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Old 11-08-2012, 04:09 PM
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I wouldn't be quick to pin this on public schools.
Old 11-08-2012, 04:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Lolumad273
I haven't told you how old I was because I wasn't at my computer, I was working on my car.

You don't have to take it to me, and I was trying to avoid telling you my age, I find ageism to be real annoying, and that held true this time as well.

Anyway, don't take it from me, there are a number of adults who share similar ideas as myself. Noam Chomsky, for one, probably the greatest linguist of the 20th century is an Anarchist. How about Subcomandante Marcos, the leader of the Zapatista army, A libertarian socialist.

Perhaps figures from history. Peter Kropotkin, a Russian prince, and an anarchist who was executed under Stalin's orders (If that doesn't prove the soviet union wasn't communist, I just don't know what will).

Friedrich Engels, Socialist who pioneered the philosophy of Materialism, co-wrote the Communist Manifesto, and was an extremely wealthy businessman.

You wouldn't give anything I say any more weight if I was 70 years old, and fought in a world war. It just wouldn't matter, I know because I'm not the only one who thinks this way, there have been millions before me.

I'm not sure how you measure success rate, how about the billion people right now who don't have clean drinking water. I bet they're feeling like Capitalism's success rate isn't so bad. In fact, if you take the most wildly inflated death toll numbers from "Communist" countries (that's a contradiction right there), it's still less than the number of people who have died from war, starvation, disease, all preventable if only everyone had access to the necessities they deserve.
You've completely ignored why I made age an issue. Real world experience is a much better teacher than the idealists you've mentioned. They may seem brilliant on paper but their ideas have largely failed. Someone who is 17, or 18 has no, to little, idea of how taxation effects a family, an individual or a business. His or her world revolves around a home where he or she is largely provided for. When you have to keep a roof over your own head, food on your table, clothing on your back, and provide these same things to your family that you are responsible for, you have a completely different perspective.

The world is a seriously mismanaged place. People suffer mostly because of evil leaders and thugs who take the very food the people need to survive. A good part of those wars were communist, socialist leaders who tried to foist their oppressive system on people that didn't want it. Detract from their dictates and you were put to death or in jail. I've talked to people who have been in Siberia. An old gentleman was walking by a house I was working on in January in New England. He was wearing a light shirt when it was 15 degrees out. I was concerned for him and asked him if he was okay, and, "Aren't you cold"? In a thick Russian accent he said, "I was in Siberia prison." I went down and welcomed him to the US and shook his hand. It was warm. He had been there so long his body had somehow acclimated. I asked him how he liked the US. He had tears in his eyes and said, "It's the best in the world." He's not the only person who has had to live under the collective type society, that is communism. All have warned that they did not like the direction this country is going in. The communist leaders I listed were responsible for millions of their own people being killed because they wouldn't bow to their despotism. Famines happen, drought happens, etc. Those are natural conditions due to weather and other natural phenomena. Killing of a countries own citizens because they won't submit to their governments dictates is a choice made by the leaders of those countries where people are oppressed to this day for dissent.

You're probably correct in that I wouldn't give those men you mentioned any more credence for their ideas either. I live in a country where the Constitution has kept men free for well over 200 years. Without it the track record wouldn't be so good. Have we had our failings? Absolutely. But, we are still the most free country in the world. Free for us to talk as we are, free to live where we want, free to work where we want, or to pursue our own path succeed or fail, free to be religious or not, free to congregate with who we want to without fear of our doors being kicked down and being carted off to jail or worse. I wouldn't trade this country and it's origins for any other in the world. And I want to keep it the way that lets individuals succeed so that out of many one nation can stand.

If this country fails because of our massive debt it will have more effect on the world than any other country. Obama's EPA is messing around with the idea of calling dust and loose hay pollutants. If our farms fail it will not only effect us but the world we send millions of tons of grain to every year. The conditions you mentioned of no potable water could be solved easily if the powers that be in those nations would let people come in and help them. This country is the most generous in the world. If the system that has created this kind of generosity is done away with there won't be as much given away.
Old 11-08-2012, 04:48 PM
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definitely a teenager of just barley in his 20's for sure.
Old 11-08-2012, 04:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Lolumad273
I wouldn't be quick to pin this on public schools.
Let me ask this simple to answer question. Did you study the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, the Bill of Rights, and the Federalist Papers that explained the Founding Fathers reasoning for our founding documents?
Old 11-08-2012, 05:01 PM
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On the idea of everyone being equal: Why should someone here in Massachusetts be taxed for a project that happens in, say, Arizona? Or vice-versa? We've gone way beyond the government making commerce doable via an interstate roadway system, and having a standing army for our defense. If you want to live a certain way why should I provide for you if you don't want to do the work necessary for you to live in that way? Or, why should you have to work hard, send your money into the government, so I can feed from the government trough and kick my feet up? These are the things that are breaking this country down. The right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness is already provided for. No one has taken your life, or freedom, and you aren't guaranteed happiness, just the right to pursue it. This is where we are all equal. Go make something of yourself. Billions upon billions of Americans have.
Old 11-08-2012, 05:20 PM
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Another thought on a "higher state of equality". That means some must be brought down and others must be brought up. This will by necessity require use of force because I for one don't want to live in an impoverished way. I will teach others the skill to make something of themselves but I won't give it to them if they're not willing to work at it. I'll do what is necessary to attain a better quality life (in terms of physical needs and wants) for my family. Who is the government to take from one and give to another that's not willing to put in the hard work required to get somewhere?

