Category: Uncategorized

Top 5 ATV Fails: Because Not All Ideas Are Good

Top 5 ATV Fails: Because Not All Ideas Are Good

As an industry, we’ve made great strides in separating the ATV concept from the “redneck”, “hillbilly”, or “backwoods bumpkin” stigma and yet, thanks in no small part to the fact that almost everyone’s phone has a camera these days coupled to the magic of the internet, there are more public examples than ever of how […] More »

By: | April 4, 2012

Compression Obsession: Making Power When Your Piston Gets Pushy

Compression Obsession: Making Power When Your Piston Gets Pushy

There are many ways to make more power from your ATV’s engine; bigger bore, stroked cylinder, exhaust system and intake, fuel mapping, camshafts, porting. Like most things mechanical, a modern ATV mill can be pushed about as far as the limits of reliability (and the depths of your pockets) will allow. Your power-obsessed editors have […] More »

By: | March 27, 2012

Top Five ATV Wheelies Gone Awry

Top Five ATV Wheelies Gone Awry

While the logic of attempting a wheelie on an ATV isn’t lost upon us, what the stars of the following internet videos did to botch the effort up so miserably is beyond us. We can however appreciate their efforts for the sheer comedic value of it all.

By: | March 23, 2012

Four Layers of Anti-Theft Protection: The Trailer Trap

Four Layers of Anti-Theft Protection: The Trailer Trap

Every now and then we’re reminded of the harsh realities of the tough times that surround us when stats on ATV theft are released. And while no security measure is full proof, we’re always glad to pass on news of innovations that can deter a potential thief from making off with your hard earned machine. […] More »

By: | March 21, 2012

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