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The PERFECT DAY -- (warning: 30 min to read:)

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Old 05-14-2000, 09:13 PM
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I went on a mud ride to day. I was having fun even thought I had about 12 holes in my tires (from riding in the same place 2 days ago when some wacko put roofing nails all over), EVERYONE but Cat, Mudhog, and The_law canceled on me, and Mudhog, and Cat left after they seen that I had found ANOTHER 3 LEAKS. So as you can see the day was starting out JUST GREAT!!!!

Well after pulling in I found a hole where most of the nails were and I threw abunch out of the trials. The holes were VERY DRY. The first hole was VERY BAD and I didn't want to get in there and have a Honda 300 4x4 with a 1500 winch not beable to pull me out so I stayed out of that hole. When I pulled the 300 out I HAD ALITTLE TROUBLE getting him out. We went in the back (hanging over our front racks looking for nails) to the other holes. There was a very deep but dried up hole that I had made it threw before. The bad thing about this hole is that you have to hit it with speed or will either high center or not make the climb out of the rack deep pit. I hit it in 2nd gear low(I forgot I had it in low) and I came flying threw out the hole and landed a little wierd and got a VERY funny look The_ law's face(he never seen a quad do that). Well after a few more stucks and finding 3 or more holes loaded with nails we decided to go where we had had such fun the last time. It's a place that always stays full of water.

I went to the spot where we normally clean off and I stopped to see where the snake in front of me was headed. when I went to go again I noticed that it was ALOT worse than before, I had to start rocking my cat agood bit to get threw.

We went to the other side of this small swamp and found a muddy thing(not a trail, not wet enought or enought plants to be considered a swamp, mud lake????) that had a slush that was alittle over the floor borads on my cat. I hit it in 2nd high and with rocking and backing up a few times I made the 75ft pass in about 8 min. Then I talk The_law into trying it and he flies threw it. I did the same thing and we started playing in the less deeper part to we could go threw even faster.

After that we crossed the "little swamp" again to clean off. Then I talked Law into going crossing the "little swamp" again and going down the trail to where there where 2 nasty holes. I let him try one and saw him get stuck so I backed up behind him to pull him out. I hooked the tow strap to my hitch, put it in first gear, and pressed the gas when all hell broke loose.

When I pressed the throttle I felt the fronts spin, felt a vibration, and heard a noise that sounded like grinding gears. The rears didn't move. I screamed to Law "Dude, I broke my bike." I started cussing and talking stuff then I said-- some thing for the moderator's to delete-- and told The_law " I'm getting you out!!!" he calmed me down and said he would use his winch. So we unspooled it only go find that no tree was in the short @$$ 25ft cable's grasp. So I got my cat in front of him sideways and hooked the cable to my rear hitch. I put her in first and heald the brakes. He winched his self out and we headed back home.

I crossed that "little swamp" with little trouble (maybe I was pissed?) but climbed out with a little more trouble, front wheels(both) only thing pulling. We used high ground to make it back to the gravel road then started about a 20 mile ride to the car wash and my house. P.s the cops caught us on the road on the way( day gets better and better?????)

At the car wash we got freaky(I sound happy???) and washed our quads. Taking pitures before and after. I decided to see if I could feel my rear tires pulling on the cement with ont front wheel in the air. SO I started doing sharp turns on the cement leaning to get the front up and I could feel the rear pulling. We headed back to my house to get his shoes. On the way he could see my rear tires spining going up a small steep ditch. So I thought I was in the clear, WRONG. About a mile from my house in a canal the rear let loose again and I had to rock my cat to get out of the canal.

After getting home and taking a hose to ME. I gave law his shoes and rode him back to the car wash again (that where his dad went to pick him up). My cat got me back home again with little of that noise.

Now if you were crazy enought to read this I thank you. But remeber, "Don't worrie, be happy"

Old 05-14-2000, 09:38 PM
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P.S: I had some Kinda slime that Arctic Cat sells in the right front and I put real slime in the left front and right rear. But the left rear I tried fix-a-flat in a can and ended up having to use a plug.__ that was saturday

When Cat,mudhog, and I were waiting for law to show up I found that my right front was flat so I aired it up and put a plug but my tires was still low and my air tank didn't have any air left. So I took off to the gas station and told Mudhog and cat that I would just go fix my tires. I got to the gas station took out 2 other nails out of the tire and put plugs in them. I aired up my tires and filled the tank and did about 55mph the hole way back home.

I could see that Law had got there at the begining of the road. But what I didn't see was that Mudhog and Cat had loaded up and decided that they didn't want to shred 800 bucks worth of tires. I saw that when I pulled in my drive way.

I am sorry for the lenght and grammer of these post, BUT I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY AND i CAN'T SPELL IT!!!!!!!!!
Old 05-14-2000, 10:16 PM
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After that adventure, I guess you will be riding alone for a while. Do you have any idea who put the nails out there?
Hope you bike is not damaged as much as you think it is. As soon as you find out, let us know what happened. Where you backing up when pulling the Law out?
Old 05-14-2000, 11:17 PM
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NO one knows who put the nails.

I will not be riding PERIOD for a long time.

I was pulling in 1st gear high range(forward).
Old 05-15-2000, 12:42 AM
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Man, that sounds like one heck of a bad day. I can't believe there are people out there like that who will go to the trouble of throwing nails out like that. Boy if I caught somebody doing something like that, well, I had better not say what would happen to him. Sorry to hear about your 'Cat. Hope everything works out OK, and you are able to get it fixed.

Good luck, hope tomorrow is a better day.

Old 05-15-2000, 09:55 AM
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Wow, Mr. Bones! Did the month of May contain a Friday the 13th this year? Bummer!

Sounds like your drivetrain problem could be Hi-Lo Shifter (between the two)/Subtransmission/Rear Driveshaft U-joint(s)/Rear Driveshaft/Rear Final Gear Drive, starting with the most likely.

Hope you get it fixed up soon, better than new; we need you back in the swamp!

BTW, what happened when the cops stopped you? Talk your way out of it? Again (hehehehehe!)?

Thanks for sharing an informative and entertaining story, I'm sincerely sorry your misfortune is involved.

Tree Farmer
Old 05-15-2000, 09:16 PM
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boner,its unlikly that if anything broke in the rear or trans that it will work then not work,check the rear hubs and make sure that you didnt strip the splines

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Old 05-15-2000, 11:43 PM
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Good point, FrankD; also, splines COULD be stripped on the rear driveshaft or collar.

Tree Farmer
Old 05-16-2000, 01:16 AM
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Tree Farmer,

No, the 13th was the day before the Ride which was a saturday.

I making me look dumb now. I started her up when I got back from spring training and went on some gravel to see if the rears would pull at all. They did. In fact, I can't even get them to slip now, both before and after I changed my engine and rear axle oil.

When the cop stopped us he just told us to stay off the road. All I did was say "Sir" behind everything I said.
Old 05-16-2000, 01:16 AM
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