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Old 01-27-2006, 11:01 AM
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The bike did blow up a couple of days before it shipped down to Glamis but they got her going again. Gary said he sold it to a guy from Arizona and AZsand was the rumered buyer. If you read the posts in this thread, before MLK weekend AZsand sounds like he did buy it but is just being evasive. If you read his responses after MLK weekend, he sounds more positive that he didn't buy it. It is possible that the sale was contingent on the bike performing well which would explain his optimism before hand and his pessimism after the fact.

He pm'd me and threatened me to lay off that bike or I was going to pay dearly. That said in spades that he has interest in the bike and in TVI. I am putting my money on that he did buy it.

No body seems to want to find out what is going on for sure and I have pushed as hard as I'm going to. As always, truth comes out eventually no matter what. It is just a matter of time.

Old 01-27-2006, 12:58 PM
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Originally posted by: DSNUT
The bike did blow up a couple of days before it shipped down to Glamis but they got her going again. Gary said he sold it to a guy from Arizona and AZsand was the rumered buyer. If you read the posts in this thread, before MLK weekend AZsand sounds like he did buy it but is just being evasive. If you read his responses after MLK weekend, he sounds more positive that he didn't buy it. It is possible that the sale was contingent on the bike performing well which would explain his optimism before hand and his pessimism after the fact.

He pm'd me and threatened me to lay off that bike or I was going to pay dearly. That said in spades that he has interest in the bike and in TVI. I am putting my money on that he did buy it.

No body seems to want to find out what is going on for sure and I have pushed as hard as I'm going to. As always, truth comes out eventually no matter what. It is just a matter of time.


WOW!!!!!IM SHOCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!! not really, lol...the subject if azsand bought a tvi bike really doensnt affect my day to day going to ask u a question....what is your obsestion(spelling? i know) with TVI or Azsand? it seems like you have some vendeta against one or both...its starting to sound like a bunch of school girls trying to find out if the prom queen is a virgin or i dont know, maybe its just me.....
Old 01-27-2006, 02:09 PM
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Just trying to get the facts so we know who is doing what in the DS community. I talk about Klug Racing, Dave Moore, HPR and you as much as I talk about TVI. Now that you mention it, it seems like you are always chomping at the bit to defend TVI every time someone says anything that can be construed as uncomplimentary.

As proof, here I am explaining what I think to someone who asked an honest question on my thread and you want to go to the mat with me and accuse me of a vendetta. What is your interest in always being ready and willing to speak up for TVI?

If HPR was functioning like TVI on engine builds, customer service and poor showings at big races, I would be battling it out with them to. You don't seem to have any problem with all the guys on this forum that are constantly bashing HPR's prices.

The point is, you can't accuse me of being biased because I proudly admit it. I am biased because build reliability statistics, customer service reports that are admittedly hear say, but still of consequence and race showings. (I will not discuss any personal experience here.) This is enough to sway me. You are left with the option of merely pointing out my bias. If my bias is truly a problem, you should look in the mirror because you are biased to. I can tell you are biased in how agressively you defend and spin TVI's image and even though you are sporting some HPR product rather quietly, you never chime in to defend them when they are getting shot at.

If you could make a case for TVI in the performance arena, you wouldn't revert to attacking me on points like bias and obsession. As soon as you take that position, you are saying you can't win the debate on substance, you just want me to either be quiet or discredited for not being objective.

Always a pleasure Big Show. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

Old 01-27-2006, 03:46 PM
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ron, you know what, u are proberly right. i do defend some of the builders when they are getting bashed...alot of them have helped me and are great people that believe it or not , are NOT trying to screw someone over. i am ALMOST possitive that when gary , eric , theBOM,or ron woods wakes up in the morning, they dont have an objective of screwing someone over...thats is how u make it sure they are waking up in the morning thinking about how they can support there family by selling why in the world would i want to take food off the table of them, just because i think i need to state my (write or wrong) opinion...if u like HRP, GREAT, alot of us forum members do, iof u like another builder then THATS OK TOOOOOO!!!!!!! different strokes for different folks...\

the reason i dont defend HPR for there prices is because if a customer thinks he is getting a better price for somthing that is close to equal....THEN THATS THERE BUISNESS!!!!!!!!!! great im happy for them.....i dont work for hrp, i dont recieve a check from them, so WHY would i want to be there spokesman....there parts can speak for themselves,(they are great parts) and to be real honest, i dont think you are helping there sales, i think u come as overconfedent and a little pushy, when it comes to some of your "opinions"...............but i still luv ya man.....your heart is in the right place , u jsut come off wrong sometimes.....

