Health care or Bankruptcy?
Dittos. I was listening to a private businessman who pays about $2500 per year to cover his employess. The government is talking about taxing a business $750 per year if they don't offer insurance. Hmmm, will the businessman keep the more expensive and better insurance or take the penalty and let his employees get the government insurance? Oh, yes, even if you don't want to carry insurance and take your own chances, you will be penalized the $750 per year out of your taxes and have to take whatever the government offers. You won't have a choice.
It's funny how they all talk up the "Constitution" when it's convenient to their political needs (right wing radio and Fixed News).....Suddenly everything's unconstitutional....You can just hear them in the bowels of the party discussing this as a tactic. Like they gave a crap about it when they were in control. Their whole MO was how to get around it.
Wall Street Journal: Trickle-Down Economics Fails to Deliver as Promised - Real Time Economics - WSJ
What about the fact that health care has so many entrepreneurs tied like a knot to their current jobs? There are thousands of people that would leave their jobs for other ones or start their own businesses if they had affordable health care. This is one of the reasons big business is fighting it so much. Health care benefits is a noose around your ***** for many people.....Open it up so people can move and create new jobs in the small business sector, not the trickle down theory, where we'll have a job mowing some scumbags 15 acre lawn.
Tax breaks for the richest Americans......Yeah, then it will "trickle down" ever so slowly to the poor slobs at the bottom. That's a great theory if you're in the top 1%. The Regan era concept of trickle down economics has been proven false. It doesn't work.
What about the fact that health care has so many entrepreneurs tied like a knot to their current jobs? There are thousands of people that would leave their jobs for other ones or start their own businesses if they had affordable health care. This is one of the reasons big business is fighting it so much. Health care benefits is a noose around your ***** for many people.....Open it up so people can move and create new jobs in the small business sector, not the trickle down theory, where we'll have a job mowing some scumbags 15 acre lawn.
What about the fact that health care has so many entrepreneurs tied like a knot to their current jobs? There are thousands of people that would leave their jobs for other ones or start their own businesses if they had affordable health care. This is one of the reasons big business is fighting it so much. Health care benefits is a noose around your ***** for many people.....Open it up so people can move and create new jobs in the small business sector, not the trickle down theory, where we'll have a job mowing some scumbags 15 acre lawn.
Oh yeah, lets not forget the effects of the higher taxes on the " Richest " people, they will move their manufacturing company's to country's where the labor is cheaper, the taxes are lower, and therefore the profit margin will be higher. Good for the stock holders but very bad for the workers here in America. The "Poor Slobs" won't be able to get a job better than flipping burgers or be retail clerks in a department store selling item's made in China or South America. They will have free healthcare though, while the govt. can afford to supply it to them before it ( the govt. ) goes broke.
Socialism has never worked in the past and won't work now. Those people that can remember Stalin, Mao Se Tung and many other socialistic dictators are in complete disbelief at what is going on in this country today! That is because they have seen the same thing happen before.
If we continue down this road it will be to our demise.
For those that feel the wealthiest people should pay 20% after all their self-created loopholes, and the rest of us who earn a paycheck should pay 40+%, then they're living in a dreamworld created by the very people that pay 20%. These people love people that believe in trickle-down and that tax increases are socialism.
I'm sure you know, but I'll say it just to be clear.....Stalin and Mao were Communist dictators, not Socialists....big difference.
Last edited by FunRide; 01-01-2010 at 09:30 AM. Reason: added "tax payers"
There was a Pew Research story about a month ago. If the top 10% of wage earners (who pay 60% of all taxes now) were taxed on 100% of their earnings we still could not pay off the deficit. Never mind adding new programs with trillion dollar price tags. Leave it alone!!! If 80% of the people are happy with what they've got through their employer I don't see the need to "fix" it. It isn't cheap, but it's better than the government getting into it. When John F Kennedy was President he lowered taxes and guess what???? The economy improved. Every time taxes are hiked the economy slows. Will we ever learn???? And the loopholes everyone talks about were voted in by the lawyers that were elected and were/are running the show. I'd be all for a flat tax with no deductions. Say 10%. Simplify the tax code so we don't need an accountant to do our taxes and so Obama's appointees don't get in trouble for not paying taxes like the rest of us. (Sorry, just had to throw that in) But, all in all, if we keep escalating the spending we are going to have to pay the price someday.
Sounds good to me. I think it would put a huge dent in the underground economy too. Too many people working on a "cash only" basis in this country......too much bartering by the "professionals" (lawyers, doctors, accountants) for services of a different kind. Only problem with flat tax is that it's a bit regressive and hurts the common guy more than the wealthy guy who already owns everything. I like the idea for sure. Current tax structure is bad for 98% of working Americans. Anybody who works for somebody else and gets a paycheck on a bi-weekly basis gets screwed.
Yep, I think people might vote differently if they did their own taxes or looked at the weekly pay stub. It's even worse for the self employed. My tax rate was 28% federal, 15.3% FICA, and 6% Mass. (Not to mention all the other tax them until the bleeding stops fees). So, my tax rate was 49%!!! Makes you want to get out there and bust your back so people on welfare (the ones perfectly able to work) can live comfortably. In this case I am happy for whatever deductions we can get. I don't think the government needs to be taking almost 1/2 of a persons income. It's time they stop spending and cut taxes. If there was ever a time the economy needed a boost it's now. If they tax us (whether "rich", middle class, or poor) more there will be less money out in the general economy which causes a snowball effect and makes it worse.
Tax reform could be and should be, an issue in the upcoming elections. But will it? A drastic change IS needed! Dismantle the IRS and save Billions of $ for that alone!