Fourwheeler Thieves Caught

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Old 11-11-1999, 07:11 PM
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Man, I thought all the arguing in "Where's the Brain?" was bad. For those of you who forgot, many of the same characters took a simple good news post and turned it into a pretty silly free-for-all.

Well, we got our usual gun control arguments, lawyer bashing, etc. Poor Samson was bashed for commenting on the same American Legal System that his critics were condemning! Good ol' RoostKing kept things stirred up by telling his Canadian cousin about what a great thing the American colonial Minutemen were. Samson could have reminded Roostking that American militia weren't too welcome in Canada, which turned back two American invasions, one in our Revolutionary War, and the other in the War of 1812. Oh, by the way, has anyone heard about the "Lumberjack War?"

I just wanted to make this reply, so the topic would re-appear. It sort of shows that the members here are not limited to free-wheeling on ATVs. We can do it on about anything.

That is not to say that the Criminal Justice System doesn't need changing. The States are doing that all the time. What we need, however, is to change it to something that works. RoostKing was probably right when he said that Quad thieves shouldn't be in prison. When our country first started, such stupid behavior would be punished in a way more apt to deter an imbecile from doing it again. It was not violent, nor costly. Petty criminals were subjected to the embarassment of being put in public stocks where they would remain for all to see. Not too many people wanted to be the subject of such public ridicule. Maybe that is the answer.

Some times I am convinced that many of our quad brothers would enjoy law school (Good, Lord!). For instance, MudMachine brought up a case in which a property owner was sued by a trespasser. It seems that he rigged a shotgun to fire at anyone who entered his cabin, and when the trespasser did, his ankles were blown off. The trespasser sued and won some sort of judgment. That brings up interesting legal issues. Which is more important to society: property rights, or human life? Under Anglo-American law, people are not allowed to jury rig traps on their property to kill or maim trespassers. However, property owners are generally allowed to kill an intruder, if the premises are occupied. Some states allow such an intruder to be killed on the curtilage of the dwelling, while others only allow killing an intruder who is inside the house. The subject invites many interesting arguments about public policy.

And the circus goes on!

Anyway, does anyone else know of the capture of Quad Stealers?

[This message has been edited by kclayd (edited 11-16-1999).]
Old 11-11-1999, 09:20 PM
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Glad to hear that Jeremy was wondering if there were any particular atv or model (this would be a good time for a polaris joke but I will be good) anyway the reason I was wanting to know is that I am a cop here in WV statistics always help. Hope they lay it to these guys I say they will with it being multiple crimes...

Got Cat...if you do it better not be mine or I guarantee you will get time

Old 11-11-1999, 10:38 PM
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i'v eheard a rumor of a prison down in texas that has reduced recidivism by re-painting the jail...... with nursery colors.. pink, light blue etc, and has little unicorns, bears, etc. on the walls. he also removes the matreses fron the cells during the day so they can't sleep... to say the least, nobody wants to stick around in that place. they'll do anything to get out, wash the sheriff's car, chain gang's(yes some places still use them). the jail is immaculate.
some have said that it is cruel and unusual punishment. the sheriff's response.... if they're going to act like children. then that's how we're going to treat them.

best of all, it works!! other examples are around that work!
i still think a quick death to those on death row would be a good start to saving us all some money. bullets are cheap.

about the gun issue, people with any access to machining equipment at all can make guns... if they know how. there are thousands of numberless guns on the streets even in countries where they have been banned for ages. most owned by the criminals. hmmmm?
i've thought about buying the machining equipment myself someday.....

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Old 11-12-1999, 06:43 PM
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Guess we didn't want Canada bad enough then, ay?


Old 11-12-1999, 08:12 PM
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Clay, I am intrigued by the phrase you use “Anglo-American law”. Could you please define “Anglo-American law”? Would this be opposed to “African-American law”?
Old 11-12-1999, 09:04 PM
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Hey, Roost King! (Ay, Them hosers! We didn't want them anyway. They was always trapping beaver and drinking maple syrup.)

Hi Eric!

I will be glad to answer your question. I have never heard of African-American law, which pretty much sounds like some sort of ethnic term. Anglo-American jurisprudence is not limited to any one ethnic group.

