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Old 06-13-2006 | 10:06 AM
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DB is 100% on about healing. Muscle & nerves takes a lot of time. Though I am doing good today, my endurance still needs a lot a work. Currently for pain, I still get low muscle/nerve pain if I stand in one place over an hour at work. If I am active, pain is rarely or hardly noticable. This morning, I'm going for a short run. Normally I just use a treadmill for walks and runs. My times for running outdoors are very poor, the endurance thing. I got the word yesterday, I need to improve my running time for work. When, I was 28 yrs. old, I ran the 1.5 mile in 9' 30". Just before my accident at 48 yrs. old, I was running the 1.5 mi. at 12' 40".

Let's see how I do, next several weeks.

Physical stat: 5' 11" 187 lbs. 52 yrs old

6/13, 1.45 mi. in 22'26"

6/15, 1.45 mi. in 21' 24"
Old 06-13-2006 | 12:47 PM
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That I think is really the key here... I believe you are looking for quick results where they may not be any. And you need to be aware of that so when you reach a plateau, you don't give up, or get discouraged. This will be a series of plateaus, as the body adjusts to the new hardware, as you tone the body, as the nerves quiet down.. all will reach their peaks on their own time.
All you can do at this point, is keep plugging away, keep the regimine going, and keep the positive attitude going. It will be hard... you will have some set backs, but mostly they will be caused by something under YOUR control. You might lay off the workouts... or not watch your eating, or getting proper rest, or you might try and push to hard too soon. All under your direct control. So use retraint, and exercise patience.
You have experienced a life changing event... it is up to you to determine if it was for the better or for the worse. Some people see only negatives, but the truly successful ones, that get better and live life to the fullest are the ones that look for the benefits.
For one, you probably will be in better shape when this all cycles through. You probably will have more empathy towards others who are going through or have gone through these things, you meet people that you would never say hi to on the street, and you look them in the eye and wonder what sirt of stories they have to tell in their lives, instead of looking away and walking past without a second thought.
This can be a God send, and could be preparing you for something later in life. In a weird way, you might consider yourself special now.. as none of us know why we endure these things, but we do know that because of them, we are able to feel their pain, and hopefully be a help to someone when they think they have no hope.. and reach out....
This my dear is the true never ending story... one of strangers helping strangers cope by just listening, and understanding what they are going through. Something that no book can teach you. You have to live it.
Your place is now in line... so remember this lesson down the road when it is your turn to hold someone else's hand....One thing I can guarantee from all this, is you will have plenty of chances in life to share, and to comfort others. And believe me, it sure makes a person feel a lot better knowing that somewhere, some day, they made a little difference in someone's life... THAT is the best medicine and advice I can give... and so can you...
Old 06-15-2006 | 01:30 PM
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LW, good work !!!!!!!! sounds like you are doing well on your running, I hope by next spring I will be able to run again myself.

DB, That last post was really helpful and I understand everything you said. I do look at life a lot different now, I think it has changed me for the worst, considering going threw the neverending pain, and the change in my body. But I also see how it has made me a better person, I never knew the pain of broken bones, but now I can tell how other people feel. I have a lot more patience, and look at things a little more positive now than I used to. Best of all if I run into someone who has had the same thing happen, I can be like both of you and help them the way you have helped me, with knowing it will someday get better, have my ups and downs, and won't keep me from doing most of the things I like to do. And trust me I will never forget what I have been threw and what it was like, I still wish I could just get this pain to go way for a day .. even half the day, but it hasn't happened yet, but I still hope for that day sometime soon.
Old 06-15-2006 | 07:59 PM
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You've got lots of time young one... lots of time.... "And this too shall pass" .... remember? Concentrate on other things, it will get better. Funny you should say that though, I just did something really stupid and over did it with my back over teh weekend. (I put in 12 6x6 landscaping timbers) and paid the price for 4 days... but today I am a lot better... You will have days like that... but the good news is it passes.

You say for the worst. I do not believe it for a minute. Nobody that has gone or is going through what you are going through right now will be unchanged by the experience. You said so yourself that your outlook on life has changed for the better. that came from inside YOU! YOU reached into that inner strength that has always been there, and made a difference.

It wan't anything any of us did for you... you did it! All on your own. It is just the first step to a new and exciting awakening. Something that perhaps you might not have been able to do without the accident. This is something that a lot of young people are struggling with right now.. I think you can see how the anger, and hopeless outlook you had before the accident didn't do you any good.. just like dwelling on the paiin won't do you any good now either.

