When the cops get after you...just pull over

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Old 11-21-1999, 10:09 AM
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Hay fellows had read a post previously where someone was talking about or bragging about running from the cops. I was glad to see some of you out there that actually ridiculed this manner of atv riding. Something I will never understand is why do you run as you may have guessed I am a police officer here in WV, something that you might want to think about it is that if you just pull over and explain that you got lost on the trail and popped up near the road or was running out of gas I would think 99 times out of 100 the officer would tell you as I do get it off the road back into the hills so why take a chance on hurting yourself or OTHERS its just not worth it fellows think about it next time you see blue lights. Most atver's that get tickets in my area are the ones that are driving crazy on the hardtop, speeding or just driving old folks crazy by driving back and forth where the older folks live. In a recent chase I got into with a 4 wheeler he was coming in the opposite direction when I turned the blue lights on he chose to run half way into the chase he decided to lock up resulting in me hitting him in the rear which knocked him into a yard after he struck a parked car he got away for the moment but after warrants were taken he ended up paying almost $1600 in repair bills on my cruiser and the parked car...and to think if he would have only pulled over I would have told him to get it off the highway and that would have been it what if this person had hit someone during the chase and killed or injured them over his ignorance think about it fellows it is just not worth it think about it next time this happens to you.

Artic Cat 500=fun in the hills

Old 11-21-1999, 11:06 AM
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You ran into the back of him and he had to pay to fix the cruiser? That doesnt seem right. Yeah he was breaking the law, but ramming into the back of him could have easily lead to serious injury or death. I'm not saying you did this intentionally, but maybe you shouldn't have been following so close to a vehicle without brake lights. If you are driving a car and a cop rams you in a chase you dont have to pay to fix the car, do you?
Try and keep up and catch them, but dont cause an accident that you are supposedly trying to prevent.
Old 11-21-1999, 11:33 AM
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Tegan are you for real and if he hadn't chose to run this wouldn't have happened how do you take up for someone like this bet if they would have run into your wife and or baby in an oncoming car and killed them you wouldn't be singing this song the idea of a car chase is to assure civilization. If you run from the cops idea is to stop the vehicle I didn't know if this person had just killed someone or similar for the reason he was running I would have been justified in using force to stop him but I didn't undoubtfully you don't watch any fox programming or you would have seen chases stopped by the cruiser ramming the vehicle do you think those idiots don't pay for the damages you bet your sweet a#s they do. Be it car or motorcycle the reason I hit this person was because he was stopping to try and turn to go the other way. And yes if you run from the police you will pay the damages so I guess I was supposed to keep a far enough lead back so that the 4 wheeler would have gotten away...I don't think so.
Maybe you should start a petition to keep cops from chasing people on bikes or cars then when one of the idiots hits one of your kids from losing control of his atv cause he didn't have to pull over don't call your local cop go cry somewhere else. If society ever deemed to quit car chases everyone would then just ignore blue lights and you would have no civilized civilation...if you don't want to pay for wrecked cruisers just pull over like you are suppose to.

Artic Cat 500...I obey the law so why not you

Old 11-21-1999, 02:31 PM
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Look man, where I live cops are mouthy, and will get you for anything they can. I've been through some sh*t. It's really pathetic. They'll stop me on a dirt road and here comes all kinds of BS "this is a public road" "that down there's public property" "you crossed the street" "wait till i'm finished talking until you can answer my questions" "do you have your liscence" "we put up with this crap all the time"... WHAT CRAP? Ya know, I also could come up with 10 charges against a person trying to have fun. The thing is, this is the same officer that told me I can't ride on my own property(disturbing the peace) after someone buys a $300 exhaust to make it quiet. The same officer that said "ride right down there at the river". A week later, he stops you at the river. then you try to tell him that that's what he told you and he brings in the "wait until i stop talkin" as he blabs his mouth nonstop. Ya know, why can't they just talk to you like a regular human being? They'll get you for anything, and that's the truth. It's like I smokin' freakin' marajuana, watch for cops, son, you're on a 4-wheeler. Be paranoid if you're on one of those d*mn things. I'm sure his speeding 4-wheeler's 3 foot width has higher risk at hitting some kid than your police CAR, right? You know what else? I'm riding where the officer told me to, then he calls in 3 freakin' police cars for back up. WTF? Nothing to do or what? On weekends while I'm riding, other kids my age are getting high, what the h*ll are you doing, get their *ss instead! I'm not trying to argue, you sound like one of the better cops out there, but it's fair to say I'm pretty d*mn pissed off since my local trails have been invadad by cops. I can't ride there anymore. This leaves me no choice but to jack around and join my alcoholic pot-head friends, YEAH, good move pig. No offense to "atving", but if the authorities only knew the truth. 17 year olds are all about alcohol and weed. I'm all about riding. When riding is taken away from me, that only leaves me with alcohol like my classmates. Which is more dangerous? Last night I rode home with someone who was hammered. Good, huh? I say MAKE MORE RIDING SPOTS. This is pathetic. Freakin' pathetic to think about how people take away our riding areas.

