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Old 04-01-2004 | 07:22 PM
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John F*cking Kerry is the worst thing that could ever happen to this country. He would lock up all of the nation's state parks and forrests. Ban the combustion engine and have all of us walking every where or driving rickshaws. What a joke.
Old 04-01-2004 | 07:50 PM
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First off I never said to drop a nuke anywhere, I said to scare tham like they are trying to scare us. Do you think anyone is that dumb.
My problem with Canada:
Let me use an anology to help.
Your best friend, and next door neighbor gets in a mess, maybe he got a DUI ( I will use that because it will give you the benefit of the doubt, in assuming we were wrong to go to Iraq). He needs a ride to work, he has to support his family, his kids, and he has a kid in college. You know that he can't take care of his kids without getting to work. He has rides lined up everyday except wednesdays. He asks you to help him with just getting to work on wednesday morning. Yeah its out of your way, in fact it will cause your car to break down sooner than normal.
What would a good friend do?
He would take his freind and neighbor to work, most likely offer to do it more than he was asked. You can tell him how you don't agree with drinking and driving on the way to work, OK?
What would a bad friend and neighbor do?
He would chastize you for getting a DUI, he would laugh behind your back, he would tell all the other people in the neighborhood your a bad person, in fact he might go door to door to make sure everyone else didn't give you a ride to work.
Which one sounds familiar?
Now, I did not say that by driving him to work you think its ok to drink and drive. Sometimes you have to buck up and help you friends. Get it? I do, I don't like the fact that Canadian's don't get that.
Now, why do I feel that Canada owes us this ride to work?
Well lets think about a few things.
Canada has ZERO defense to speak of (yeah I know you have a ship or two, and maybe even a bomb or two). Why do they need no defense? Because if anyone ever did anything to Canada, the USA has their back, and you Canadian's know it. The rest of the world knows it, thats why it will never happen.
Do you remember that thing called Nafta? Well that gave you guys some jobs that Americans lost.
If Canada was located anywhere else in the world, you would not have your government health program, you would be spending that on military.
You know all that oil you are talking about the USA using....Well, where do you think alot of it comes from?

I have no idea where you think I am justifing use of force through God. I guess maybe because I said there is a time for everything , it says so in the Bible. But you are way off base. Do not put words in my mouth. I said nothing about religion, governnment, or military combined. I simply said "there is a time for everything" Just as Canada decided there was a time to go to war in Afghanistan.
Canada has the best deal in the world. They have their cake and get to eat it too. I am not pointing fingers at Canada. I never did. You assumed I did. You remember what they say about ASSuming? I am not pointing any fingers, thats for people who would rather talk about problems than solve them. I would rather solve problems, You and Canada, would rather talk about things. Remember that charter to the UN that your great Nation signed? Remember the resolution to authorize force against Saddam your great country signed? All the USA did was keep its word, and free 50 million Iraqi's, eh.
Old 04-01-2004 | 08:02 PM
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Very interesting post, the drunk driving analogy makes ya think.
Old 04-01-2004 | 08:36 PM
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Originally posted by: KGB
First off I never said to drop a nuke anywhere, I said to scare tham like they are trying to scare us. Do you think anyone is that dumb.
My problem with Canada:
Let me use an anology to help.
Your best friend, and next door neighbor gets in a mess, maybe he got a DUI ( I will use that because it will give you the benefit of the doubt, in assuming we were wrong to go to Iraq). He needs a ride to work, he has to support his family, his kids, and he has a kid in college. You know that he can't take care of his kids without getting to work. He has rides lined up everyday except wednesdays. He asks you to help him with just getting to work on wednesday morning. Yeah its out of your way, in fact it will cause your car to break down sooner than normal.
What would a good friend do?
He would take his freind and neighbor to work, most likely offer to do it more than he was asked. You can tell him how you don't agree with drinking and driving on the way to work, OK?
What would a bad friend and neighbor do?
He would chastize you for getting a DUI, he would laugh behind your back, he would tell all the other people in the neighborhood your a bad person, in fact he might go door to door to make sure everyone else didn't give you a ride to work.
Which one sounds familiar?
Now, I did not say that by driving him to work you think its ok to drink and drive. Sometimes you have to buck up and help you friends. Get it? I do, I don't like the fact that Canadian's don't get that.
Now, why do I feel that Canada owes us this ride to work?
Well lets think about a few things.
Canada has ZERO defense to speak of (yeah I know you have a ship or two, and maybe even a bomb or two). Why do they need no defense? Because if anyone ever did anything to Canada, the USA has their back, and you Canadian's know it. The rest of the world knows it, thats why it will never happen.
Do you remember that thing called Nafta? Well that gave you guys some jobs that Americans lost.
If Canada was located anywhere else in the world, you would not have your government health program, you would be spending that on military.
You know all that oil you are talking about the USA using....Well, where do you think alot of it comes from?