It is wasy for someone who hasn't gone through this to just say get over it... but I and LW have lived it, we know it gets better, and I hope you gain some hope from our ramblings. You will in time put this behind you. I can't turn the clock forward unfortunately, and it pains me to hear the suffering that you are going through with your writing. I can tell, I can feel the tears that sometime come out of nowhere, I understand the frustration of not being able to do even simple things like reaching to turn off the light, or scratching an itch some days. It can really wear on you.... but now that I have gone through the bad times, it makes the good times even sweeter.

Remember in the beginning, I told you to pay close attention to your moods, and watch for depression.. I also told you they are normal parts of this... but you WILL get through it. I have faith in you. You are starting to have faith in yourself too, and that is the most important thing we can help you to learn... Trust yourself. You are in control. You will beat this.

Old 06-16-2006 | 02:22 PM
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Originally posted by: Dragginbutt
You've got lots of time young one... lots of time.... "And this too shall pass" .... remember? Concentrate on other things, it will get better.
YOU reached into that inner strength that has always been there, and made a difference.

It wan't anything any of us did for you... you did it! All on your own. It is just the first step to a new and exciting awakening.
It is wasy for someone who hasn't gone through this to just say get over it... but I and LW have lived it, we know it gets better, and I hope you gain some hope from our ramblings. You will in time put this behind you. I can't turn the clock forward unfortunately, and it pains me to hear the suffering that you are going through with your writing. I can tell, I can feel the tears that sometime come out of nowhere, I understand the frustration of not being able to do even simple things like reaching to turn off the light, or scratching an itch some days. It can really wear on you.... but now that I have gone through the bad times, it makes the good times even sweeter.

You will beat this.

DB, Let me tell you, has anyone ever told you, ... you have a way with words, that a lot of people don't. It is hard for me to believe it is going to get better, but I still try to keep telling myself it will and YES you and LW have helped me out ... greatly, seeing how well you both are today, and you both have been where I am today. I hope it passes and hearing you both gives me the positive attitude and the strenghth I need to get to where you both are today. Yes I understand the frustration on not being able to reach over to turn off the light, or scratch places on my back, having trouble picking little things up off the ground, and I could go on forever. But at the same time, it does make the good times ever greater, and I take time to enjoy those when they roll around. You have helped me out, as much as you may think you haven't, I might have given up on any hope I have left ... if it wasn't for you and everyone else who has been threw this telling me it will get better, and I dont' have to give everything up, and I can still have fun. I can't say thanks enough for everything and talking to me this long and helping me keep a positive attitude.
Old 06-17-2006 | 11:19 AM
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Heh heh, it is what I do Dear. Although Mrs DB probably would not agree with you... I am actually employed as a consultant to the Government that is called in to mediate broken or stalled business projects and processes and get the conflicting factions to reach compromise to get things moving again. This has taught me to be very observant, and to "read between the lines" to gauge a person's motivations, needs etc. I can read body language quite well, and I am very good at what I do.
I speak from experience that has been lived, not read about in some book. As I grow older, I find it is one of the few joys I have left to me now. The kids are grown, well two of them are anyway. I still have my youngest to play the dad thing with... but I think you understand.

I used to get my kicks raising holy h3ll... but after my accident.. well actually a series of accidents, the body slowed with age, and wisdom grew. ( I could ramble about having my jaw wired for 18 months after a crash on a dirt bike and having problems saying "I do" at my wedding without drooling) The wife enjoyed it though.. she took advantage of me because with all of the wires, I couldn't form the word no... But I am not complaining mind you..

If I can help I will try. I come from a generation that feels it is their duty to help where help is needed. To fix things that are broke when and where I can. To get enjoyment from helping others. It is something that is missing in the world these days. All it takes is time...and compassion.

I sometimes wonder why I was put here on this Earth, and why the bad stuff that I have gone through has happened to me. I have over time come to conclude that it is just tempering. Steel needs to be put in fire then quickly cooled to make is stronger. I figure I have been heated and cooled many times to make me stronger.. and that I have a purpose that will be revealed some day.

That is I hope what is going on with you too. Letting go of the anger and acceptance of that, and looking ahead with excitement and wonder to discover what that purpose will be is the real adventure...

Good luck on your journey

Old 06-17-2006 | 03:42 PM
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Sounds like you have your focus on realistic goals.

I don't want you to think that both DB & myself don't recognize this is a crisis in your world. We do recognize this was an absolute crisis. We know your world stopped. Your play and work came to abrupt stop. Almost everyone goes through crisis in their life. Some are more and some are less. My belief, a crisis is based on what your experiences and how you can adapt emotionally, physically, and financially. Yours came in your mid 20s. I don't wish a crisis on anyone.