A T V I N G is N O T a C R I M E
Old 11-21-1999, 03:38 PM
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ATVing, just to make sure you understood my post completely I'll elaborate. I dont think police should stop chasing people, but I think they get to agressive at times and cause accidents that they are suppose to be trying to prevent. I realize cops are only human and their adrenaline gets going, but if you are out of control and cant stop or are intentionally ramming someone to try and end a chase I believe you are abusing your power. Yes I have watched fox and I disagree with the way many of the situations are handled. Also, if a cop runs into someone for any reason I can't believe they would have to pay for an accident they didnt cause. As far as using lethal force to stop someone you suspect may be guilty of a crime you are absolutely crazy. Unless you witnessed it first hand you can not assume someone is guilty. Oh that looks like the guy who ran into a pedestrian earlier today and he is running, time to pull out the gun. Who cares if he has a family and kids and is the wrong guy. I would hope you dont assume anyone that runs from you is a diehard criminal that needs to be stopped at all costs. Do your best to catch them, but don't kill someone because they were riding their quad on a street and made a split minute decision to go for it. As a cop you are given alot of power, just dont let it go to your head and do something you may later regret. And just so you know I have never ran from the cops.
Old 11-21-1999, 03:47 PM
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Let's see if I've got this right:




Where's the Reverend Jessee Jackson when you need him?

Tree Farmer
Old 11-21-1999, 04:19 PM
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Hey Tree Farmer..AHMEN!!! or however you spell it!

Boomer '99 Wolverine
Old 11-21-1999, 04:55 PM
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I must get off and thank the good lord for living where I do!

I am so privledged to live in a community/county/state that allows, no, welcomes ATV's right into town! Now there are designated routes for ingress and egress to the facilities in town. But our police are very understanding when it comes to even abuse of the streets. They are not understanding when it comes to safety issues! Nor should they be! They will ticket, instantly, any youth rider without a helmet. I Utah you can become a licensed rider of an OHV at age 8. 8-15 requires the operator to take the course. Many do, too many don't!

These tickets require that the offender attend an ATV safety course.

We only have two real problems, Some that think it neat to spark it up main street in the middle of the night at 80+ MPH, the threat is obvious, and the kids that just want to have fun, while not wearing any safety equipment. Riding double on the street corner doing donuts, hit the pavement and you know where it's going. Or riding in the hills double, again without safety equipment, tipping over and often causing injury or death to one of them!

Seems that we loose a 13 year old annually from the above scenario.

It is very unfortunate that some police officers are in uniform to prove that they large testes! Sorta makes ya want to go to an appropriate store and buy them some!

I'm not a cop but have fiends that are or have been. Their training prepares them for so many tragic situation possibilities that many of them are too, on-edge!? Sometimes I get the feeling that we should not allow anybody to be a cop till they are at least thirty! Then force their retirement at 50! Twenty something is dangerous on both sides of the badge! But that is only an observation from a mid forty's guy.

I also understand that most of the country is not like around here. It really is too bad that more agency's do not get it more together and help provide alternate routes for the atver to be able to gain access to riding areas. City restrictions I can and do understand, rural areas are very different and they should be treated as such.

In the end. If you are tagged, you had better stop and talk to the officer! Yes you may get a ticket. But you also may find a very understanding officer of the law that is not out to make your life miserable, but is looking out for the general safety of all users. Your attitude and actions will help shape theirs, good or bad.
Old 11-21-1999, 07:32 PM
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Just so people understand where I'm coming from... Young adults have this sort of thing where they need something exciting, something to do. It's all been said, "you kids should be hitting the books" "there are other things that are fun to do", but understand this, they're going to do what they want, my friends, they're out of control. No matter what, they get away with what they want when they want, so the bottom line is, they're just going to do it. Unfortunately, where I live the thing teens do is get drunk and high. I took a better route and made ATVing, basketball, and snowboarding my LIFE. The only thing exciting enough to drag a young adult away from alcohol is adrenaline. Seriously, that is the only thing that will give them a bigger rush that will keep them addicted. Believe me on this one, this is what happened to me. This was about 2-3 yrs. ago, and I started going out with them to dead parties, with alcohol and weed left and right, then snowboarding pretty much saved me from falling in the hole that they're now stuck in. I started snowboarding, and loved it more than anything. That was adrenaline, flying down the hill, shredding up the snow, grabbing air, all while everyone watches and girls try to talk to you. I now knew what I would be doing every weekend. Just about broke my hip. It felt good to take a beating. ATVing is something that could do the same. It's this type of stuff that can save kids my age. Think about that...now think about how people with high power take this stuff away more and more. Clinton and Gore, I've mailed a letter to them, DOUBT they even read it, but please all you people, let them know, they may want to think about it before they cut off riding land. WE don't respect nature? Do you see us pouring cement and houses on mother nature's face? It's not right, they think we don't respect nature when that's a big part of why we like to ride, they think ATVing is too dangerous all while teen lives are getting messed up.