Old 01-27-2006, 03:53 PM
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as regards to defending HRP, i really havent heard anyone bashing them. the ds community has ALWAYS gotten along for the most part with each other....the only time i really see any disconntent is when someone is making an effort to make a person or company look bad.....we all can get along....u dont have to by TVI parts, and that is ok with everyone.....we wont bash the parts u have just because your not running the same parts that another has.....[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Old 01-27-2006, 04:32 PM
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I have confidence in your motives as well. Don't head down the personal road though please. Attacking how I "come off" (am perceived) is not the issue. If that was truly your concern, you would have tried to help me with that in private. I will stick to issues in this post.

The rationale you have for not defending HPR due to the fact you don't receive a check from them leads me to wonder about your constant defense of TVI and the logical extrapolation.

If you are correct in that I have no ability to effect positive sales for HPR, that would also mean I have no ability to negatively effect TVI's sales either because both influences rely upon the same credibility. I can't have the credibility and the sway to hurt one but not be able to help the other. I have no interest in helping or hurting sales. I simply want people to be informed buyers. Showing concern for my effect on TVI's sales was a good point. Debasing my influence and credibility by saying I do nothing to help HPR is nothing more than a personal attack.

I care about people knowing the real state of things and nothing more. If their roles were reversed I would be saying exactly the same things except in TVI's favor.

Where my heart is? It is in accurate education for the people who read these forums. When people whitewash the reliability of sleeved jugs, I will be there to remind people of the statistics.

If my facts are incorrect, debate those with me. Resorting to personal attacks on my demeaner and my credibility does nothing to help those you choose to defend. If you really believe in your position let it stand on its own. If it does, then you are right. If it doesn't, stop arguing from the wrong position and step into the light. Would you rather end up knowing the truth or winning the argument and still remaining mistaken.

You're a good man! I know there are a few guys out there right now biting their nails about the fact that we are going at it again. I don't know why they can't understand that it is all in fun and learning.

I have to go get some work done this afternoon. I'll talk to ya later. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Old 01-27-2006, 05:39 PM
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hey Ron, i apoligize if i came off as attacking u personally...but i do feel sometimes u look like(to me) that u are against TVI. i agree i might have come at u in the wrong angle, but i was not attacking u...i did say what i thought to u and didnt make a post about u to another thread exploiting u...if the shoe was on the other foot, (u bashing HPR) i would deffently be asking u the same not bashing HRP, nor anyone for the sleave, mine and alot others work fine..but as u now there is a RISK to running them appossed to HPR one can argue that..HRP has the better product in the cylinder, but for the price, some may choose to go the other direction...and that is there choice, thats all im trying to say...its my money and if i choose to by whatever....i donbt need anyone telling me it was a mistake, it was my money. as it your to by what u the way HPR didnt come out with the cylinder untill after i bought

im going to quit arguing this with ya...i have said what i have wanted to say about , and im done with it...

untill we meet in

have a nice evening...
Old 01-27-2006, 05:56 PM
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Sounds good. I would say the same thing except I know my level of self control when it comes to avoiding a debate when the sanctity of accurate information is at stake. Until then, it has been fun. I see your point and I actually agree with everything in your last post.

Old 01-27-2006, 05:59 PM
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Well crap, you can't make up. Now my fun for the day is over [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
Old 01-27-2006, 06:10 PM
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Sorry Dragon, It has to be like that for it to be even remotely productive. (slim chance) BigShow is the bigger man judging by his last response. He knows he has my respect.

So do you 'cause you ride like a maniac!!!![img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

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