I kind of think life is like an amusement park roller coaster with it's ups and downs. Sometimes the downs go lower than we thought, that's the scary part of the roller coaster and life.

Keep your focus and positive thinking.


BBL, As a calcium supplement, I found a Dr. that recommends Citracla (Ultradense Calcium Citrate with Vitamin D) . Web site: Also the Dr. recommended another site to look at:

6/17 - 1.45 mi. in 20' 12"

6/19 - 1.45 mi. in 19' 07"

6/21 - 1.45 mi. in 18' 29"
Old 06-21-2006 | 03:03 PM
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Once again I want to thank you all for your help, the last two days for me has been nothing but terrible, the pain, and I think a little depression sets in at times, just don't want to do anything but lay down and sleep. but this too shall pass, and today I am looking up again. I try to believe it's going to get better, but times like this it's hard to believe.

DB, as much as your wife don't want to admit it, I'm sure she is greatful to have you around and appreciates all your positive thoughts, and words that you give. but you being able to read her mind, and well everyone elses ..... good for you, but maybe not so much for her, or you at times [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] She is a lucky lady to have someone like yourself around!!!! After what I have been threw it's hard to imagine your back, jaw, and everything else. I'm afraid if I have been threw all that I'd have to have given up the sport by now. The drooling part was funny, I'd have to laugh and take advantage of ya too, but not laughing about the pain you'd been threw, I understang all to well!!!!

I understand you all know I'm going threw a crisis, I am thankful you have helped me out as much as you all have considering you all could have stopped talking to me about the first page. I am glad you have been there for me and helped me threw the most terrible time in my life, I am happy to say I have a family behind me that supports me, and friends, but no one knows exactly what I am going threw the way you do.
Also thanks for the advise about the calcium, I asked my doctor and he said I can take them, but they probably wont' do much good, cause you body and bones makes as much as your body needs, but he also said woulnd't do any harm, so I am standing on a wire if I should take some or not, but I think I will take your advise, if it can't hurt the only thing it CAN do is make it better ........... right????? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] Take care!!!!!!
Old 06-24-2006 | 03:03 AM
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BBL, Definitely see what you mean take a supplement or not. Ideally you should be getting your calcium from food you eat as Sparky does. If you eat right no concern. Sparky, if you are reading this please jump in. Your body needs calcium for multiple functions of your body (
- Healthy and strong bones and teeth
- Prevention of bone loss and osteoporosis
-Reduced risks of heart disease and stroke
-Increased HDL cholesterol levels
-Aids nerve impulses and reduces irritability
-Aids heart and muscle contractions
-Facilitates blood clotting
-Functions to balance ph of body
-Lowers blood pressure
-May decrease insomnia
-May help maintain normal weight
-Lowered cholesterol
-Possible reduction in the risk in some cancers
Honestly, I don't always eat right, so I have chosen to take a supplement.
Laying flat or sitting recline is not bad. Keep up your walks, but don't go extreme. You need time for your muscles and nerves to recover. Did you try to lying on ice or gel packs after pain or after a workout? The pain did not leave quickly for me, either. It takes quite a while. During rehab., the ice packs worked wonders during my workouts.
You know it's possible, I'm here. Living proof, last two days I have been kayaking in the Sawtooth NRA.
Tell me about your type of work / job before your accident. Currently what is more frustrating, the pain or not being able to do things.

6/24 - 1.45 mi. in 18' 49"

6/28 - 1.5 mi in 20'17" (corrected distance)*

* I got a running watch for Father's Day. It measures distance, heart rate, time, etc. I found out that my previous runs were only 1.45 miles not 1.5 miles. I edited my previous run distances.
Old 06-29-2006 | 06:06 PM
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What a life I tell ya. You would ask that question about what I do for work, I work now for american family insurance, but I just found out yesterday my boss is retiring and I need to find a new job, and in my situation, who the hell's gonna understand that????
Besides that what frustrates me the most is being in pain for so long, I'm used taking a tylonol, and the next day I'm good, or get a cold, and that lasts for a week, give or take, and after 4 months, here I am still in pain, but it gets lesser and lesser, then I get this thrown on me, I can't lose my current insurance, cause if I got another one, It won't pay for removal if I ever need them removed. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Sorry ... had to vent, i haven't had a chance to look it up, but thanks a bunch for your help!!!!

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