Had a guest speaker at my school about shooting at school

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Old 05-16-2005, 12:07 AM
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Default Had a guest speaker at my school about shooting at school

Originally posted by: strongtyerYFZ
Originally posted by: Raptorlegs
We ban prayer and ban the 10 commandments (including thou shalt not commit murder) from our schools. We tell our kids they are a highly developed apes. Right and wrong is simply because mom said so. We allow them to be bombarded with sex and violence through the media. We look up to celebrities with no moral values. And we're too busy to spend time with our kids.

Then we wonder why they act the way they do. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
seriously... so true

Originally posted by: MrDumass
All I know is that my wife and I raise our "gun slingers" and from what I have seen, the foundation of religion early in they lives has made significant differences between them and the kids that haven't. Part of the problem is that people dont make time for their kids. They push them away and make time for themselves. Society is to blame partialy, but parents can and should block what they deem harmful to they way their child will behave. The parents of those kids that did the shootings were just as shocked as the nation to see what had happened. The media blames it on video games, music, and guns. I blame it on the parents non involvement in their childs lives.
i agree the media is a major source of negative things that younger (and even some older) people are susceptible to. years ago all the cartoons consisted of buggs bunny and the like. now look at todays cartoons. the animators must be on drugs. sponge bob (not nearly the worst, just one i find annoying) for example. the media makes us believe that celebrities have it all and yet in realitly many have low self esteems, are unhappy, have drug issues, and other problems. you cannot buy happiness. their lives really arent as glamorous as they may seem. all the drugs, drinking, smoking, immorality, etc. will catch up to them in due time. i agree that video games, music, and guns arent to blame but there are messages in music and or some video games that can spark or add fuel to the fire. there is soo much media and entertainment out there these days and not a lot of it is good. look at the ratio of R rated and PG-13 movies compared to PG and G movies. look at whats in those PG-13 and R movies compared to what was allowed in R and PG-12 movies years ago. we are slowly accepting evil as a nation. video games alone arent going to make me or most anyone bring a gun to school. now over time, parents who dont give enough attention to their children who are playing violent video games, listening to music with bad messages and the like may be prone to bad behavior at school. anyways, no matter what the circumstance of the government, media, etc., it is possible to raise several children, provide income, maintain a home etc. we cannot blame any single thing. the government is not all corrupt. we live in america and even though we may not be all that we can or could be, we still have more freedoms than every other country i can think of. i hate it when people complain about America. go live in Iraq or any other country outside North America for a month...
Well said.

Actually most of what i am reading here is making sense and I continue to find I am agreeing with the majority of it. What I am starting to question is where are those people who would argue with most everyone of us, and are they too busy doing Juniors homework while he is watching all the violence on his personal tv in his room? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif[/img]

But honestly though I wont say I am happy with the media and dont agree with some of the things in various video games etc I still stand behind the family and religion as being the stronger issue as those things would not have the same effect on a child in a loving family with a strong bond and structure as it would one in a parentless and faithless surrounding.

I mean I can understand how some of these games can get one pumped up, or thinking oddly from personal experience (some of us have been or are still hooked on Vice City LOL) but no one I know flew down to Miami and started blowing up evreything in sight either.

You can misread my concern for how our goverment works and why some things are like they are today, but I believe your following the simple idea of like or try it someware else (I think you suggest Iraq etc) is part of the problem why we see so few changes in the right direction. Maybe if more of us were willing to accept our own shortcomings etc and try to work on making things better for all of us and our children etc we would see more good things come from it than from offering others to move to a third world war zone.

I dont know where I saved it but I would think most of us have seen the email titles "proud american" before, and there are some others that I have seen that are 10 times better than that, but the idea is that as things change they should change for the better, and not the worse. I remember one where the author goes on about how all his high school friends had gun racks in their trucks parked outside school, and how no one ever got shot and not we have more laws to controll everything we do and no more firearms in open view etc, but we also have innocent bodies lying dead in our schools and no one seems to know why.

Old 05-16-2005, 07:27 AM
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Default Had a guest speaker at my school about shooting at school

For more info on the credit scams check this out a license to steal

Damn the net is a great thing [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Old 05-18-2005, 02:12 AM
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Default Had a guest speaker at my school about shooting at school

Is this an atv forum or am I on the wrong board?
Old 05-18-2005, 03:00 PM
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Default Had a guest speaker at my school about shooting at school

geez... you guys spank your kids in the butt????? that would have been better...

i got hit in the side of the head... once in a while "accidentaly" with a shovel (might explain alot)

its pretty sad to see how some kids in my school are... i'd NEVER swear to my parents, or around... well i go over their house and thats all they do. id be terrified to... my dad would kick the **** outta me... thats before id have to go through with my mom...

reminds me of a story... there were some kids in our neighborhood that were stealing things from everyone...cops couldnt find em. well they came to our farm, and started stealing stuff, such as tractor keys, and some of my other junk. well my dad caught em...the 2 of em tried to fight him...hopeless failure. well my parents brought both into the office, locked the door, and called the cops... after they came out of that office they looked scared sh!tless...

or my sisters friend... he ran and hid in the car when my dad yelled at me...seemed normal to me, he thought my dad was gonna grab the gun... parents are way too soft in my area...
Old 05-22-2005, 03:18 AM
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Default Had a guest speaker at my school about shooting at school

MR Duma$$ you seem like a real good right wing conservative, republican , good to know there are more of them in the county then just in the farming comuunities
Old 05-22-2005, 06:08 AM
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Default Had a guest speaker at my school about shooting at school

I have not read everything that has happend on here but I want to say that the highschool in my hometown was under lock down for the past week and a half. Threats were made, and they took it seriouse...they almost have to.