I have no idea where you think I am justifing use of force through God. I guess maybe because I said there is a time for everything , it says so in the Bible. But you are way off base. Do not put words in my mouth. I said nothing about religion, governnment, or military combined. I simply said "there is a time for everything" Just as Canada decided there was a time to go to war in Afghanistan.
Canada has the best deal in the world. They have their cake and get to eat it too. I am not pointing fingers at Canada. I never did. You assumed I did. You remember what they say about ASSuming? I am not pointing any fingers, thats for people who would rather talk about problems than solve them. I would rather solve problems, You and Canada, would rather talk about things. Remember that charter to the UN that your great Nation signed? Remember the resolution to authorize force against Saddam your great country signed? All the USA did was keep its word, and free 50 million Iraqi's, eh.

First of all, it takes two to sign an agreement, if you didn't read the fine print, that's your problem, and look at our stats before shooting your mouth off. The US has broken almost all agreements negotiated under NAFTA. We've lost more jobs than you, relatively speaking. Your jobs went south my friend, not north. Do you honestly believe that hanging the threat of nuclear annihilation betters the world? If you freed the Iraqi's, why do they want you out of there and don't see you as their saviors? Do you expect them to kiss your feet and hand you their oil. In case you didn't know, you're seen by some as the overbearing neighbourhood bully . We didn't ask you to protect us, you're just paranoid, so you do it anyway. Maybe if the US sat down for an extra 5 minutes and talked things over, you wouldn't be in the mess you're in now with respect to 9/11. Again, hot headed, and wanting to kill something. Ever notice that Canada tries to push programs that reduce armament in the world. The US wouldn't sign an agreement to ban landmines. These things kill children years after you have left. A reminder I guess, of the power of the US landmines.
Anyway, we participated in the first Iraq war, under a UN flag, as did many other countries. The decision was based on the world powers justifying it. This war was different, you couldn't find Bin Laden, so the focus suddenly shifted to Iraq. Why? Why now, still no WMD's found.
I wasn't putting words in your mouth man, you quoted the bible, and within two sentences mentioned military. I didn't say anything you didn't write first. You judge me, paint all Canadians with the same brush, then get po'd when we say something back. I'm not laughing behind your back, I'm in the military myself, and don't think for one f*ckin minute that I don't feel for each and every one of those 500 guys that died, and the families they left. You said it yourself, we have small amounts compared to you. Not my decision. If you seen the junk I have to work with, you'd be amazed that we're able to do anything.
To this point I don't understand your misguided anger toward Canada. So we didn't support ONE operation out of many that come up during this century. Now you're shunning us, and you dare to call yourself the friendly neighbour? You want everything from everyone. When you don't get it, you get mad, when you do get it, it's never enough. There's no pleasing you people.
If you were giving me a ride to work, I'd pay you for it. If I borrowed your truck, it would be full of gas and washed when I brought it back. You're talking about individuals and their morals. You can't blame a whole country for what some people decide.
Lastly, Dubya said it himself, "our best neighbour, Mexico". The only thing Mexico supplies is cheap labour, and tax incentives. Where was your Ford F-150 built? Mexico. what are we supposed to think, we had a good relationship between governments until Bush got in, then it went to hell, due to both parties, and the little guys like me are left to pick up the peices. The US puts in protectionism for US workers due to the mass exodus to Mexico, and we suffer the same fate, grouped in with them.
Old 04-01-2004 | 08:52 PM
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NICE! You see the world through maple colored glasses. You make very little sense.
I just had to check, Halifax, Eastern Canada. Thats what I thought.
God Bless the USA
Old 04-01-2004 | 09:01 PM
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Originally posted by: KGB
NICE! You see the world through maple colored glasses. You make very little sense.
I just had to check, Halifax, Eastern Canada. Thats what I thought.
God Bless the USA

