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07 420 rancher -Wrecked

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Old 10-07-2007, 10:25 AM
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Default 07 420 rancher -Wrecked

Unless its a total write off leave you insurance alone. They will charge you your big deductible and then double your yearly rate. Cheaper to fix it yourself.
Old 10-07-2007, 10:50 AM
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Default 07 420 rancher -Wrecked

i would not just ride that, there is a major damage somewhere, body panels can't move that far and stay there without something holding it there. where are you located? i might be interested in buying it if you don't want. i would prolly replace the frame or whatever is wrong with it. i would simply not ride it like that
Old 10-07-2007, 03:15 PM
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Default 07 420 rancher -Wrecked

Well the first thing i would do is put it on a lift and check out the rear wheel wobble to see if it's just a warpped wheel or bent axle , then i would remove the plastic's so you could get a good look at the frame ; to see if it's warpped and check out the front and rear end for bent tie rod's steering stem ball joint's ect ! With the skin's off you can get a better picture of the frame and i wouldn't ride it like this ; that's for sure you could really mess up something that will cost you a arm or leg to get repaired ! The way you described the ride back home i would think the worst damage would be the rear wheel and or axle as for the ride , and after removing the plastic's i would remove the skid plate's as well ; about three or 4 month's that i had my old 86' Honda TRX 350 Foreman i was riding a trail i had never been on before ! When the trail ended i went up a wild game trail that went up a small mt. peak when i came to these giant rock's and bolder's , i couldn't go any further and i turned around there ; and headed back down the mt. i got off the game trail because it got dark before i started back down ! The next thing i knew i hit my brake's and the quad started sliding and picking up speed like i had hit the throddle instead of brake's , i was going off a chiff in the dark and i mangaed to ram the quad into the first tree i saw ; and here i was in total picth black darkness and not thinking straight i tried to turn the quad around BIG Mistake ! My Foreman had a winch mounted on the front and that was what i shound've used to turn the quad around with , but being a fool i tried turning it around on the quad ; well that was my second mistake ! The first being leaving the main trail so close to dark , as i was turning around in the dark i was trown off the quad and i was rolling down the chiff trying to keep my leg's together to keep from banging my knee's on the ground ; the worst thing was that i could hear my huge heavy 86' Honda TRX 350 Foreman rolling down the hill behind me ! I could hear it , bang , bang , bang , bang , bang rolling down this chiff right behind me ; i was terrified to say the least and all i could think of was GOD please let the quad stop before i do ! And just as i stopped rolling i heard one last bang and it stopped , i looked back up the chiff to see my Foreman had hit a tree ; it was wedged againt the tree with the seat of the quad pressed again't the tree's trunk with the headlight still shinning and the engine ran for just a few second's and stalled out ! Now here i was in total darkness not knowing what to do next ! Here i am a bilateral amputee (both legs' off just below the knee's , and by the way my knee's were killing me from banging them on the ground so many time's while rolling down this chiff ; my first thought was GOD thank you for that tree ! Then i started to think what to do next , i crawled up to the quad , and with the strenth of pure adrenilin i grabbed hold of the rear rack with all the weight of my body i was able to get the quad onto it's wheel's ; then i got the engine started and i had to adjust the idle speed way high to keep the engine running ! Then i put on my work glove's and let out all the winch cable and crawled up the hill to the farthest tree i could get to , wrapped the winch cable around the tree and slid back down to the quad holding on tightly to the cable to keep it from coming loose ; i then got the the twist cap and started dragging the quad up the chiff ! When i got as far as i could go with the cable i let out some cable to let the quad's rear rack rest again't the nearest tree ! I had to do this over a dozen time's before i came upon rocky gound , then i let the quad rest again't a tree ; reeled in the cable and remounted and started riding up the slope till i came out on a wide well marked trail ! I said a prayer of thanks for the lord pulling me from the jaw's of death as he has done so many time's in my life , then i started out the trail only to come upon a Grave at the end of the trail ; on the Grave marker it read W.H. Disney ! I still didn't know where i was but just past the Grave i came upon a paved road , and as i rode down the paved road