helmet fot the melon
helmet fot the melon
I'm in the market for a helmet to wear while primarily trail riding. Full face seems to be too much as far as constriction, etc. Have heard that open face means sticks in the eyes. Half helmets don't protect enough, etc. Who's wearing what out there and why? Thanks, hdnvn
helmet fot the melon
I would strongly recommend a moto helmet and goggles. HJC makes reasonably priced helmets that are Snell rated. Scott goggles with light sensitive lens work very well. This combo will keep tree limbs, dust and rocks away from your face/eyes and still allow plenty of air. If it is really cold, full face is hard to beat. This works for me, I am sure others will have other ideas.
helmet fot the melon
I agree with slags. Thats the same set up I use, and it does wonders for keeping trees and rocks out of the face along with dirt in the mouth, all of which you will run in to a lot on the trails. The key is looking for one that fits right. the more money you spend the better product your going to get. And will feel better on your head.
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helmet fot the melon
we have one of the polaris helmets...I think that they are great I dont have a problem with the weight of them and it fits great...I normally throw on a pair of sunglasses and then I am good...works great in the winter too...went out to yellowstone with us on our snowmobiling trip out there a couple of years ago