And, every time you have a system that takes from Peter by coercive measures to give to Paul, someone has to do the redistribution. That's where the government jumps in. Of course the proletariat lives high off the hog as they perform their "equality measures".

I'm all for voluntarily giving to people who are in "need". My church is very active. But government is not charitable. They are not taking their money and time to give to those they "deem" needy. They are taking, by threat of force, other's money and giving it away. That does not create equality. It drags everyone down to a miserable subsistence level.

Last edited by MooseHenden; 11-08-2012 at 05:37 PM.
Old 11-08-2012, 05:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Lolumad273
Anyway, don't take it from me, there are a number of adults who share similar ideas as myself. Noam Chomsky, for one, probably the greatest linguist of the 20th century is an Anarchist.

you're pretty delusional -

you actually think anyone who considers himself an anarchist is "great"?

see how far this country will go if everyone turned to anarchy- the simple fact that he's an anarchist suggests he suffers from at least moderate retardation!

lolumad- I just spent about 25 minutes reading some of the banter you shovel out on a dozen other forums around the net, like formspring...

you've used the same screen name for several years-

from what I can see, you want to believe that you're this modest human, who strives to understand other ideologies and points of view- you preach your word should have no more weight than any other human, and argue fairness in humanity- yet, based on the 200+ comments you've made on other web sites- you appear to be as narcissistic as they come-

you actually believe none of what you preach. You admit to being a communist, you state "religion" as a favorite topic, but actually know .1% of 1% about the subject...

the very fact that you join so many "living rooms" to discus "hot" topics and express your liberal, inexperienced, communist opinions suggests that you like hearing yourself speak, and it's clear from reading your hundreds of posts that you feel you're above others in the chat forums-

you can't even answer a simple question when asked- you feel like you need to come back with a witty response to every question- you have something to prove and spend a lot of time in various chat rooms and BB's trying to prove it- to yourself, and the forum members.

Lolumad273 (Lolumad273) | Formspring

Why do You feel personally attacked by random questions generated by a program?

you take a simple harmless question like "what's the funniest joke you know?" and tear it apart

That's a pretty childish question. When the term, "joke" is used, it comes across like a knock knock joke. I mean, most things I find funny are situational. They're not exactly jokes, they're just funny things that people do or say. There are a few inside jokes I guess, but once again, if taken out of context, those are just annoying. Off the top of my head, the last thing that made me laugh really hard was Mike Powell referring to his GPS as, "Shelly", then asking it why it was so god damned quiet.
how is it "childish"? it's a simple question!

just my observations based on what is publicly available.
Old 11-08-2012, 07:56 PM
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Formspring's over a year old. Do you actually want me to address any of that, or not? I do what I can when it's ten against one, and half the time I'm being told I'm going to hell, and homosexuals are being bashed on a pretty large scale. Sorry if I sometimes sound a little agitated. That can happen.

That was the point, it was a joke. Some of my friends got a chuckle out of it. It was a while ago, however... I'm only 18, a lot happens in years.

This country wouldn't go anywhere if everyone were an anarchist. There wouldn't be countries. Which I think I would enjoy. You're going to discredit all of Chomsky's achievements (perhaps the largest being his awesome name), because he's an Anarchist?

About public education, we didn't have a class dedicated to those things, but in middle school we did study each of those pretty in depth. Everything I've been taught has been rather conventional, trust me. Or perhaps that's only relative to my rather unconventional political opinions.

I know this is going to sound stupid, but it's not as stupid as it sounds. I don't really think of things in terms of money. I think of things in terms of the utility it has. What benefits the most number of people is worth whatever cost. You're right, though. I don't have a house and I don't have to raise a family, I'm sure that effects whether or not I'm worried about government spending and whatnot. But once again, the society I look forward to seeing, there won't be any money.

Indeed some would be brought down, and many more brought up. The government wouldn't be the entity handling such transactions. I can't tell you with certainty how it would play out, because it hasn't played out. But It would be handled by localities, I would think. It would not be pretty for a short while, no.

