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I'd like to Salute the State of Arizona.

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Old 05-19-2010, 03:40 PM
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Originally Posted by MooseHenden
If people have an issue with what Beck is saying why don't they actually refute the evidence he is using instead of just bashing him and Fox and calling them names
Beck ranting like a lunatic with pictures of Obama and Hitler talking of the second coming of Nazism in America. Now there's some quality entertainment....if you like that kind of nonsense. I saw a clip of him at some religious university where he was talking to the crowd about earning your keep and working for things in life.....then they presented Beck with an honorary degree and he accepted it. Comical stuff.....what a crazy dude. He's a mental case looking for attention. If he could do the same thing on some liberal TV show that had better ratings you'd find him there.
Old 05-19-2010, 04:44 PM
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Originally Posted by FunRide
Beck ranting like a lunatic with pictures of Obama and Hitler talking of the second coming of Nazism in America. Now there's some quality entertainment....if you like that kind of nonsense. I saw a clip of him at some religious university where he was talking to the crowd about earning your keep and working for things in life.....then they presented Beck with an honorary degree and he accepted it. Comical stuff.....what a crazy dude. He's a mental case looking for attention. If he could do the same thing on some liberal TV show that had better ratings you'd find him there.
From what I saw of him on CNN when he was there tells me a lot. He was saying the same things. In 2007 he was telling people to pull out of the stock market because it was a house of cards. It crashed. He railed on George Bush about the spending just as much as he does Obama and the crowd up on Capitol Hill. The fact that Obama's administration even has a spokeswoman to deal with Fox tells me they are afraid of what's being reported. I'd like someone to find out that Van Jones was a capitalist at heart. I'd like someone to prove that Obama wasn't buddy to Bill Ayers, the only other guy than Al Quaeda to bomb the Pentagon. Instead of retracting their own statements about their beliefs or distancing themselves from socialist idealogues they get in deeper with them. I don't think that Obama should be called Hitler. He didn't kill over 6 million innocent people. But, George Bush didn't deserve it either. If Hitler's policies are being compared with Obama's policies where is the harm in that unless they mirror each other. Not there yet but some of his cabinet is pushing for Internet "fairness" and the same kind of treatment on the radio. Who gets to decide what is fair or not? My suspicion is that anyone who agrees with him is good but if you dare disagree with him than that is not fair. How about Oberman, Rather, Brokaw, and the liberal elite. Have they been singled out by the White House. No. They generally walk side by side with the President. Still, I don't see that Beck using their own words to make his point is off limits. Why are they afraid of this? If my words condemn me I shouldn't have said what I said. I'll either apologize or stand firm in my convictions. Why don't they own up to what they have said in speeches and in their writings that point to a socialistic mindset?
Old 05-19-2010, 08:11 PM
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I swear, I think Beck, Oberman, all the talking heads, the entertainers are just a show. In real life Beck probably pulls the lever for the curtain in the voting booth and casts his vote for Ralph Nader. Oberman? Secretly sending money to Ron Paul! Ratings baby, RATINGS! Viewers to watch the comercials (the entertainer is just a circus geek, might just as well be swallowing fire or preaching over-hyped ideology)!

Both socialist and libertarian ideologies have strenghths and weaknesses. Both are credible political viewpoints. Problem is, and kill me for saying it, Democrats are too freaking wimpy to actually be socialists and Republicans are too blindly committed to social conservatism to allow them to accept a real smaller governemtnt philosophy. That is the fact. TV shows masquerading as news is a really, really big part of that problem, for both sides. It becomes "irrational." And that is always a dead end. Like trying to negotiate with Iran. It is an Irrational dictatorship. So, no strategy can work because strategies are based on reason, by nature.
Old 05-20-2010, 07:50 AM
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Originally Posted by PBLsQuad450
I swear, I think Beck, Oberman, all the talking heads, the entertainers are just a show. In real life Beck probably pulls the lever for the curtain in the voting booth and casts his vote for Ralph Nader. Oberman? Secretly sending money to Ron Paul! Ratings baby, RATINGS! Viewers to watch the comercials (the entertainer is just a circus geek, might just as well be swallowing fire or preaching over-hyped ideology)!

Both socialist and libertarian ideologies have strenghths and weaknesses. Both are credible political viewpoints. Problem is, and kill me for saying it, Democrats are too freaking wimpy to actually be socialists and Republicans are too blindly committed to social conservatism to allow them to accept a real smaller governemtnt philosophy. That is the fact. TV shows masquerading as news is a really, really big part of that problem, for both sides. It becomes "irrational." And that is always a dead end. Like trying to negotiate with Iran. It is an Irrational dictatorship. So, no strategy can work because strategies are based on reason, by nature.
I know Beck, at least, has said that he is not a reporter. He calls himself a regular guy who loves his family and country. While I agree it's about the ratings, (they would be stupid to continue with a format that brings them lower ratings) there are things that are being brought out that the mainstream media isn't touching. If they went after Obama with the same scrutiny as they did Bush the mainstream media would sound like Fox does now. Links between AIG and Obama, Roger Ayers and Obama, Van Jones and Obama, the list goes on and on. These people are as radical to the left as I am to the right.

I agree wholeheartedly about the Democrats being wimpy at not saying what their agenda is. Government controlling more and more parts of the private sectors. The Republicans have abandoned what brought them success. Reagen, and the Contract With America. Now, your average Republican candidate is nothing more than progressive-lite. Here in Massachusetts I think I won't even be able to pick someone for governor. The candidates are all pretty much cut fromt the same cloth. Duval Patrick (D) is as left as they come, Charlie Baker (R) is more or less the same but a little tiny bit more fiscally conservative, Tim Cahill (I) is almost a cookie cutter copy of the other two. They all wouldn't fight gay marriage, some have even said they even support the so-called bathroom bill that would allow men and women to choose whatever bathroom they want to go into based on their "gender identity". I've personally seen transvestites that are as tall and built as I am. I don't want them in the same bathroom as my petite wife. The fact that this bill is even under consideration make me physically ill if I even think about it too much.