i suddenly realized where i was at ; Right behind the Ga. State Patrol Barrack's and i really started freaking out for sure at this point ! I killed my head light put the quad in newtral turned off the engine and coasted on down the hill ! And as i got to the Patrol Barrack's there were these full veiw patio glass door's and there were 2 Trooper's sitting inside with their feet propped up on a coffee table relaxing and watching TV , thank GOD there was a show on that night that kept their eyes glued to the TV screen ; and they didn't see me coast by ! Well i coasted down the hill till i got to the hiway fired up the engine turned on the headlight and tached out the engine in all five gear's down to where my Dotsun Station wagon and old ford truckbed trailer was parked i rode straight up the ramp into the truckbed and shut everything off ! My nefew was waiting at the car we had been fishing at mill creek bridge , the fish were't biting and i told David i was just going to ride out the trail to see where it went ; and David was horse from screaming for me not knowing where i was ! After i pulled up the ramp and closed and fastened the tail gate i had to hear David asking me where the heck have you been , i've been sceaming untill i can't talk worrying about you ; at first i didn't tell him of my ordeal untill we were headed for home ! But on the way back i told him what had happened leaving out as much as i could so he wouldn't tell my sister and mom about everything that happened , and by the way i was wearing a helmet but i was so hot in these thick wood's that i took it off while i was winching the quad up the hill and didn't have it strapped down ; and it fell off the quad and rolled down the cliff in the dark and i never went back to that place to look for it ! The place where we were fishing is posted no vehicle's beond this gate that i rode around it to get to the fishing hole , i told my sister about it a few month's later ; but i told to swear to me she wouldn't ever tell my Mom what had happened even though i was in my mid to late 30's at the time ! You know how women are and a sister that i had lived with her and her husband and kid's most of my grown up year's , and Mom's never stop worrying about their children no matter the age ; and needless to say i've never wondered from a well marked trail again ! I had one other accident while towing my cousin's 89' Suzuki LTF4wd out of a creekbed where we were riding double and i sank his quad in a water hole on the way back from a ride down the creek , when i got to the spot where we sank i stopped and asked my cousin whitch side did we take when we came to this spot ; he said i don't know you were driving i said i don't remember he said go to the right i shoud've went to the left because i drove us right into a deep hole that came up to my neck and drown the engine the like snapping your finger's ! That was over a mile from my truck and i had to hop crawl and swim down the creek back to the truck , and as i was swimming down the creek i could see snake's swimming down the creek in front of me ! I didn't say anything to my cousin about the snake's because i knew he would get out of the creek and leave me to go it alone ; so i waited till we were back at the truck to tell him about the snake's ! He told me just what i knew he would say , that he would've gotten out of the creek and left me there to go back to the truck alone ; and he would walk along the creek bank back to the truck to wait on me ! But he was in worse health that me with no leg's i had to stop to rest half as many time's as he did , and everytime we stopped to rest the frist thing he would do was light up a Cigarette to smoke ; i kept telling him wait till we get to the truck to smoke and you won't be out of breath as much but he wouldn't listen ! After we got back to the truck cousin Darmon kept telling me someone would steal his Suzuki before we could go home and get my Foreman , but i told him if we couldn't get it out nobody else is going to come along i get it start or push it to their truck to steal it ! But he kept telling me his 4 wheeler was ruined and would never run again ; to ease his mind i told him you know i've been working on small engine's for the last 10 yrs. and i will get it going again or i will take it to the Suzuki Dealer you bought it from and pay them to get it going again if i can't ; And i did get it going about a week after healing up from flipping my Foreman over trying to go up the creek bank that i told my brother Dan who went with us to tow it out of the creek ! There were one spot in the creek bed where a giant of a tree had fallen across the creek barring us so i would have to drive my Foreman up this slick creek bank with the worn out tire's that the Foreman had on it , i had to get a run at the bank to make it up with the Foreman alone ; and it was so dark when me and dan got to the point where we were going to have to get out of the creek that ran upon the tree before i could see it ! I told Dan i would have to back up pushing the Suzuki back far enough so i could get the Foreman out of the creek , i