What if we saw new trails and tracks being made and advertised?
Old 11-21-1999, 08:04 PM
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Look man, where I live cops are mouthy, and will get you for anything they can. I've been through some sh*t. It's really pathetic. They'll stop me on a dirt road and here comes all kinds of BS "this is a public road" "that down there's public property" "you crossed the street" "wait till i'm finished talking until you can answer my questions" "do you have your liscence" "we put up with this crap all the time"... WHAT CRAP? Ya know, I also could come up with 10 charges against a person trying to have fun.

>If you have the same attitude toward me as you did that cop (and I haven't even done anything to you) just maybe thats the reason he talked to you like he did and I do understand they are abusive people in all lines of work.

The thing is, this is the same officer that told me I can't ride on my own property(disturbing the peace) after someone buys a $300 exhaust to make it quiet.

>Did you ever stop to think that just because you think it is quiet doesn't mean your neighbor thinks so, I must say myself that my atv is loud and I don't mind hearing one as loud as mine going by to a path or passing by house every once in a while but I sure don't want to listen to one beside my house going back and forth for 8 or more hours especially late at night.

The same officer that said "ride right down there at the river". A week later, he stops you at the river. then you try to tell him that that's what he told you and he brings in the "wait until i stop talkin" as he blabs his mouth nonstop. Ya know, why can't they just talk to you like a regular human being?

>Well then why are you not talking to me like a regular human being because someone done you wrong if they did is no reason to cop an attitude with me???

They'll get you for anything, and that's the truth. It's like I smokin' freakin' marajuana, watch for cops, son, you're on a 4-wheeler. Be paranoid if you're on one of those d*mn things. I'm sure his speeding 4-wheeler's 3 foot width has higher risk at hitting some kid than your police CAR, right?

>Well I wouldn't have to worry about my police car was going to hit someone if I wasn't chasing some idiot that didn't want to pull over because he was driving wreckless or for some reason. Cops don't just pull you over cause they don't have anything else to do, and we don't have quotas either I make the same amount every month whether I write one ticket or a hundred so???

You know what else? I'm riding where the officer told me to, then he calls in 3 freakin' police cars for back up. WTF? Nothing to do or what?

>See what I mean about an attitude with lines like nothing to do or what. Yes police officers have plenty to do with usually 10 cops to 30,000 people they would much rather be doing something else than chasing some disrespectful punk cause he doesn't know how to act like he has some sense on a public highway.

On weekends while I'm riding, other kids my age are getting high, what the h*ll are you doing, get their *ss instead!

Breaking the law is breaking the law whether it be getting high smoking pot or driving reckless on a public highway. I guess you think that just because the crime you are committing is not as serious it shouldn't be dealt with, well you need to join the human race because the other 98% thinks it should.

I'm not trying to argue, you sound like one of the better cops out there, but it's fair to say I'm pretty d*mn pissed off since my local trails have been invadad by cops.

>I would truthfully say they have been invaded because one of your buddies or you ran from a police officer which in turn gave them an attitude toward the other atv riders I am not saying this is right but it does happen.

I can't ride there anymore. This leaves me no choice but to jack around and join my alcoholic pot-head friends, YEAH, good move pig.

>So just because Johnny can't do something he is going to go get doped up or drunk waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...this is an immature was to prove something and where do you get off calling me a pig or any other officer a pig...I am relly starting to see where this puzzle is coming together and most likely why the cop talked to you like a dog. I have a rule of thumb I usually treat people 10 times the amount, the way they treat me, bet you wouldn't call a cop a pig if you had called him to come to your house because someone was breaking in on you or why should he come MAYBE HE HAS BETTER THINGS TO DO as quoted by you and then lets pretend when he did come that this person fleed on a 4 wheeler after he just slit your moms throat but the officer is not going to chase him because this is probably some punk who don't want to pull over for the law cause he is just running because he don't want a ticket so the cop doesn't pull him over so your family comes in crying bloody murder cause the law just let him get away and now there is a murder on the loose that has killed your mother...well huh imagine that. Its always different when the situations effects yourself isn't it.

No offense to "atving", but if the authorities only knew the truth. 17 year olds are all about alcohol and weed. I'm all about riding. When riding is taken away from me, that only leaves me with alcohol like my classmates.

