Fourwheeler Thieves Caught

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Old 08-03-1999, 08:39 PM
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How Did we go from Fourwheeler thieves being caught, to "my countries judicial system is better than yours?"

I dont know either, but i'm gonna add my two cents to this gun control issue. No matter what happens, criminals will always be able to get guns, it dont matter if the good citizens can or not. I would rather be armed with a shot gun than a baseball bat if someone tried to still my quad. Ya cant really give warnin shots with a Bat.

Jeremy Cross

1993 Yamaha *turbo* t-wolf
Old 08-03-1999, 10:50 PM
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Tell you what SaMsOn. Pass all the gun control laws you want in Canada; however:

Our forefathers fought a War of Independence, guaranteeing all US citizens protections under a Bill or Rights, ratified with our Constitution.

When we want your help revising that document, we'll call you.

A guess: You live in the eastern part of Canada, right?

Tree Farmer
Old 08-03-1999, 11:06 PM
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Samson, I just had a thought. It is highly unlikely you will get shot with the gun stole from Roostkings house. Due to the fact that Roostking would have shot and probably killed the intruder as he was breaking into his house, because him, like many other law abiding citizens have guns. They are used for Hunting, target practice, protection, and display. It is the Scum bags that give guns all the bad attention. It is in the same way that Tree Huggers, *not tree farmers * use bad atvers to make us all look bad. Just because I own a shotgun, that doesn't mean i'm gonna jump on my fourwheeler and go rob the 711. Even though i have thought about it numerouse times ... *joke* hehe

Jeremy Cross

1993 Yamaha *turbo* t-wolf
Old 08-04-1999, 12:11 AM
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I guess I see your point guys. If the goverment all of a sudden demanded all hand guns be taken away, honest citizens would be left defenseless against the criminals who would take advantage of that knowing they would not face someone armed with a hand gun. With the millions of guns already in public hands in your country, its a safe bet the criminals have a big portion of that, and would never turn theirs in.

To bad your goverment didn't see this problem ahead of time, when they made the law that you have the right to bear arms. Now its to late to do anything about it but keep arming your selves. I just hope it doesn't get to the point where, when you go out riding your ATV, you won't have to worry about using your gun to defend your self from some person trying to get your ATV. Or worse yet. Some bunny hugger or tree hugger trying to blast your ATV out from under you.
Old 08-04-1999, 01:38 AM
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Here is another opinion from another Canadian member:
Thieves should be severely punished. They are a form of scum that rob from honest people to laugh at your misgivings. I get irate, I just wanna swear, scream and yell about the topic. Some poor guy works 2 jobs so he can support his family and entertain them with a quad. He makes payments on that old 91 2 wheel drive. It was all he could afford at the time, but it is worth all the hard work and payments just to see the smiles on his kids faces each time he takes them out for an evening ride. One night some low life scum sucking, flea eating, wife beating, crack smoking looser breaks into the shed out back and steals the quad. Not to mention a few tools and the lawn mower.

The kids cry all the next day. The dad feels like a looser, the payments still have to be made. No more smiling faces from the kids. The poor children don't understand...Dad thinks he should have never bought it in the first place, then the kids wouldn't have to go through this. Insurance was too expensive for his older quad so now he is screwed.

To steal from innocent people is inhumane. No time in jail for these crooks? Maybe not but if they ever do get caught they should be kicked senseless by the victim. If the criminal system is to busy with bigger fish to fry, let the people handle the punishment! I want to get even! This if course will never happen. However if I found a thief in the process of stealing my quad and I shot him in the leg or arm, I would go to jail! What a pile of crap!
AARRRGGHHH!!! I am now really frustrated.

I gotta get a shot gun.

Old 08-04-1999, 05:19 PM
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I know I'm a little late, but isn't this page about quads? Who cares about politics! Just ride hard and be cool to everyone out in the woods, in the sand, and on the tracks. Even our brothers the dirtbikers and our distant cousins on sleds. Can't we all just get along, and talk about quads? I say move it to
Old 08-04-1999, 05:25 PM
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One little detail that you may be overlooking is one which concerns the VERY birth of this great nation. During the Revolutionary War, the villages/townships had what were called "MinuteMen" They were regular farmers, shopsmiths, whatever, but they were also organized into local militias that could be called upon at a moments notice to defend their or someone elses town when attacked by the Brits. Had it not been for the minute-men, The future U.S.A may not exist. Good thing the citizens were armed!!Now fast forward a couple hundred years to when Germany was taking over the world. If the U.S. did not exist, youd be speaking German right 'bout now. So in reality you owe your very existence to those same forefathers which you look down upon with revisionist eyes. And do you think any country would actually attack the shores of the U.S., with so many guns in the land. DOubt it!. They would go after Canada first, HA! (Back to the sign on the door!) Then again wed have to bail your butts out too!.

Samson, look at both sides of the coin, not just the scare tactics used by the media to prove a point.

Old 08-04-1999, 10:05 PM
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Samson, Your dead wrong on the gun issue. But not to get too hot keep your view in Canada. thanx. From tomtcat owner and law abiding citizen who owns 2-AK-47's 1 AR-15, 3 Tec9's 4 tec 22's 2 SKS's many shotguns, a Colt 45 and a Glock 45. over 3000 rounds of ammo 200 rounds of 45 cal Black Talons. 3 lazer sites a 9 mm assault rifle with lazer olus lotz a other fun stuff. I always turn out my lights in the hope some stupid punk thinks I am not home. Oh the freedoms for a law abider are great. Crooks should be severly punished. Plain and simple.
Old 08-04-1999, 11:00 PM
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I know of someone that was stealing Quads in Southeast Texas and the feds caught him. he got away with everything, they had a good case but I still see him around. My brother-inlaw had a Diesel generator stolen from hem and he also got off. About a month later he murdered a school teacher and they called my inlaw and wanted him to file charges at that time he said no. the guy is on death row now.

Kyle Kimball

Old 08-05-1999, 07:08 PM
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What I hear over and over from relatives in law enforcement and relatives in the leagal profession. If sombody breaks into your home..(actually INSIDE the residence) DO NOT shoot for the leg or shoulder.. Shoot them straight in the head. You DON'T want two sides to ANY shooting. There is ALWAYS some lawsuit happy greaseball attorney just waiting to ruin your life for protecting your home.
There was an old man who had a cabin on a lake close to here,(several years ago) every time he went up there, it had been vandalized, broken into, everything either stolen or destroyed.. It had even been burnt to the ground once.. Every time this law abiding citizen did what he was suppose to do, CALL THE POLICE.. Well, after rebuilding the cabin, just to have it broken into again, he wired a 12ga. double barrel inside the door at about 6" from the floor.
Needless to say, the next time it was broken into, it blew the guys ankles almost completely off... The old man got SUED... and the intruder WON!! He admitted breaking into the cabin repeatedly, and won anyway... This dirthole took a mans entire life savings..
Come in MY house.... Lose MUCH more than your ankles... DAMN THIEVES!!

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