told him he would have to unhook the chain and let me get out of the creek ; then i would use the winch to pull him out of the creek bed ! But would he listen ? No he kept telling me to get a good running start and we would make up the bank, i kept telling him , no Dan it won't pull that bank while towing the Suzuki ; i told him that with my slick tire's i had to get a running start just to make it up the with me and the Foreman alone ! But Dan being so hard headed he kept saying it will work just get a good running start and we will make it , i kept saying no way it will make it up that slick creek bank ; till finally Dan said well let me pull you up the bank if you're scared to try it ! But even though i knew it wouldn't do it i tried it just to show him it couldn't be done , i made it over halfway up the bank then my tires started spinning whitch made the Foreman slide back down to the rock filled creek bed getting traction when the rear wheel's grabbed hold and started back up the bank while there was slack in the tow chain ; when the weight of the Suzuki catch up with the slack in the chain the Foreman came back almost on top of me ! I tried to jump from the Foreman and only the handle bar's hit both my stump's , the only thing that kept it from coming on down into the creek bed on top of me was a small tree trunk on the side of the bank ; Dan was quick to get to me and see how bad i was hurt i thought i had a broken leg i was hurting so bad ! Dan managed the upright the Foreman , unhook the chain and help me back on the Foreman ; Dan said let me drive you back to the truck ! But i was hurting so bad the only thing i could hold onto was the handle bar's , so i told him i would have to drive us back ; i had to backup again't the Suzuki and push it back far enough for me to get a run at the bank alone ! After i got up on the bank Dan got up the bank and i was hurting to much to winch the Suzuki up the bank ; so i told Dan to get on and go back to the truck to take me to the emergency room at the Hospital i just knew i had at least one broke leg or busted knee cap ! We had to go back into the creek on the other side of the tree that was blocking the way and Dan kept asking me if i was going to pass out , i said no and went back down into the creek bed ; and then drove all the way back to the truck were to my relief my brother Randall was there in his truck with cousin Darmon waitng on us ; then Dan carried me to Randall's truck ! I told Dan he would have to remove the control's for the chutch , brake and gas pedal so he could drive my truck home and he and Darmon could go back the next morning to get the Suzuki ; and me and Randall went as fast as we could to the Hospital emergency room ! Needless to say Dan swore he would never again mistrust my Judgement when it came to atv's again , I had to wait in the emergency room over 2 hour's for them to see me ; i was crying i was in so much pain and finally one of the nurse from the emergency ward that knew me from when i was in the Hopital when i lost my leg's ! The moment she saw me she took me straight back to where she grabbed an intern and told him to check me out right away , the intern looked me over and gave me something for the pain ; and they took me for exrays of both leg's nothing was broke just busted one of my knee cap's and did a lot of bruinning ! But i was still hurting bad the whole time , the intern had given me a pain pill instead of a shot ; and i was still hurting untill the sliding glass door's of the emergency room opened and the hot air hit me as the nurse rolled to to Randall's truck ! When the hot air hit me i got this stingging feeling that started from my head and went down to my feet whitch i don't have feet ! Only i still have those phantom pain's where i can fill my feet and ankle's , they really burn like fire to this day i can still feel them ; and the pain feel's like when you start down a flight of stair's and your foot slip's and you get the skin scrapped off of the back of your ankle's that stinging burning pain ! It was about 2 or 3 day's when i finally felt like getting out of bed and going outside to start on the Suzuki , i drained all the fluid's and flushed the engine crankcase with kerosine then two oil change's and a new oil filter , dried and cleaned the air filter, drained and dried the fuel tank ,carburtor, new spark plug ; the work's before starting the engine ! When i started it up it smoked for about 30 to 60 second's then stopped and ran and drove as good as new , that was a big relief the cousin Darmon ; he had a big ole smile on his face as he mounted the quad and took it for a long ride through the wood's and trail's we had back then ; before all the development of a park took up all our riding trail's ! Sorry for such a long reply to your post (White) i didn't mean to make this so long , i just get carried away sometime's and can't stop ; But good luck with your Rancher and i hope it doesn't take a ton of money to get it fixed ! ..................
Old 10-07-2007, 03:55 PM
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Default 07 420 rancher -Wrecked