Our United States share a common basis of law with England and its Commonwealth, thus the term "Anglo." We have a jury system, as does England and other Commonwealth countries. In that respect, we are different from other western countries, such as France, which traditionally have three professional jurors (judges) serve as both triers of fact, as well as judges of legal issues at trial. We have other legal roots arising from English (Anglo) law, as well. The 50 United States share England's "Common Law," including its tort law. "Common Law" is the body of law created by the courts (going back to the Middle Ages and Ecclesiastical courts), as opposed to laws enacted by legislatures. Remember, England had courts long before it had a Parliament, or even a House of Lords. For those of you who are not familiar with the term, "tort," it means a wrongful act against another, such as trespass, or negligence. We also share much of England's contract law, property law, and estate law, which were also products of Anglo (English) "Common Law." It is our body of law which arose from English roots which is called "Anglo-American Jurisprudence." Some people use the term to embrace both American law and its English counterpart, because of their similarities. Did I explain it alright?

Hope you are doing well, Eric! Maybe some day we will ride together. You too, Roost King. Until then,

Good riding!

[This message has been edited by kclayd (edited 11-16-1999).]
Old 11-13-1999, 10:59 AM
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I just recently had my ATC recovered after having been stolen out of my pickup truck by some lowlife scrumball cruds who decided to scrape a gouge down to the bare metal along the side of my truck's bed and across the taillight lens while they were at it. My ATC came home beat to hell also. I feel that just punishment for the bums would be something from the days of old with a modern twist, say to be tied between two pickup trucks then ripped in half!!! I don't feel that would be too harsh, do you? As to an earlier post regarding Smith&Wesson I feel that would be much too humane a way to deal with such scum eating cruds.
Old 11-13-1999, 12:16 PM
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Went back and read the old posts this one is directed to SaMsOn. Too bad you feel that way about the USA and the right of it's citizens to keep and bear arms. But if you want to disarm yourself in the face of a threat to make yourself feel safe, good on ya. Maybe some dark and lonely night when the booger man armed with a bat, or pipe comes to get you and yours, you can fire off some anti-gun rhetoric at him and he'll run in terror, doubt it!!!!, but it could happen. Freedom comes from the barrel of a gun, bud!!!!! Look what happened in **** Germany, when they confiscated the firearms from the citzens, pal. Seeing as your great nation decided to let draft dodging cruds seek refuge up there during the Vietnam war, while two of my brothers fought and gave their all in Nam and one came back paralyzed from the neck down because he belived in the USA and Freedom, I have no great love of your Canadian government and laws. I'm a disabled Gulf-War era vet with 20 years distinguished service to my country, not a nut-case or a criminal, pal!!!!!!! God Bless the USA and all it stands for!!!!!!!!! The only way they'll take my gun is to pry my cold dead fingers away from it!!!!!! Keep your left wing, pinko political opinions and anti-gun hot air up there in the Great White where they belong, ok!!!!!

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Old 11-14-1999, 03:57 PM
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You know what?? This has just about gotten ridiculous. This is exactly what happend before. I started a thread about quads being recoverd. Soon after that, the discussion goes to "Why fire arms should or should not be banned." Soon after that, the discussion goes to, "My countries Judicial system is better than yours, Now the newest topic that appears is talking about "What Hitler did in **** Germany. Anyone else see something wrong with this?? Is this a ATV forum or My high school history class? I enjoy reading some of these debates, but some of them, i dont think belong on this type of forum. Alot of you might see it different than me. But thats the way i see it.

Thats my two cents worth

Jeremy Cross

1993 Yamaha *turbo* T-wolf
Old 11-16-1999, 11:50 AM
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You have to expect free-wheeling in an ATV forum, I guess. What does Adolf Hitler or gun-control have with ATV thieves getting caught? I guess it comes down to one of the things which all ATVers seem to share - a love of freedom. That is one of the sport's greatest charms - riding free on a trail away from it all. Thus, about any ATV topic has the potential of gravitating towards issues involving Freedom. That must be why we have had so many arguments over freedom of speech, freedom to ride public lands, freedom from interference by state and local governments, etc. I don't know if that is the correct answer to your question, but....

Good riding!

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