Ya, nice come back, that's all you got left of your intellectual skills? What's that supposed to mean anyway? I suggest you experience eastern canada before you pass judgement. Again, "god and country" thing going on again. Say, isn't KGB Russian? It's funny but I bet I can name every US capital city, can you do the same? Didn't think so. OUT
Old 04-01-2004 | 09:43 PM
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Hey KGB, don't argue with him anymore. I've already made that mistake. He bltches at you for stereotyping Canadians yet he manages to do the same in the next breath. Can you say hypocrit? I can bring out statistics that will prove our point but he won't look at them, nor will he believe them if he does. FYI, I'll post a link just the same. As for the "hot headed US", we had more support in this war than in the previous from other countries beit verbally, monetarily or militarily. How many last chances do you give someone? We decided 17 was enough. Apparently that's not enough for some.

Ignorance is bliss.

Iraqi's polled about the war
Old 04-01-2004 | 10:15 PM
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Originally posted by: ktk
Hey KGB, don't argue with him anymore. I've already made that mistake. He bltches at you for stereotyping Canadians yet he manages to do the same in the next breath. Can you say hypocrit? I can bring out statistics that will prove our point but he won't look at them, nor will he believe them if he does. FYI, I'll post a link just the same. As for the "hot headed US", we had more support in this war than in the previous from other countries beit verbally, monetarily or militarily. How many last chances do you give someone? We decided 17 was enough. Apparently that's not enough for some.

Ignorance is bliss.

Iraqi's polled about the war
yeah, i can say hypocrit, it goes both ways. That being said:

3 retrievers meet each other in obedience school. The brown one says to the gold, "why are you here?' Gold says, i'm a chewer, chewed a pair of $180 shoes, my owner sent me here to break me of it". Satisfied, the Brown then turns to the tan retriever, "why are you here?" Well, says the Tan retriever, I'm a barker, everyone that walks by, or moves I bark at, so my owner sent me here to cure me of that". Golden turns and asks, "ok Brown, what's your story?". Brown replies, " I'm a humper, that's all I wanna do, I hump everything and anything. One day, my owner was drying her toes after a shower, and well, I couldn't help myself. ". "Oh, says Tan, so your owner sent you here to cure you of that?" No, no says brown, I'm here to get my nails clipped!!"
Old 04-02-2004 | 03:41 AM
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Bluethumb, I thought you were going to change your screenname to KarlMarx[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Old 04-02-2004 | 09:49 AM
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Originally posted by: dirthead
Bluethumb, I thought you were going to change your screenname to KarlMarx[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
It occured to me in a fleeting kind of way, but I don't think it would get a rise out of anyone, so what's the point?
You guys, some of you, are sure serious about your politics. Or you could say "solid in your convictions". I see the point made from your point of view as well, I can imagine what you see when you look north, I sat and thought about it last night. Anyway here's another one:

A newly hired nurse was making her rounds with the resident. Opening a patients' door, she was horrified to observe a man actively masturbating. Asking the resident why he was doing this, the resident replied " Well, he has a condition with his *********, they produce excessive amounts of semen, and if he doesn't relieve the pressure 5 times a day, he'll explode and quite possibly die of complications". Satisfied with the answer, they carry on with rounds. Two doors down she opens the door, and shockingly observes a nurse performing oral sex on a patient. Turning to the resident, the nurse asks, "now what could possibly justify this ?! Well, says the resident, same condition, better health plan!"

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