10 mph on the side of the road then there should be no problem and be carfule. Once i heard this news i was veryy happy

he was talkign about backroads mostly the ones that i live on.

Now Im sure evreyone has had a run it in with a insesitive cop but anyones have a nice guy like mine. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Here in CT it’s illegal to ride your quad on any public land. U can’t get it registered or a license or nothing. The question is how much of a fine is it if u do get pulled over in CT and do get a fine?
Old 03-25-2004, 02:19 AM
CaptainCarl's Avatar
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Default Ever had a run in with the COPS ......??

The last runin with the police was at the monstermountain mx park a few months back.there was a problem with the owner and some guy over parking a truck to close to the trak and some guy ran under the bumper of it when he ran off the track. the owner went and got in the guys face before checking on the kid. i went over to break them up and the owner told me to keep my nose out of it. i popped him a good one and the next thing you know everyone is on top of me. then james goes out there to help his dad out and the kid who crashed got up and popped him one. it was very confusing. the guys who drive the ambulance stood there and watched. they never liked us anyway. to sum it all up, i got to spend the night in jail while james waited in the lobby. the next morning, i called the track owner to find out just what the hell pissed him off so badly. he said that i was banned from the track and all the points that james earned this season would be revoked. i am now in talks with my attorney about sueing for damages, defamation of character, and getting my son, james an automatic title win this year since he cant legally as of now defend it. It's guys like these who make us all look bad. i will keep you guys posted.
Old 03-25-2004, 01:24 PM
pimp250r's Avatar
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Default Ever had a run in with the COPS ......??

CaptainCart, that really sucks man...good luck with that case man!

Another problem is just that people simply don't trust cops. If I was on the road and saw a cop, it would depend on the situation whether I'd run out not.
If he came flyin outta no where with lights and sirens, you could bet I'd be gone and that monkey better not chase me. People don't trust cops because as soon as they see them we assume they are going to get information wrong and accuse us of doing something we werent, take or quads or giv us a fine or ban us from where ever etc etc etc. Some people naturally have things against cops. I ride my quad on the gravel roads constantly and the highway too.
Personally, I feel I should be able to right there as long as I'm not doing anything dumb. I am not hurting anybody or putting anyone in dangerous what so ever. If a motorcycle of ANY kind and GO KARTS can be legalized to be on the roads, why can't I be on the road??? I have friends that live bout 1 mile from me and we ride quads in the woods alot. I am *not* going to strap my quad to the top of my car and drive it only 1 mile down a gravel road, onto the highway about 1/8 mile and back down another gravel road 1/4 mile to get to their house. No sir, I'm taking my quad all the way. If cars are coming, I wait for them to go by and I never drive between cars like a normal car would. I wait til I'm last in line, then I take off and go my way 55mph to their house. Or whatever the speed limit is of course :-) But there is NO WAY IN H3LL I would ever let someone take my quad away especially if all I was doing was riding on a road when no one was around, not even horsing around. Just going from point A to B.

The problem is is that when a cop starts chasing you, he is not longer encouraging you to stop. If he is chasing you, you will run. And would could have been a simple slap on the hand turns into a very dangerous situation. The cop should know this and not encourage anyone to run at all. I mean, get real, no one is gonna start running and 1 mile down the road stop and pull over to talk to you again to re-negoitate. Only 2 things will happen. the guy on the quad will either get away from a trail or whatever or he is going to smack into the side of a tree or bridge so the cop can finally give him his warning or $80 ticket.
Yes, the person is wrong in any case to run, but the cop doesn't have to chase. Then he is simply encouraging a dangerous situation.

Old 03-25-2004, 02:23 PM
kuz28's Avatar
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Default Ever had a run in with the COPS ......??

Pimp250r: I agree with you. Most Basic Human instinct "Fight or Flight" and when you have adrenalin already pumping through your veins from riding...chances are, it's gonna be flight. hell...when i'm all alone in the woods...and another rider starts following me. I keep going. Not because they could be the law. but because i don't know who it is or what they want. i'm alone riding and i'm not interested.

