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Does anybody know of good riding places in Nebraska?

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Old 09-10-2003, 04:24 AM
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Default Does anybody know of good riding places in Nebraska?

Good luck on finding any info on areas to ride in Nebraska. If you are from the Omaha area like we are you'll soon decide to ride out of state. I think for the time and money that you would take to ride to Geneo or Halsey you would be much better off riding in Iowa? We've had a lot of un riding over in Iowa.

Have you ever rode the Mighty Mo in the winter? Once the water level drops, you'd be surprised with the amount of rideable sand bars that become exposed. Last winter wasn't that great, but the winter of 2002 up here by Blair on the Iowa side we could ride upstream for a couple of miles on HUGE sand bars and over the dikes. A lot of fun!!
Old 09-10-2003, 09:46 AM
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Default Does anybody know of good riding places in Nebraska?

I was talking to someone last week and they said that the first of the month you have to have your quad licenced in Nebraska. Has any one else heard of that. If so that would be another stupid thing that Nebraska has done, charge you for something you can not use.
Old 09-10-2003, 10:08 AM
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Default Does anybody know of good riding places in Nebraska?

I think the registration only applies to new ATV purchases.
Old 09-10-2003, 01:08 PM
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Default Does anybody know of good riding places in Nebraska?

Good question kids!!! I just got off the phone with the Washington County Clerk in Blair and I was quite amused with what they told me. Basically you are right. After Jan 01, 2004 all new ATVs sold in Nebraska must be titled.And yes, the answer to your next question, you CAN NOT license them in Nebraska! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]

This makes a lot of sense right?[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

Well the lady their tells me that the lending institutions are the ones who pushed for the change in law. They want your ATV to be titled so when you default on the loan they can REPO your quad easier!!![img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif[/img]

Funny thing is that I am sure having your quad titled in Nebraska will do exactly that. I hear that when you get your ATV titled they secretley install a LOJACK system on your quad so they can come and get it!!!!![img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif[/img]

Yeah Right!

I also did ask about sales tax and was told that they were not collecting sales tax because it would be paid at the dealer...

Well at least that's a good thing!

Titles are voluntary for used machines effective Sept 01, 2003.
Old 09-10-2003, 02:32 PM
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Default Does anybody know of good riding places in Nebraska?

Originally posted by: deeppaul
I was talking to someone last week and they said that the first of the month you have to have your quad licenced in Nebraska. Has any one else heard of that. If so that would be another stupid thing that Nebraska has done, charge you for something you can not use.
On October 1, 2003, a new law LB-333 will take effect in Nebraska where new ATVs and dirtbikes sold will have to be titled. Beginning January 1, 2004, all machines, including new and used will have to be titled if they are sold to another party. The procedure for this is you must present an MSO (manufacturers statement of origin) to the court house. If you do not have an MSO, you will have to take it to the sheriffs department and pay them to have inspected. He will check your VIN against those stolen. If yours shows up as stolen, well, you know what happens, you loose your machine and maybe get some jail time (possession of stolen property). LB-333 was shoved down our throats by Senator Carroll Burling of Kenesaw (Hastings area). I tried to get the Senator to help us, and in his exact words "I am not interested in helping recreational ATV riders in Nebraska".

The bad part about this law is that it is a back door registration program that it may be used to charge you a personal property tax on your machine. Also state senators required the department of motor vehicles to set up a totally new Vehicle registration program. This will set the stage for titling and taxing of tractors, skid loaders, garden tractors, golf carts, and so on.

Our organization fought this bill as it provided absolutely no funding for trails. Most farmers and ranchers generally are opposed to any kind of registration in Nebraska because they feel it is just another stinking fee they have to pay. In some cases, you may be required to carry on you a copy of your title as proof of ownership while operating your machine. This is going to be impossible if you have a lien (loan) against your machine as the title will be in the court house.

When LB-333 was in the legislature this last winter, hundreds of people wrote letters to state senators asking to have only $5 of the titling fee's go for trails. MOST all other states allow for this. Not a SINGLE STATE SENATOR supported the $5 fee! LB-333 was supported by some motorcycle/ATV/dirtbike dealers in Nebraska. I can say this because I talked personally with MANY state senators about it, visited with the governor, and attended and testified at all of the hearings on LB-333. We got railroaded big time by our state senators, the vote on LB-333 was 48 for, 0 against, and no senator was in the slight bit interested in offering amendments or helping us down the road. The rural state senators do not want funding of trails because some farmers and ranchers do not want trails and OHV parks (even though they would be the biggest users). Urban state senators don't want them because of environmental concerns, and because of opposition to motorized trails from hikers, horse riders and bicycles as some think we may want to share their trails with them and we would be using trail funds for motorized recreation that they could have use on hiking and bicycle projects.

