When the cops get after you...just pull over

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Old 11-21-1999, 08:49 PM
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"atving", I wasn't directing my post at you, I was talking about certain officers who seem to be "anti-atving". Also, wow, I didn't say the stuff I said here to the cop! Are you kidding? If I said that stuff, I would have kissed my 250r goodbye on the spot. I wasn't saying if I couldn't get my way, I was going to get doped up, imagine, that's what teens do for fun ALL THE TIME, and ATVing has kept me away from that, I'm saying, if you take away what has kept me away from alcohol and drugs, well, you're intelligent enough to know what would happen to most kids. Answer that one for yourself. There are no options, it's either alcohol or something better, more exciting for young adults. If you put so much restrictions out there on these, you prevent them from participating in an adrenaline-pumping sport that actually has the potential save them. I was being quite serious. I didn't mean for my words to be overlooked and "immature". They have much meaning, and here I can express my true feelings without getting some stupid little ticket, right? I am surprised by the way you took my post, I'm FOR cops like you.

You wanna talk about abuse of power? All the cops here are hunters. Their worst enemy would be ATVers. I understand why, but they put an extra amount of effort to keep us out of the woods for that reason. I don't want to be around them while they're hunting anyways(bullets travel a LONG ways), but this is what really angers me how they're going to stop ATVers for their hunting. I'll tell you what I think about that. It's a bunch of BS is what it is. You want to stop me from riding on dirt trail so that you can put a d*mn bullet through the brain of one of earth's creatures, just trying to survive. Forget that, screw off, after doing that sh*t, you shouldn't have a problem with me running over your *ss. I wouldn't have a problem with it. We've taken over enough of their home, don't go kill them in all they have left. I'd love to see the man who's commited multiple murders to animals bounce right off the front of my freakin ATV. Wait! Don't shoot! I'm just trying to get food for the winter-BAMM! Mr. Hunt can kiss my *ss...

If I complained, shoot, it wouldn't matter, they'd say I shouldn't be doing this and that anyways, so screw it. "atving", the MOST I've ever dont was CROSS a 20ft. street to get to the trails.

Please, don't be offended, but state your opinion. There are probably hunters here that use their ATV's for it, and they may not like my hatred for hunting, but it crosses the line when it stops me from riding.

You better think about it...about to sink without it.

[This message has been edited by RidE (edited 11-21-1999).]
Old 11-22-1999, 12:50 AM
stone_cold_scsa's Avatar
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If you are stuppid enough to run from the cops then you can and should expect the officer to stop you anyway he can. He is not going to imediatly try to make you spin out but if the lights and siren don't make you stop then what is he suppose to do just keep following. No, he is going to stop you before you injure an inoscent person. It was your decision to run, you know the consequenses so be prepared to pay them should your attempt to run fail. And no I am not a cop.
As far as riding in the hunting area. Hey its your life. But if you get shot tell me this who will come to help you. It will probably be an officer. Maybe the one that told you not to ride there because of the hunters. Huh maybe there is a reason for what he said. Hunting is only for a short period of time.
Ride, atving offered to call the officers where you are. I say let him. He will have more pull than you would. And maybe a happy medium can be reached.
Old 11-22-1999, 01:40 AM
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I hate the cops where I live... Each time I see a cops, he will always try to find a way or a reason to arrest me, I mean EACH TIME, from ridding my quad to riding my skateboard. What the hell is that, in my opinion, the cops are just trying to show me that they can do what ever they wants with me. I just hate them. I'm ok with them arresting a guy that shot another guy but man, I'm ridding 5MPH on the side of the wide road for like 500 meters.
Old 11-22-1999, 03:33 PM
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This maybe a little long but it is worth reading......I have been riding atvs,motorcycles and three wheelers since the very late 70's and I do admit I have run from a few sheffifs in my earlier years but now I would never think about it. I have seen alot of different attitudes from many police, thank God they have all been good lately.
When I first started riding, everyone I knew rode on the backroads and the sheffifs were all friendly. If you got pulled on the main road they would just tell you to get off and push it, no big deal. Then I got into my teenage years and all hell broke loose. All of the cops were azzholes. They would pull you for riding anywhere close to road and give you a bunch of tickets,very harasing! So everyone started to run when they saw a cop. We could get to the trails way faster than the cops and a few of us could even wheelie away from them and **** them off by showing off, they could never catch us!

