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Cops and atv's dont mix

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Old 12-26-2001, 02:55 PM
ltracerx's Avatar
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During the summer months is when I have the most trouble, I ride all over the roads when it snows and nobody calls the cops(probably because there is no dust and I live on Cinder roads so the cinder helps give them traction) During the summer I talk to a cop weekly(usually) and some say just go slow down the road, and there were 2 who were complete @ssholes, didn't believe anything I said, and tryed giving me tickets, luckily I got them to give me warnings. In Oregon, if somebody calls the cops on you for riding on private property or roads, they can't do anything unless they see you do it.
Old 12-26-2001, 03:30 PM
Campy's Avatar
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Sounds like none of you guys have game wardens in your state. Up here in Maine, the game wardens are responsible for basically everything that happens off-road. They can't issue on-road-vehicle (moving or non-moving) violation tickets, but they CAN issue tickets for anything involving hunting, fishing, snowmobiling, and ATVing.

And I have yet to meet a pleasant one.

Several of them have Arctic Cat or Polaris ATVs in their trucks, and WILL chase you if they see you doing something illegal (they won't always catch you, but they'll sure as hell try). Of the ones that I have had the misfortune of meeting, they are just badge wielding idiots who abuse the power granted to them by the state. They are obnoxious and will do most anything to write up a ticket, and a few of them seem to enjoy picking on kids (read: harassing ice fishers and illegally searching automobiles and minors). Keep in mind, these are ONLY the ones that I know. I'm sure there are plenty of wardens that are decent people, but I've never dealt with them. As for everybody that doesn't live in Maine (or at least, don't have game wardens in your state), you should be THANKFUL!

To Sporty400, I mean you absolutely no offense. I have a LOT more respect for police officers than I do for game wardens, so please don't take my message the wrong way.
Old 12-26-2001, 04:00 PM
CornDog's Avatar
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<< Sounds like none of you guys have game wardens in your state. Up here in Maine, the game wardens are responsible for basically everything that happens off-road. They can't issue on-road-vehicle (moving or non-moving) violation tickets, but they CAN issue tickets for anything involving hunting, fishing, snowmobiling, and ATVing.

And I have yet to meet a pleasant one.

Several of them have Arctic Cat or Polaris ATVs in their trucks, and WILL chase you if they see you doing something illegal (they won't always catch you, but they'll sure as hell try). Of the ones that I have had the misfortune of meeting, they are just badge wielding idiots who abuse the power granted to them by the state. They are obnoxious and will do most anything to write up a ticket, and a few of them seem to enjoy picking on kids (read: harassing ice fishers and illegally searching automobiles and minors). Keep in mind, these are ONLY the ones that I know. I'm sure there are plenty of wardens that are decent people, but I've never dealt with them. As for everybody that doesn't live in Maine (or at least, don't have game wardens in your state), you should be THANKFUL!

To Sporty400, I mean you absolutely no offense. I have a LOT more respect for police officers than I do for game wardens, so please don't take my message the wrong way.

You hit it right on! When I do fireworks and the cops come because they heard reports of machine gun fire they laugh and go away. Almost everytime we go out in the boat the game wardens pull us over and check. You are right about the kid thing because I am 15 and every chance they get they are all over me. They always slow down and watch me ride. Everytime I get stuck in a ditch by the side of the road I am afraid one will come and get me.
Old 12-26-2001, 06:20 PM
TitanRacing2's Avatar
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where i come from, the cops dont care, but i also live out in the boondocks of kentucky. now they just tell us to take it easy to keep all the old ppl from callin them so that they dont have to drive all over the place acting like they're lookin for us. every now and then you'll get a deputy who's tryin to be a big shot and jump your case, but other deputies will tell you to take off downt he road so he can clock you on his gun just to see who's got the fastest quad.
Old 12-26-2001, 06:49 PM
hondaquadrider's Avatar
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i aint got a thing wron with cops doing their jov.....but the only thing that pisses me off is a ride with a deputy sheriff that goes on the road all the time, and a few weeks ago he pulled my buddy over on his blaster for the first time, and gave him a ticket.
Old 12-26-2001, 07:23 PM
ATV_MAN's Avatar
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Well COPS up here in Ontario Canada arent that different. One pulled infront of me while I was crossing the road...never saw him until he got right infront of me. He got out and gave a talk, saying not to go on the road, and HE EVEN SAID &quot;YOU SHOULDNT RIDE THESE THINGS, THEY'RE DANGEROUS&quot;, Ya right, compared to motorcycles going 120MPH down my road.

Up here cops cant do anything if your crossing the roads, but as soon as you turn onto a road your on the Illegal side of things. You have to carry your Insurance and Ownership slips, if not you can get a bigger fine when you do get stopped on the road(not as big of a fine with your slips). I've heard you can put a &quot;Slow moving vehicle sign&quot; on the back of your ATV if your a farmer up here, you will still be stopped, and questions are asked.
Old 12-26-2001, 08:19 PM
Sporty4002x4's Avatar
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No offense i work with some guys that are A-holes. Like i said we are people good and bad ones. But also rember i didnt work it but a couple of my friends did where a little boy on a atv got hit by a subarn they made the comment no looking the other way when they see a atv on the road anymore. Some may have other reasons than you know off. Also rember we do a lot and see a lot you dont know about, and a lot of cops have a hole tottaly different personality when the badge is off and when its on.

No cops and Atv's dont mix i dont think so i love mine. And yes i have been know to make a couple drag races on the road were not perfect.
Old 12-26-2001, 08:42 PM
deebee's Avatar
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start totin some donuts with you, you'll be ok! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] just kidding! All the cops I've run into have been pretty professional though there are some that have that attitude. If you treat most of them with respect I think most of the time you will get it back. Anyway, stay off the road and don't give them a reason to hassle you, they do have a job to do.
Old 12-26-2001, 08:57 PM
CdaleRacer's Avatar
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When I was younger I ran a few dozen times myself. I thought it was cool that the Five O couldnt catch me, plus I didnt have the $'s to pay for a ticket. Now is a different story though. I dont ride my quad down main street. hee! hee! I dont ride anywhere I'm not supposed to,(well most of the time) I load it up and go to the area where I'm going to ride. These days its usualy to the track and not the local trails. Any way here is something for everyone to think about. What IF? What if you were running and either you or the cop hit and killed someone that ran out in front of you or them? What if the cop that was chasing you wrecked and got killed? Dont think it couldnt happen because it could. You would regret not stoping and getting a ? $100.00 ticket, or just a warning. You would be to old to ride ride a quad by the time you got out of prision. Also think not only of your self but the family members of the person or persons that could get hurt by your mistake! You wont ever see me running again. I want to enjoy life and not be shut up in a small room with nothing to do for years.
Old 12-26-2001, 10:43 PM
evhwg's Avatar
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whats up with the cops always speeding for absolutly nothing.
they fly down are highway at least 90 mph crusing with there wifes and kids. who gives them that right. i know of to many crooked police and unfortunatly know one. i lost my faith in cops when he told me he gave a ticket because a lady wouldnt let him pull off the highway when he had his blinker on in the passing lane so he thought up a stupid charge of no seat belt for a ticket.

i also heard there's that stupid unwritten rule between cops that allow them to get away with speeding and wife beating cops are not allowed to give other cops tickets!!! my uncle is a cop also and i know this unwritten rule exist. so they are allowed to flash there badge and get away with anything. so i really think the COPS have other problems to worry about then ATVS. dont get me started on town cops there a joke

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