And I say again instead of turning to drugs and alcohol try going down and meeting the officers in your community talk about your situation with them tell them what you told me...heck give me your local officer and I will even call them and see whats up. I am very open minded and have never talked with anyone that I couldn't find a solution to the matter. Just remember for someone to have respect for you, you must show respect to them.

Which is more dangerous? Last night I rode home with someone who was hammered. Good, huh? I say MAKE MORE RIDING SPOTS.

>That is your own ignorance for riding with someone who is hammered and only you are to blame for that...and yes I would like to see more riding spots...heck I have on situations rode on the rode myself and have talked to other law enforcement about the situation why don't people just pull over 99 times out of 100 all they get is a verbal warning...why don't they pull over usually it is because they have been doing something they are going to get a ticket for or are intoxicated...

This is pathetic. Freakin' pathetic to think about how people take away our riding areas.
A T V I N G is N O T a C R I M E

>No it is not a crime if you are riding responsively not breaking the law.

Now some answers to the other responce:
ATVing, just to make sure you understood my post completely I'll elaborate. I dont think police should stop chasing people, but I think they get to agressive at times and cause accidents that they are suppose to be trying to prevent.

Well the whole point is I wouldn't be causing accidents if people done what they were supposed to would you not want a police officer to run someone down that had assaulted your family or worse most people think like you do and I am not being smart they don't put theirself in my position they just take for granted that this person has really done nothing and they are just chasing him for the fun of it when in fact if I were to think this way one time it could effect someone like you if this person has done worse try looking at this situation in 3 dimension instead of 2 dimensions I can't take for granted this person is fleeing because he doesn't just want a ticket. I wish cops could read minds but would this still stop them from chasing people cause they didn't want a ticket and should it...no it shouldn't what gives them the right to flee from getting a ticket when someone honest like yourself pulls over and you get one is this fair to you...

I realize cops are only human and their adrenaline gets going, but if you are out of control and cant stop or are intentionally ramming someone to try and end a chase I believe you are abusing your power.

>So you think I am abusing my power when I ram this 4 wheeler bringing him to a stop when about 800 feet up the road your wife and kids were coming and I stopped him from hitting them head on possibly killing your whole family...hmmmm well uh uh yes I know you didn't think of it that way or it didn't happen that way is a great excuse but unfortunately it does happen this way why should you care about what happens to someone who has put theirself in this situation over people that could be innocently killed because some jerk didn't want to pull over and get a ticket for something he was probably in the wrong over, if you can give me a better answer I am willing to listen.

Yes I have watched fox and I disagree with the way many of the situations are handled. Also, if a cop runs into someone for any reason I can't believe they would have to pay for an accident they didnt cause.

>Well wake up cause you are in the real world read your thing you sign when you get your license to operate a vehicle it plainly says anytime you are approached by an officer in a traffic stop and you do not do so you are LIABLE for damages it is the same part that says if you fail to submit to an intoxilyzer for the reason of measuring your alcohol content of your license they will be revoked...any more questions???

As far as using lethal force to stop someone you suspect may be guilty of a crime you are absolutely crazy. Unless you witnessed it first hand you can not assume someone is guilty.

>Well if they are not guilty why are they running and I assured you I am very sane

Oh that looks like the guy who ran into a pedestrian earlier today and he is running, time to pull out the gun.

>Boy have you been watching to much cops if you do not agree with the way society is run why don't you move from the USA last time I checked this government was democratly ruled so just because you are in the small per cent who thinks things are not suppose to be done this way we are suppose to change it.

Who cares if he has a family and kids and is the wrong guy.

>So why is he running...scared to talk to a police officer this is really getting old people who are not guilty don't run I became a cop when I was 30 41...now and I never did run because that is just the way it is.

I would hope you dont assume anyone that runs from you is a diehard criminal that needs to be stopped at all costs.

>They need to be stopped to keep them from hurting some other innocent party.

Do your best to catch them, but don't kill someone because they were riding their quad on a street and made a split minute decision to go for it.

>I do not want to see anyone hurt but if they get hurt or worse they made that decision not me.

As a cop you are given alot of power, just dont let it go to your head and do something you may later regret. And just so you know I have never ran from the cops.

>I really didn't think you ever had you seem like a pretty moral person but you do got to understand if police pursuits were stopped than no one would pull over for the police in turn you would have situations where people would do what they wanted resulting in more accidents than would have been caused from chases...the end doesn't justify the means I heard this for 14 weeks at the academy and never really realized what it meant till the 13th week...in closing I didn't put this on here to start an arguement with anybody or to show them I am a cop and I hope they get you, I put this on here to make everyone think by stopping and being open minded you might find out the guy with uniform may be more open minded than you are...how many times have you talked your way out of a ticket for speeding in a car when the cop knew dang well you were lying...

Artic Cat...Cops like to have fun to


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