im in kentucky by the way I dont think the axel is bent or the frame just one of those bars on the back near the suspension one of the guys i was with said it was totalled but i have a hard time believing that since everything is working fine. I think someone could fix it back to new I hope its not too much though
Old 10-07-2007, 08:02 PM
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Default 07 420 rancher -Wrecked

Well i know how tough a Honda is , mine was flipped over backward's 2 time's and rolled down the chiff rolling side ways and all it did to the old Foreman was break loose the gun rack that was mounted to the handle bars and bent my headlight down to where you couldn't see very far with the headlight ; but my cousin the one was talking about that i went riding with nutty friends that night on one of my previous post's just stood on the front rack and pulled up on the head light and everything was as good as new ! But that old 1986 Honda TRX 350 Foreman Fulltime 4x4 was the toughtest atv Honda ever built , it was built like a tank and was about as hard to handle as a sherman tank to drive ; it was the model they made from 1985 to 1989 with the big straight axle front end and the rear end was the straight swingarm with double shock's front and rear and the fuel tank was metal and mounted under the seat ! It was a heavy quad , 596lbs. of heavy duty ; my 2006 Arctic Cat 400 FIS Auto 4x4 with the diff locker and powered by Suzuki's 376cc engine and belt driven duramatic chutch tranny ! This big cat only outweigh's the old Foreman by about 71lbs. the Honda weighted right at 596lbs. if my memory serve's me right ; and the AC 400 weigh's in at 669lbs. so it's 71bs. more than the Honda ! But i know the AC has a better ride, more pulling power because of the extra weight and the diff lock help's when you run into mud sometime's , but the old Honda Foreman is still running as strong as the day i bought it when it only 20 hour's on it ; and i wouldn't take the Cat through some of the places i took the Foreman it was a bull dozer ! I sold it to my youngest brother Keith in Nov. 2005 and he ride's it more than i ever did the whole 16 yrs. that i had it before selling it to him ; i had a 1993 Suzuki LTF4WD 300 KQ that my cousin Darmon bought new just one week before the blizzard of 93' and after i bought the cat on Feb. 07 -2006 one week latter i sold the 93' Suzuki LTF4WD 300 KQ to keith's wife ! My brother Dan has a 2004 Honda Rancher 350 fulltime 4x4 it a nice quad i would've gone with a Honda over the AC , but Honda wanted to much financing ; Honda Credit wanted 18% interest with a varible rate and a friend of mine was the AC Dealer she got me financed at 5.9% fixed rate that was the selling point for me ! I had never owned a belt drive before the AC , but with a 3yr. warranty and almost the same price Honda wanted cash for the a 2006 Honda TRX350 Rancher ; plus i know how good those Suzuki engine's run and last you can sink em and dry them out and they're ready to go again ! But that's not to say the Honda's won't either , the first day i brought the Cat home me and keith and his wife went over to a swamp that lead up to a spillway at the bottom of a big lake over the hill from where we live and we rode up the creek , Keith had to go around the side of the deepest part's of the creek because the fuel tank is under the seat on the Foreman ; and when he first pulled up to the front rack of my AC 400 i was looking down at the Foreman the Cat is a lot taller so it's going to go through deeper water hole's than the smaller atv's will unless they will float ! But when we got to the deep part of the creek where keith had to go around the deep hole's i just drove right on through the creek and the water wasn't over the top of my wheel's in most of the creek ! Keith just gave me a shocked look when i plowed through the entire creek , and when we got to the old spillway there was a real deep hole Keith said he coundn't go through that hole because it was deeper than it was the last time we had been over there ! I had rode though it before on the Foreman and the KQ but it was deeper than i had ever seen it before ! But Keith showed me up on the way back there was a spring that run's into the creek and he had made a trail that i got stuck in on the big AC , i even tried it with the front diff locker on and i couldn't get up the bank of the spring ; i had to back out of it that was one place a cat couldn't go but it was the same way when i first time i rode the old Honda that thing like to have scared me to death the first time i hit a rut ! When you hit a rut where one wheel goes into a hole the other one would come off the ground , if you never rode the old 85' thru 89' you would know what i'm talking about ; if you ever know the feeling you get when the reaend of a swingarm straight axle will come off the ground when one of the rear tire's hit a rut it does the same ; only double that and that heavy front axel come's up in the air you will nearly mess your BVD's ! I lost over 20lbs the first six month's i had the Foreman you had to fight it like a bear , and you don't want go to slow through rut's with it either i had to hit them at a good pace and throw all your weight and then some with those old Foreman's and one other thing about my old 86' Foreman the tire's that came on it and an 88' model i looked at the Honda Dealer had left oover they both had tire's that only had small nub's on them when they were new ! And like i said i weighed 157lbs when i first got it and in six month's i was down to 137lbs and i didn't get to ride everyday , mostly on the weekend's because i ran a small engine repair shop back then ; so i worked most weekday's untill dark !well here's another novel ! Oh i'm from Ga. If anyone doesn't want to read these long post's that i leave on these formum's just say so and i will edit out anything any forum member object's to .
Old 10-08-2007, 12:09 AM
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Default 07 420 rancher -Wrecked

Williebee , your freaking me out ,ues some paragraphs and some periods.
Old 10-08-2007, 04:57 AM
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Default 07 420 rancher -Wrecked

Ok,....soooo... if Im looking at buying the black Brute Force and interested in adding the rear basket rack, I can still wear my red Fox jersey??
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