As the late teenage years partied on and houses started popping up everywhere, people started to complain about the atvs, why our trails were here first!! The cops started to really crack down, they would sit one road down from our houses and bust us leaving or coming home, big tickets and big fines! Friends sold their atvs and others moved on.

Now the years have rapidly disappeared, I know most of the sheffifs that patrol my area by first and last name. They stop me by the side of the road to say hey and ask how the new mud tires are working. If a cop stops me that I don't know, for riding down the side of the street in the grass to get to the trails, I just tell them that so and so (first name helps alot) said that as long as I push it across the streets that it was alright to ride here. Then I point out the well beaten path and say see I ride here all of the time and I take it easy and push it across every road. Then I tell them my name and ask them their name. BIG BROWNIE POINTS! They get to know you and see that you are friendly and that you know the law and maybe one of their buddies on the force. I just wish I could jump back in time with what I know now. On second thought the only way I know what I know today is by living the hard years and surviving!

It is a whole lot easier to make friends with the police then to try and out run them. I honestly think police are easier to talk to when you are the same age or older then them. I had no luck when I was young, because of my attitude towards them and the age difference. RiDe I would just make friends with other atvers with transportation and ride somewhere else, that sounds impossible to deal with the cop hunters. BEWARE!!!! When cops want to screw you they can very easily and for a long time, if it is at all possible make friends with the police and then get them into riding, I did and helped alot because he gets into riding and tells his partner who tells his friends in the locker room or at lunch and before you know it, they stop you to find out about good trails to ride on and which atv or parts to buy. It is amazing how things change with time!!

Old 11-22-1999, 06:00 PM
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Ahh- this is a tough row to hoe,And needs to be addressed.
Having seen a crown vic's front bumper up closs at 40 mph. I have to say I'm getting tired of running.I've never been caught but,What the hell are you chasing me for????Riding on the sholder??WHAT?

Police officers have a verry tough job, And I thank you for being there.But WHAT????I'm not doing anything wrong!

Perhaps.....more comunication is needed.

atving- Think about this,If you befriend atvers.Then you would also have friendly eyes and ears in the forest for intel.

If I pull over, And you pop me for no reason. I'll never stop again.

This is hard to talk about.

Regretfully-No stop policy still in efect.
Old 11-22-1999, 07:37 PM
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I'm wondering... what are the ages of those who hate cops, compared to the ages of those who respect them?
Old 11-22-1999, 08:01 PM
Bill.Ciliberti's Avatar
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I dont hate cops,I just hate some of the laws some ATVers have to cope with.If Im on the quad,IT'S BYE BYE----

Old 11-22-1999, 08:47 PM
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This is an interesting post. I don't know everybodys situation, but when deer season is open we ride in other areas away from the woods, if we want to ride there, then we should also respect others rights to use it once-in-awhile. As far as running from the cops, my oppinion is that cops are human. There are good ones and bad ones.

Two of my neighbors are cops, they don't bother me one bit and I ride wide open down the gravel roads between trails, but I do slow down for cars etc. Maybe its because I don't sit and do cookies in the middle of the road or ride in the middle of the night. I also ride along a major highway, only one cop (a rookie) ever told me to stop riding the ditches there in 7 years. I have seen some hit the brakes but keep going, but they probably realize that I'm not hurting anything, and they couldn't catch me anyway.

As far as ramming an ATV, that's pretty risky, if the guy was totally out of control OK (I wasn't there and considering your an ATVer I'd have to assume you had some reason, I hope), but if you start chasing him and he just tries to get away (like most kids I know, you were young once weren't you?) I don't think that justifies ramming a 400lb 4-wheeler with a car. I'm not saying its right to run from the cops, but there is not much to do anymore, and if I get harrassed for no reason (like if a cop is just plain and simply after you for no reason other than to be an a$$, unfortunately there are those out there like that), guess what I'm going to lose him. Also He would never get close enough to ram me in thr first place, but if that had happened to me, I'd be a little upset If he did it just because I ran, THAT IS NOT A JUSTIFIABLE REASON IN MY OPPINION.