DSXBear: i agree with you also...i know if someone keeps going. it just raises your suspicion more (maybe they have a warrant out for them?...maybe it's stolen?) I do respect the Law...but also very cautious at the same time. Badges don't mean people are super ethic or good or right. they are people...human...and flawed like the rest of us. i really repect your ability to share with us and talk with us honestly...without gran-standing or Judging. your approach will win hearts and minds and further respect. Thank you. (now, do you think you could make a call and help me with my Ticket [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] )

i would like to expand on the definition of running...for those reading this that may get the wrong idea. My method of running is more ignoring there presence. you know...when you see them on the other side of a sand pit...but you act like you don't. but your staring at them through you tinted goggles out of the corners of you eyes. they start moving...and your like. well, i think it's time to leave.

I'm not talking about someone jumping out at you...trying to put the grab on you. up close, clearly an officer of the law. breaking his hold and/or using the machine to intimidate him to get away. Thats more like resisting arrest. and clearly illegal.

i think we can all agree...alot of these circumstance. start off...as a game. they're trying to act like they're not interested (so they can get closer). and you act like your not looking at them or not overly concerned. then you notice them following...and the speeds increase. you try to ditch them in the woods. then you attempt to cross a street while looking over your shoulder. screeeech! Bamn! you get nailed by a atumobile.

not sure where i'm going with this...but it does raise some good points and questions. who's at fault? were you being chased or just followed? if you were just injured...i think they'd probably call you wreckless and leave it at that. if someone in the car was injusred or worst. then it would get spun into how you were clearly running from the law...and riding to endanger. No real point here...just an example how things can get spun depending on the outcome.
Old 03-27-2004, 01:43 AM
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Default Ever had a run in with the COPS ......??

Originally posted by: pimp250r
CaptainCart, that really sucks man...good luck with that case man!

Another problem is just that people simply don't trust cops. If I was on the road and saw a cop, it would depend on the situation whether I'd run out not.
If he came flyin outta no where with lights and sirens, you could bet I'd be gone and that monkey better not chase me. People don't trust cops because as soon as they see them we assume they are going to get information wrong and accuse us of doing something we werent, take or quads or giv us a fine or ban us from where ever etc etc etc. Some people naturally have things against cops. I ride my quad on the gravel roads constantly and the highway too.
Personally, I feel I should be able to right there as long as I'm not doing anything dumb. I am not hurting anybody or putting anyone in dangerous what so ever. If a motorcycle of ANY kind and GO KARTS can be legalized to be on the roads, why can't I be on the road??? I have friends that live bout 1 mile from me and we ride quads in the woods alot. I am *not* going to strap my quad to the top of my car and drive it only 1 mile down a gravel road, onto the highway about 1/8 mile and back down another gravel road 1/4 mile to get to their house. No sir, I'm taking my quad all the way. If cars are coming, I wait for them to go by and I never drive between cars like a normal car would. I wait til I'm last in line, then I take off and go my way 55mph to their house. Or whatever the speed limit is of course :-) But there is NO WAY IN H3LL I would ever let someone take my quad away especially if all I was doing was riding on a road when no one was around, not even horsing around. Just going from point A to B.

The problem is is that when a cop starts chasing you, he is not longer encouraging you to stop. If he is chasing you, you will run. And would could have been a simple slap on the hand turns into a very dangerous situation. The cop should know this and not encourage anyone to run at all. I mean, get real, no one is gonna start running and 1 mile down the road stop and pull over to talk to you again to re-negoitate. Only 2 things will happen. the guy on the quad will either get away from a trail or whatever or he is going to smack into the side of a tree or bridge so the cop can finally give him his warning or $80 ticket.
Yes, the person is wrong in any case to run, but the cop doesn't have to chase. Then he is simply encouraging a dangerous situation.
The red and blue lights mean stop. FYI. Not run. Not an encouragement to run. Man, I give up. I guess thats job security. Like Dano says, "Tell it to the Judge!" [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif[/img]
Old 03-27-2004, 02:43 AM
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Default Ever had a run in with the COPS ......??

I've been stopped by MP's on Ft. Polk once. This was pre-Humvee [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] Any other time I was pursued by them, they didn't catch me.. including being followed by a Blackhawk (think they were just messing with me)
Old 03-27-2004, 01:49 PM
pimp250r's Avatar
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Default Ever had a run in with the COPS ......??

DSXBear, I know what the lights mean. But my point was, if the quad rider doesn't stop and the cop persues him/her,
the quad rider WILL NOT stop....they aren't going to be chased 1 mile down the road then decide to pull over and see what
the cop has to say. If the cop begins the chase someone after the rider takes off, it will further encourage a dangerous situation.

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