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Your vote: Bush or Gore?????

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Old 10-09-2000, 03:30 PM
BigCrashChris's Avatar
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Bush has my vote!!! Al Gore lies over and over. Invented the Internet. HA! Yeah, and Bill and Monica were just "talking"

I think that in the 8 years these two have been in the big white house at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, our rights have slipped, our taxes have increased, and the facts about more jobs, and small business are a fallicy! Yeah, there are more small businesses because it is easier to avoid paying taxes as a small business man, AND when you get laid off, and the unemployment office looks at your $540 weekly pay, and gives you 54 bucks a week, well you have to start a business, or starve.

Gore can climb one of those tree's he's so proud of!!!!!!!! Me, I'll be filling my GAS tank, Riding my QUAD, and shooting my GUNS at the target range.

Australia and England both had the private guns taken away, now ONLY the criminals have guns.. DUH! My don't we just put a sign at the end of the block that says NO GUNS, CRIME ZONE!

In Kennisaw Georgia, each home owner is required to own a gun, and they have the lowest crime rate everywhere! WHY? Because the criminals KNOW that they will be facing a homeowner with a gun. Even criminals aren't stupid.

VOTE BUSH and make it count.

Don't come whining to me if you Vote Gore and you can't afford to put three gallons of fuel in your ATV, and you get car jacked, so you lose your job because you can't get to work, AND your daughter comes home and says....... According to the president, we didnt' have sex tonight........
Old 10-09-2000, 09:46 PM
scramdaddy400's Avatar
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VOTE BUSH ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BUSH 2000


Old 10-09-2000, 10:28 PM
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You bought SP335...,installed 2 55Watts reverse lights...,obviously admire Jesse Jackson and declare Gore a winner.
You are amazing thinker.Did you have a car accident in the past??
Old 10-10-2000, 12:56 AM
fourlix's Avatar
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I agree with Gore--Bush is a pawn of corporations,
anti women's rights, not to bright, etc.

I agree with Bush-- Gore is an environmental extremist, anti-gun, big government and tax intensive.

Both of these candidates offer the WORST of what the Democrats and Republicans have to offer.

Both of these guys want to be President because their Daddies wanted them to.

Both of these candidates were chosen by their parties way before any primaries. We have had no choice. McCain was our only real choice. McCain was the only real candidate.

Bush and Gore both suck. Either way, WE LOSE.

Later, Fourlix

Old 10-10-2000, 11:26 AM
rangerchet's Avatar
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Ya now mccain is someone I could have felt good about voting for. I wish he was the reform party candidate. He's not, so it don't mean much right now. Did anybody see the show last night at 7m central time. The show was on the same channel as the monday night football game and 1 hour before the game. It was a 1 hour show about the power the
nra has. rangerchet
Old 10-10-2000, 11:56 AM
RubiconBob's Avatar
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Wow, that was some interesting reading! I'm voting for Bush. I own guns, I own ATV's, and I believe in keeping as much of the salary that I have worked hard, and given up so much, for to earn this kind of money, and I don't want to pay for services that someone who's waiting for stuff to be given to them. Gore was the VP for that last 7 years, and in the Senate and House before that: why hasn't he done some of the items he's talking about now. Bush may get flustered at times, but that's a lot of crap swirling around those candidates, and he just has to be smart enough to hire a good cabinet to advise him on what to do. Clinton's cabinet has been trying to rape the system as much as possible, rather than looking out for the little guy. And the only little gut that Clinton has been looking out for was hanging between his legs! Someone mentioned that Republicans are against abortion, yet for gun ownership (a woman's right to her body, versus the right to own a gun). Big difference, the right to own a gun is part of the Constitution. I am not against abortions, as it should be their choice, as they have to live with it. I am against it becoming a birth control method that is paid for with government money. What a lot of folks don't understand is that if the anti-gunners can get the 2nd amendment overturned, then what's next? The first amendment? Could we talk on this webpage if they go after freedom of speech, or would we be required to get our comments cleared by a politically-appointed committee overseeing speech (like they want to do with guns?)? What else could they go after? Remember when we called it the justice system? Now it's the legal system. There's no justice, just legal stuff. And now it protects those that break the laws, not the ones who follow the law. And for some of you, bashing Bush because he was an oilman, while you ride a vehicle that uses gas and oil that are a by-product of the work that oilmen do, while trashing them. There are some abuses, but tell me how Texas has been ruined by oilmen? And I am personally offended that the liberals, who believe that no one is responsible for anything, also believe that if you are an NRA member, you are responsible for all the deaths and injuries caused by criminals using guns, although the criminals that pull the trigger (on the gun that they are not allowed to own) have no responsibility for their actions. No one ever talks about the lives that are saved by a homeowner using a gun to protect their family, or property. If gun control works, why is it that the cities with the toughest gun controls also have the most crime (Washington, DC, NYC, etc)? Sorry, but I tend to get angry when people lie to me, and act like they know what's best for me, and that I'm too stupid to have control over my own life.
Old 10-10-2000, 12:11 PM
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I don't keep a copy of the Constitution handy, nor the Dec. of Ind. However I looked it up. It's article I of the Constitution. I don't know what country's constitution your looking at but this is AMERICA. Reckard shows his serious lack of basic knowledge if you don't know about separation of church and state. LOOK IT UP and learn something. Although I'm a firm believer in God, I don't think this is the proper forum for preaching.
Bush = morals,... Don't kid yourself please...
Old 10-10-2000, 11:38 PM
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Well hey Bob, you know how you can tell if a politician is lying to you? Right? His lips are moving. It's an old one, but a good one. And it is a bi-partisan universal truth.
Sadly Later, Fourlix