Nebraska's ATV and dirtbike riders pay federal gas taxes for each gallon of gas used in their machines. The federal gas tax is designed to fund roads and highways. However, since ATVs and many dirtbikes are not used on highways, the taxes paid by Nebraska's ATV and dirtbike riders (and some jeeps, SUVs, etc.) are refunded back to Nebraska via the federal Recreational Trails Program (RTP) for use on motorized and non-motorized trails. If there are no ATV/dirtbike projects in Nebraska, then the tax funds that we payed to begin with and meant for ATV and dirtbike trails is turned over to the hikers, bicycles and horse people.

In 1999 NOHVA and Loup Power applied for these funds and was approved to receive about $50,000 for Headworks Park. But in 2000, the Nebraska Game and Parks commission found ways to take these funds away from us so that a hiking trail could be funded. For several years I served on our state's RTP committee, a group that over saw these funds and approved grants for trails. When the fundsd for Headworks was taken away, I resigned from the committee. Why should I belong to a committee to benefit all trail users including ATVers when the state has no intent on allowing ATVers and dirtbikers to use funds that we paid to begin with?? My time could be spend better else where!!

Since 1995, Nebraska has received just under $3,000,000 back from the Federal government to spend on motorized and non-motorized trails. Nebraska is the ONLY state in the nation that has not allowed the use of these funds for ATV and dirtbike trails, and they blame us (ATV and dirtbike riders, NOHVA, etc) for this. It is really difficult to spend this money when the state agency in charge of the funds publically say that they can’t help or support motorized recreation in Nebraska because it is against their environmental policy. Almost every other state has the same policy, but they have found a way to work with ATV and dirtbike riders. But Game and Parks do say that they are in charge of trails for motorized recreation (none exist under state control for motorized recreation).

In all fairness, I must add that there are other reasons why our state does not support motorized recreation.
(1) There is little or no funding to manage a motorized program. AS we all know, the state is out of money right now and it would be difficult to raise taxes to help out ATV and dirtbike riders.
(2) There seems to be little support for a motorized program by Nebraska citizens and businesses. While "we" think there should be more places for us to ride, this is not the case amoung the general public.

The opposition to recreational ATV and dirtbike use in Nebraska is rooted from several issues. The biggest opponent is the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, our state agency in charge of our state’s recreation and trails, and the upper management of Game and Parks. In the late 1980's, a new director to Game and Parks was appointed, Rex Amack. From what I understand, soon after he was in office, the Commission voted to close all state lands to recreational ATV and dirtbike use. The reason? The activity is was deemed as too destructive to the environment (in their opinion). AT that time, there were several state places to ride, Ponca SP, Norfolk, Lake MacConnehy (sp) , and Fort Robertson. All were closed.

Please keep in mind that the Nebraska Game and Parks Commissioners (the board that directs the agency) are political appointments, meaning that they did a favor for someone like get a governor elected or they have lot’s of money, or they are some who can further the goals of the agency, like hunting and environmental groups. No one is elected on the commission and it IS the most powerful agency in the state. They are also in charge of our state’s recreation programs and parks, but only do it because they are forced into it by the public and parks and trails do not generate enough funding on their own to cover expenses. Their main concern is protection of habitat, provide wildlife for hunting and fishing, and protection of the environment. Providing trails for hikers, bicycles, and most of all motorized recreation, is at the bottom of the list. In fact, supporting motorized recreation is not on their list at all. Most all riders are even willing to pay a small fee to ride on trails!!

The manufactures will not support recreational ATV and dirtbike use in Nebraska. Why? The numbers. Not enough money in it for them. Please remember that about 20% to 25% or all the ATVs and dirtbikes sold in this country are made in Lincoln Nebraska at Kawasaki, Kawasaki doesn't even support anything geared for recreation in Nebraska. What bites is that Kawasaki have tested some of their new models (at times) at Headworks Park near Genoa, yet they are not interested in helping sponsor an ATV/dirtbike related event there or even join NOHVA. The state of Nebraska and the city of Lincoln who desperately needs taxes paid by Kawasaki and their employees would not HEAR of having a place near the Kawasaki plant and Lincoln to ride. Some have, however donated a machine to hunting and farming groups to help them. We (and many other states) have had GREAT SUPPORT from Parts Unlimited!! Our biggest dealer support comes from Kearney Yamaha and Curry Bros. Motorsports, but we also get support from most major dealers the eastern half of Nebraska and Tim O'Neill in Council Bluffs!!