I did have another thought about the original topic that was started here. (We have a bad habit of going off topic. My apologies to xFreebirdx) If the federal government was serious about stopping illegal aliens from entering the country they would charge "sanctuary cities" with aiding and abetting. I mean, here you have a government with laws on the books already, they don't enforce them, and they further allow people to harbor and support an illegal activity. I don't wonder why Arizona chose to do what they did. They have armed people coming over the border who are killing their citizens and the federal government is doing little to nothing about it. And, yes, Bush did little to nothing also. At least the border fence was lengthened for what little that has done.
Old 05-20-2010, 08:14 AM
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Heard this on the news this morning, and I listen to a rock station not a news channel. Seems like that makes it credible.

Anyway, it turns out that Los Angeles gets 25% of it's electricity from generation plants in Arizona. A person with the Arizona commerce department has said if LA wishes to indeed boycott their state, they can look at the current contract LA has with the power providers and they'd be more than happy to renegotiate their contracts.

I'll have to see if that's in actual print somewhere. If it is true, that's what I call irony.
Old 05-20-2010, 08:23 AM
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I guess if you want real news, don't listen to a news station.

Arizona power threat.

But I see even they didn't tell the whole story.
Old 05-20-2010, 07:30 PM
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Moose- original topic? Good point man. Law enforcement folks are speaking out against the Az. law (Az. Law enforcement) and that has to make anyone consider opposing it. I say that because that is the 2nd most effected group of people. This is not from B.S. ratings news either but from real news. I'll look into it, but that story was getting lots of billing, even with the stupid fund-raising-a-thon going on. We give. Spare me. And those bringing in guns and killing people and destrying communities are a tiny fraction of people, bad, oh yes, very bad, and that is not meant to say illegal immigration is OK just trying to address what starts to sound ugly and, of course, wildly inaccurate.

I didn't mean Dems are too wimpy to admit their agenda, I meant they are too wimpy to be Socialists. I have said for YEARS that we need a third party. A real one. I think it should be the Labor Party. Let them be real socialists. Let the Dems be kind of centraist and politically correct academic types (nothing wrong with that) and let the Republicans be Libertarians. Real ones though. Not Ron Paul, somewher I missed the point types. Now we have a choice.
Old 05-26-2010, 07:33 PM
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Originally Posted by MooseHenden
.....But, George Bush didn't deserve it either. If Hitler's policies are being compared with Obama's policies where is the harm in that unless they mirror each other.
Problem is there's a lot of right wing nut jobs the actually believe it to be true. I've never seen so many venomous souls with demented beliefs while watching clips of their rallies. You never saw that kind of thing from the left.....showing up at rallies with side arms. Some crazy $hit on the right and Beck fanning the flames for personal gain is beyond belief. Like I said earlier, if he could get a bigger audience on the left, he jump that way for bigger ratings. He's simply found a niche for himself. Suddenly he's Mr. religious talking about God all the time. Strange stuff. Who on the left could you even remotely compare this dude to, with his goofy talk and whacked out looks. He's just a TV personality at best.

For the record, I've said before that it really bothered me when I saw signs of Bush as Hitler. Foolishness at best.

Contract with American 2.0 should go over well......

Funny how we end up down the same road of conversation regardless of the thread title. Good stuff
Old 05-26-2010, 07:59 PM
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Originally Posted by MooseHenden
I mean, here you have a government with laws on the books already, they don't enforce them, and they further allow people to harbor and support an illegal activity. I don't wonder why Arizona chose to do what they did. They have armed people coming over the border who are killing their citizens and the federal government is doing little to nothing about it. And, yes, Bush did little to nothing also. At least the border fence was lengthened for what little that has done.
Obama has sent the National Guard to the border. Does he get any credit.....apparently not. McCain wants more troops, maybe more are needed, but it's funny how "spending" and the two other wars going on are so easily forgotten in an election year. Apparently the drones, troops, supplies, and logistics are all free.
Old 05-26-2010, 08:48 PM
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$12,000 a minute I just read on NPR. I would not dare to even consider disrepecting our men and women in uniform, this is a policy issue, not a service issue. I know, we are in a pickle here, but Medicare is killing us, really? It costs nothing compared to the war bill. "W" made government bigger by more than any other administration, by a lot, so is it a party issue? The war appropriation vote is an any day now thing. Voting against it is political suicide, and maybe there is reason for that, but voting for it is spending far more than any 10 other contexts combined, hell, maybe even any 100 other contexts combined. You are all justified in your fear of our national debt, for damn sure, me too. But the causes are not always what the made for ratings news agencies report. Real smaller government folks would have never gone into a war in Iraq. The other war? Maybe. You could could make a a national security issue out of that one. It becomes a philosophical issue... Never a good type of issue when it comes to war.

Unless it has to do with hate spin. A classic, mind you. Been done fore ever. A graet documentatary came out about 15-20 years ago called "Faces of the Enemy." All about how demonizing a group of people made it so much more plausible to round them onto train cars headed to death camps or forcing them to internsment camps here at home. Bush/Obama... who cares. It is NEVER OK to make a comparison to someone like Hitler unless there really is reason to do so, AND, thanks to our people and process, we have never had reason to be worried about said. GO US! But, be careful, PLEASE!

Hate is hate. Nothing good can ever come from it.

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