SP500, 425EXP,325Mag
Old 10-11-2000, 11:11 PM
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I'm a single issue voter and that single issue is guns. I desire to keep mine, regardless of what or how many. Therefore, poor choices as they both are, I'm for Bush\Cheney all the way. It would be better if it were Cheney\Bush.
Old 10-12-2000, 10:15 AM
kevin_staton's Avatar
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To quote Jerry Garcia (Grateful Dead), "When you choos the lesser of two evils, you are still choosing evil." Republicrat, Democan. They are two sides of the same coin. Have you heard either candidate say that they will be reducing the size of government? NO! They only talk about new programs to spend more of our money.

Would you give up your favorite Federal program to not have to pay any income tax? Do you know more about running your life than Al Gore or George W. Bush? Could you invest 15% of your salary and get better than a 2% return?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you need to check out the Libertarian Party candidate for president, Harry Browne. www.harrybrowne2000.org

If you think the Federal Government is too large (It is the largest employer in the entire world) and should be reduced to its constitutional limits, you need to find out more about Harry.

Why have you never heard of this person or these ideas? Because they scare the hell out of the professional politicians in DC. Our two party system is supposed to give the feel that you have real choices, but the first job of either party is to make sure that they continue to exist. Self preservation is a powerful force.

The Democrats and Republicans exist in a mutually-exclussive symbiotic relationship. What this means is that one can not exist without the other and an outside force is harmful to both. If you believe that one is good, then the other must be bad. This gives you the feeling of making a choice. When you get past the rhetoric, they both do the same things when they get chance. They reward their friends and punish their enemies using our tax dollars.

Why have you never heard of Harry Browne? He isn't very high in the polls, so the news media doesn't cover him. Why isn't he higher in the polls? Because people have never heard of him. He is on the ballot in every state, and DC which is better than Nader or Buchanon. But they have been buddy-buddy with the media inside the Washington beltway for many years, so they get the media coverage.

If you believe that any other candidate is for a smaller government, why is Harry Browne the only candidate that qualified for Federal Election Commission matching funds and refused them? I'll bet you didn't know that you are financing Bush's, Gore's, Nader's and Buchanon's campaigns with your tax dollars.

Before you say anything about a wasted vote, let me quote Jesse Ventura, Governor of Minnesota, "Voting for President is not like going to the track. You don't vote for the one you think will win, you vote for the person that most closely represents you ideals." If we keep voting for the candidates of the two major parties, nothing will change.

The Libertarians want you to be free to live your life the way that you want. They want the Federal Government out of your life as much as possible. Do you really need a government that mandates the size of the holes in Swiss chesse?

The folks in New Hampshire have it right, "Live free or die!" I'm voting for Harry Browne because I want to be free to live MY life the way I see fit, not the way Al or George think I should. It's my life, let me decide.

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