I have talked many times to rider support people at Honda, Kawasaki, Cabella's and Polaris about supporting family based recreational ATV use here in Nebraska. First of all, they think we all live on farms and ranches here, and we all own plenty of land to ride on or know someone who owns lands that they can ride on. Also, they say the numbers are not here. There are only about 35,000 ATVs in use in Nebraska right now. (Sounds like a lot to me). Also, sponsoring ATV events in Nebraska do not interest them. Only 800 to 1200 riders our events verses jamborees they fund that have only 100 riders attend. Go figure! Cabella's said that they do not support recreational sport ATV use at this time.

What can be done? The Game and Parks Commission needs to be convinced that they need to help us, just a little bit. We can do a lot of stuff our selves to build trails and open OHV parks. But they need to accept us as real people first, and that there is a need for trails/parks in Nebraska. Once Game and Parks indicate that they are willing to help us, then state senators may fall in line. It’s going to take lot’s of money to hire lobbyists, lawyers, there are going to have to be some powerful people behind it, and LOTS of ATV riders to contact their state senators and write letters to newspapers. If you do contact your state senator or write a letter to a newspaper, be nice and civil. Hot heads just make matters worse even though we have plenty to be hot about!

WHEW! Long reply.

Dan Nitzel
Old 09-10-2003, 02:56 PM
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Default Does anybody know of good riding places in Nebraska?

Originally posted by: Wackjob
Anyone who disagrees then let me know of one public, private, government-funded, LEGAL riding place that ANYONE AND EVERYONE CAN RIDE AT and I will eat my own words.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Please don't eat your words, I've tried it and the vowels get stuck in my throat! And when the stuff that get's thru does come out, OOOH BABY! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

Public trails exist at the Nebraska National Forest and there is no trail fee. Most ATV/dirtbike trail improvements are funded by NOHVA. NOHVA membership not required to ride there. A facility use fee is charged $3 a day, $15 a year if you use the picnic grounds, restrooms, camping and parking areas. See earlier message for miles or visit Halsey Trails Committee

No fee is charged at Headworks, except for those who take part in the jamborees. Otherwise it's public, a membership is not required to ride there. People are "asked" to join NOHVA to help pay for maintenance at the area, but only about 25% of the riders who use the area are support that area and are NOHVA members. Funded by NOHVA, Loup Power, and Nance County Sheriffs Department.

Flat Rock Riders OHV Park near Sutherland is public. Funded by NOHVA members, local volunteers and Nebraska Public Power District.

Harlen County resevoir is free and public. Funded by the Corp of Engineers. There are a few trails and people are riding on the lake bed since the lake is so low.

NOHVA publishes a Nebraska Ride Guide 2003 for $10 or it's free with a membership. The ride guide has complete information on places to ride in and near Nebraska. A membership special starts October 1st, join for next year, get the rest of this year free. $20 single and $25 family good thru March 31, 2005. Visit our web site for more information at www.nohva.com

Eastern Nebraska needs some places to ride really bad! In 1996, NOHVA formed a committee to find an area in easthern Nebraska and came across what is now the River Valley OHV Park. Since NOHVA is a Nebraska organization, the park is located in Iowa, the only way to get Iowa trail funds was to form an Iowa incorperated club. So, we helped get the River Valley Trail Riders going. The park is managed by the River Valley Trail Riders based in Omaha/Council Bluffs. These guys worked REALLY HARD to get this area open up and running, and work hard to keep it open. They could use some volunteers to help.

Considering the circumstances, we’re pretty lucky to have what we now have here in Nebraska! A few other states are worse off!
Old 09-10-2003, 03:20 PM
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Default Does anybody know of good riding places in Nebraska?

We all know that there isn't a whole lot of places to ride in NE. We should concentrate on getting together as a group and hit the places we can ride. I've lived in a lot of different states in my time before settling here, and I've always found places to ride, even if I have to haul my rigs a few extra miles to get there.
Old 09-10-2003, 03:44 PM
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Default Does anybody know of good riding places in Nebraska?

I talked to a guy in South Dakota yesterday who was asking for help to get the word out about a trails area he and some others developed. They have 30 miles of trails along the Missouri River. He told me (I don't know if I beleive it or not) that they have been charging $150 day per machine (to cover expenses) to ride there, and people were paying it! Wowza!
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