Yes I have ran from a cop before (on a TRX125) when I was younger, I even told my dad. You know what he did, he just laughed. You know why, he remembers what its like to be young, and he has told me that they used to get away with much worse things then I could ever think of if I didn't want to go to jail. No they never hurt anybody, they just pulled pranks like putting a teachers car on top of a building at school(No Joke), The teacher asked if they would get it down, so they did and he didn't care. If I tried to do something like that I'd probably thrown in jail.

I'm not saying I run from the cops, But rather It depends on who the cop is. There is one cop I would run from to this day because he likes just harrassing people, I know first hand, He threatened to break my hand for no reason when I was in town with some friends when they were FALSEY ACCUSED of doing cookies in the parking lot with there car (Somebody else did, but they want to blame sombody eventhough they didn't see it), then I somehow was acussed of harassing somebody by giving them the finger. Sorry but it was pitch black out and I could barely see someboy on a porch swing from the street, How could anybody see me give them the finger from inside my truck, especially when I DIDN'T DO IT, and then to have a PEACE OFFICER threaten to break that finger off my hand (WELL GO AHEAD, I'LL DEFEND MYSELF!!!). Anyway, YES I would lose this particular cop because he has harrassed me, and he has harrased my older brother and his friends, and many other kids for that matter.

Like I said before, most cops aren't this way, but there are a few bad apples in the bunch. Just like me, I not a bad person, but if somebody is going to get on my case if I'm not doing anything wrong, I'm definitly not going to take it.

That's my Oppinion,

Old 11-22-1999, 09:00 PM
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I'm not gonna let Ride speak for all the Teenagers on this Forum. I am 17. I dont mean any offense to him, but it seems to me he is givin us a bad name. The way he explains it all teens want is adrenaline. And they do anything for it. I dont know where Ride is from, and maybe it applies to the majority of teens where he's at. But where i'm from, a small rural town in Tennessee i dont think we are adicted to adreneline. Just because we are not doing something exciting at the moment, dont mean we are going to visit the local drug dealer.

Everybody likes to go out and have a good time, but when you act stupid you have to take the reactions for your actions. Dont blame the cops for doing their jobs and catchin you doin somthing stupid. I used to think my parents were harassing me, when i got into trouble. But looking back it, i deserved it. I know some cops have an attitude and some just dont care what you do. I would rather have the cop with the attitude than the one who let everyone do what they wanted. All I'm sayin is it is easy for Joe Atver to get on here and blame a cop for harassing him for something that he didn't do. But he forgot to mention he was doing doughnuts at 3am in the park with no exhaust. This is kind of extreme, but i think ya'll catch my drift.

Jeremy Cross

1993 Yamaha *turbo* T-wolf
Old 11-22-1999, 09:01 PM
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I'm not gonna let Ride speak for all the Teenagers on this Forum. I am 17. I dont mean any offense to him, but it seems to me he is givin us a bad name. The way he explains it all teens want is adrenaline. And they do anything for it. I dont know where Ride is from, and maybe it applies to the majority of teens where he's at. But where i'm from, a small rural town in Tennessee i dont think we are adicted to adreneline. Just because we are not doing something exciting at the moment, dont mean we are going to visit the local drug dealer.

Everybody likes to go out and have a good time, but when you act stupid you have to take the reactions for your actions. Dont blame the cops for doing their jobs and catchin you doin somthing stupid. I used to think my parents were harassing me, when i got into trouble. But looking back it, i deserved it. I know some cops have an attitude and some just dont care what you do. I would rather have the cop with the attitude than the one who let everyone do what they wanted. All I'm sayin is it is easy for Joe Atver to get on here and blame a cop for harassing him for something that he didn't do. But he forgot to mention he was doing doughnuts at 3am in the park with no exhaust. This is kind of extreme, but i think ya'll catch my drift.

Jeremy Cross

1993 Yamaha *turbo* T-wolf

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