It is a sad day when kids (including myself since I am only 19) have to be under lock down to be safe. I dont know what to really say about the topic. It just horrifies me to think that one human will kill another just because of race, sex, age, or whatever be the reason. I have had several conversations with friends of mine on this subject and other subject that reflects the killing of other humans...and it all ends up in the same verdict...never good...weather it be a war or hate crime..
Old 05-29-2005, 06:26 PM
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Default Had a guest speaker at my school about shooting at school

Originally posted by: Gopher500
geez... you guys spank your kids in the butt????? that would have been better...i got hit in the side of the head... once in a while "accidentaly" with a shovel (might explain alot)its pretty sad to see how some kids in my school are... i'd NEVER swear to my parents, or around... well i go over their house and thats all they do. id be terrified to... my dad would kick the **** outta me... thats before id have to go through with my mom...reminds me of a story... there were some kids in our neighborhood that were stealing things from everyone...cops couldnt find em. well they came to our farm, and started stealing stuff, such as tractor keys, and some of my other junk. well my dad caught em...the 2 of em tried to fight him...hopeless failure. well my parents brought both into the office, locked the door, and called the cops... after they came out of that office they looked scared sh!tless...or my sisters friend... he ran and hid in the car when my dad yelled at me...seemed normal to me, he thought my dad was gonna grab the gun... parents are way too soft in my area...
My dad was 6'2" and 260 when I was in HS. I got smart with him one time in a restaraunt and found myself under a table with a rapidly swelling right side of my head. He wacked me a good one when he asked where I had gotten three dollars that I had in my hand, the last thing I remember was saying, "Out of my pocket." My family as a whole has never been afraid to give an @$$whoopin. My sister didn't get as many cause she's a girl and now she is a felon with active warrants and a meth head. My brother and me turned out allright and I believe it's cause my parents wanted to assist us boys with our pain thresholds. My kids and my neices and nephews are all well behaved. cause they know, step out of line and get that @$$ whipped. As kids, our "Time out" was the time it took dad or mom to grab the belt and get the buckle off before the screaming and running around in a circle commenced.
Old 05-29-2005, 06:48 PM
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Default Had a guest speaker at my school about shooting at school

oh yea...if i do sumthing bad or anything theres a a$$whooping in line for me...my dad will warn me but if i keep doing it then he comes after me....i remember when i was littler i always put socks in my underwear where my but is and me and my brother would do somthing bad and he would come up and beat our a$$es...and no the socks didn't work
Old 05-30-2005, 03:28 AM
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Default Had a guest speaker at my school about shooting at school

Originally posted by: Gopher500

My dad was 6'2" and 260 when I was in HS. I got smart with him one time in a restaraunt and found myself under a table with a rapidly swelling right side of my head. He wacked me a good one when he asked where I had gotten three dollars that I had in my hand, the last thing I remember was saying, "Out of my pocket."
Thats way too funny, but I bet you had a different answer the next time LOL

Old 05-30-2005, 03:45 AM
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Default Had a guest speaker at my school about shooting at school

Originally posted by: MnFriesen
I have not read everything that has happend on here but I want to say that the highschool in my hometown was under lock down for the past week and a half. Threats were made, and they took it seriouse...they almost have to.

It is a sad day when kids (including myself since I am only 19) have to be under lock down to be safe. I dont know what to really say about the topic. It just horrifies me to think that one human will kill another just because of race, sex, age, or whatever be the reason. I have had several conversations with friends of mine on this subject and other subject that reflects the killing of other humans...and it all ends up in the same verdict...never good...weather it be a war or hate crime..

Sounds like you have the general idea, but I personally have a really big problem with the whole lockdown issue (if it was not obvious already [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] )

To me lockdown is something that is done in a correctional facility to allow those running it to remain in or regain control of it, and cause the cooperation of the inmates and also protect them from each other insure the safety of the guards etc.

The whole idea of having this happen to those of us who are "free" and allowing us or our children to be held potentially against our will says a whole lot more about controll and conditioning than it does about safety. I dont know about what anyone else thinks or would prefer etc, but I know damn well I wouldnt want to be having to rely on the actions of people without complete proper training (school administrators etc) for my safety while being held like a prisoner and denied free passage to exit etc. if I wanted to make decisions to protect my own safety.

Its not just the wording either (though lockdown sounds pretty bad if you ask me) but the actual action so dont misread this towards that direction. Sure calling it an alert may be an idea, but treating it as such and not following a similar procedure as found in various correctional facilities would be a lot better, and more "American" since it would not cause the potential for locking a potential threat inside with those who are supposed to be safe, and wouldnt be conditioning our youth to accept being locked down and controlled as an acceptable thing.

Things may not be as they were 20 or 50 years ago, but the actions I have seen happening lately (over the past 5-10 years) seem to be encoraging or causing the atmosephere to bring more unusual things to happen.

I dont have all the answers (as I dont believe any one of us does) but I do know that continuing to create a situation that becomes more and more restrictive can not be helping those who are screaming out or whatever you want to call it from all the pressures they face.


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