Everyone contributes something to society. It might not be something as evident as going to work every day, but I really think there's value in being alive. So everyone's choices should be to pursue what makes them happy. I also don't believe people are lazy. They'll all find something productive that brings them joy. All in time, and with a bit of help.

You should help pay for something in Arizona, because we are a country, and if they're suffering it effects you. This is especially true in such a globalized world.
Old 11-09-2012, 08:12 AM
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but in middle school we did study each of those pretty in depth.
lmao!!! no- nothing is studied "in-depth" in middle school!!!

talk to me when you're post / pre grad and have 2 - 5 years of field experience- or out of high school with 10 years experience in any profession... then your word holds a little weight.

I don't really think of things in terms of money. I think of things in terms of the utility it has.
pfffft of course you don't- because you don't have two young children depending on you for shelter, food, health & comfort- and you're not writing $4500 - $5000 / month in liabilities / bills- you're not thinking about your retirement in 20 years and the lack of funds available to support a modest living into your golden years-
come back and talk to me after you sign mortgage papers and have other humans depending on you evey second of the day!
we'lll see how liberal and communistic you're feeling then

Everyone contributes something to society.
wrong again.
not everyone contributes something to society... that's the problem.
there are too many people who live on gov't housing, collecting gov't (my) money, being given free healthcare ( which I work and pay for) who continue pumping out babies because the govt will pay them more money for each dependent they have, and are in the 2nd or 3rd generation of being unemployed- a total virus to the business model of a working & thriving america- these are the people who are bringing america down- these are the people who obama wants to support.

You should help pay for something in Arizona, because we are a country, and if they're suffering it effects you. This is especially true in such a globalized world.
no- sorry, but I have all I can handle here in my house trying to support my family, raising my kids, paying my bills and making sure I have a secure savings for emergencies... but, how much have you contributed to america? what have you contributed to the "globalized world" ?

you have so much to learn- you are extremely disconnected from the reality of living (surviving) in america, lolumad- it's actually quite disturbing just how lost you are- even for a kid at the tail end of high-school.

the good news is- over the next 10 - 15 years, your head is going to be spinning at the overwhelming realization of just how out of touch you were... and eventually, you'll be a smarter person at the end of the line.
Old 11-09-2012, 10:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Lolumad273
About public education, we didn't have a class dedicated to those things, but in middle school we did study each of those pretty in depth. Everything I've been taught has been rather conventional, trust me. Or perhaps that's only relative to my rather unconventional political opinions.

I know this is going to sound stupid, but it's not as stupid as it sounds. I don't really think of things in terms of money. I think of things in terms of the utility it has. What benefits the most number of people is worth whatever cost. You're right, though. I don't have a house and I don't have to raise a family, I'm sure that effects whether or not I'm worried about government spending and whatnot. But once again, the society I look forward to seeing, there won't be any money.

Indeed some would be brought down, and many more brought up. The government wouldn't be the entity handling such transactions. I can't tell you with certainty how it would play out, because it hasn't played out. But It would be handled by localities, I would think. It would not be pretty for a short while, no.

Everyone contributes something to society. It might not be something as evident as going to work every day, but I really think there's value in being alive. So everyone's choices should be to pursue what makes them happy. I also don't believe people are lazy. They'll all find something productive that brings them joy. All in time, and with a bit of help.

You should help pay for something in Arizona, because we are a country, and if they're suffering it effects you. This is especially true in such a globalized world.
I appreciate honesty.

I also encourage you to go back and read the founding documents and see what this country's foundation is based on.

A money-less society will bring misery to all. Human nature being what it is, people will not contribute to the greater society if they don't see the kind of rewards capitalism has to offer. It will collapse and I believe we are well on the way. The 53% who actually pay taxes are having a tough time paying their own bills and supporting the 47% who aren't contributing now. Who's going to pay the bills if everybody shares the misery? The actuality of these types of systems are that more are brought down than being brought up.

Everyone does not contribute to society. A lazy, shiftless, sort laying on the couch, is more of a sponge. Those who are taking welfare that are able to work, are bleeding the system dry that was supposed to be "transitional assistance" for those who needed a hand in a difficult time. It was never meant to be an ongoing way of life. The powers that be have wanted to tip the balance so that everyone will end up depending on government, not out of the goodness of their hearts (most liberal, socialistic, representatives give the least in charity) but to buy votes. I have to admit they've done a great job.

And, NO!, someone in Arizona should not have to pay for me here for my pet projects. If someone wants something done in the public sector on a local level, the local population should be the ones to pay for it if they want it that bad. Other than keeping the lines of commerce open for a healthy economy (roads and infrastructure) and national defense, the rest is just adding layer upon layer of cost to the proposed project. I can pay someone locally less than half what it would cost if I had to go through Washington, DC with its added layers of bureaucracy. The layers of people in government and the resulting cost are another sponge on society.

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