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Old 12-24-2005, 02:31 PM
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Default Why buy American

We have a 90 eton it has no choke? dont know why ./ We pit it up a year ago and tried to start it today it has gas ,spark but will not start at all is there away to check the cdi? And could avyone tell me if it could be something else we clealed all the carb parts and fuel lines it is getting gas?
Old 12-24-2005, 03:32 PM
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Default Why buy American

You are comparing apples and oranges. However, I expect such behavior from the left. What proof do you have that he is an alcoholic and a coke-head. It has been substantiated that he has done both but, no proof of addiction. At worst, that would make him an addict. A recovering one at that. You want to compare that to burning crosses and oppressing an entire race, go ahead.

In regards to Byrd trying to do something good, I already explained my point. My point was that Byrd's website blamed the Bush Administration for blocking his law. I simply pointed out the facts. They are as follows.
-Byrd is a bigot
-The Bush administration did not block his law. The WTO itself blocked it.
-Byrd omitted facts on his site in regards to this.

If those who oppose the current administration put their efforts towars providing a solution as opposed pointing fingers, they might actually help their party of choice win an election.

Merry Christmas.
Old 01-02-2006, 01:38 PM
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Default Why buy American

I've been out for 2 weeks and come back to this?? WTF. Being a lifelong WV resident for my 31 years, I will defend Byrd for what he has done to help the people and the state of WV. He is truly a fine Senator. I obviously don't agree on his actions 40-50 years ago, but neither does he now. He admits he made mistakes in the past when he was younger. It was a different time then.

But I now live in southern WV (used to be in the eastern panhandle), only 10-15 minutes where Byrd grew up. Our Rt 16 is Robert C. Byrd Dr, and everyone in this state likes him and knows all the good he has done. That is why he has been a Senator for so long, and why any Rep opponent that tries to run against him runs into inevitable doom.

As far as the Bush admin.? They have done no good in 6 years, and created so much disaster in this country, it will take 20 years to straighten out. Most people that I know that are "die-hard" republicans now admit their mistake, and wish they wouldn't have voted for him. He has to be the worst president this country has ever seen.
Old 01-02-2006, 05:26 PM
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Default Why buy American

Originally posted by: Bill35
Bryce you cant teach someone something they think they alreally know.It makes me feel good reading these post and seeing theres still some flag wavers like myself out there.Take a look at the sticker I put on back of my sp700 just to bug my buddy that rides a yamaha .Its in my picture page.Bill
Hey Bill35
I think you need to take that sticker off the back of your quad. I hate to burst your bubble, but Polaris is made in Canada. It says it on your quad. I like to know where it says made in the USA on it. Just because Polaris headquarters is in the US does not mean their product is made out here. Alot of the Polaris diehards need to do their homework. They didn't even know the motors where made in Japan. Oh how they changed their tune after they found out.
Old 01-02-2006, 08:09 PM
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Default Why buy American

Different person, same mantra. Your view might hold some water if you provided some facts to backup the baseless accusations against Bush. What specifically has Bush done to ruin this country? On what do you base the statement that it will take 20 years to straighten out? Was it his weather machine that targeted only black people in New Orleans?
Was it the unfounded accusations that he fixed the vote in the 2000 election?
Or, did you watch a Michael Moore movie and base your opinion on that? If that is the case, you probably left a showing of Footloose thinking you could dance.

For the record, Byrd was quoted as using the "N" word as recently as 5 years ago. The transcripts from the interview are readily available if you care to check on that.

Have a nice day.
Old 01-03-2006, 01:54 AM
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Default Why buy American

Originally posted by: Fahq
Different person, same mantra. Your view might hold some water if you provided some facts to backup the baseless accusations against Bush. What specifically has Bush done to ruin this country? On what do you base the statement that it will take 20 years to straighten out? Was it his weather machine that targeted only black people in New Orleans?
Was it the unfounded accusations that he fixed the vote in the 2000 election?
Or, did you watch a Michael Moore movie and base your opinion on that? If that is the case, you probably left a showing of Footloose thinking you could dance.

For the record, Byrd was quoted as using the "N" word as recently as 5 years ago. The transcripts from the interview are readily available if you care to check on that.

Have a nice day.
First I got to say that I thought this was a good laugh "If that is the case, you probably left a showing of Footloose thinking you could dance" because all I got out of that was how a chick with a large nose can be fun too lmao

OK back to topic.

It would be much easier for everyone, and a lot better overall if we all could provide some kind of documentation as back up or at least try to explain in some detail what causes the posted info to be valid. I think just repeating some popular buzz words we hear on TV to some way defend our ideas just isnt going to cut it. I am posting in a couple other threads here with similar subjects and its seeming that there is a real need for producing some validity etc.

Now I have to admit I may be getting a little confused since the topics are very similar so bear with me if some of what I post doesnt exactly fit etc. I am very serious when I say that I find how so many follow party lines without thought and only produce info that either makes there side look good or the other look bad totally tasteless and almost insulting.

Knowing that I believe you can understand that I am not for bashing the current administration alone or isolating these people as the entire problem. There are so many people involved with politics, and so many more behind the scenes that you would need a score card to keep track of them all, but it seems except for pointing fingers in order to make the other party look bad not a single person in the other party has apparently lifted a damn finger to actually make any of the things they call out actually change. So call them what ever you like, and blame who ever you want, but to me until they show that there is a damn dimes worth of difference between the rep and dem parties and that either one is actually more about the people they serve and not just their own parties advancements I will continue to group them all together as one group that really needs to be replaced or totally revamped.

To sum it up both major parties suk and put their own selves and their party well before any of their citizens they represent, and both are still going about business like any other day, and neither is doing anything substancel to change the things they complain about with the opposing party.

I refuse to be a hipocrite and wont say that I am pleased with how the rep held administration has handled many things including the war, but I am also not going to join anything to do with mindless bashing of a hand full of figure heads, or ignoring how so many others are profiting from the current conditions (including the opposing dem party).

Now as far as byrd goes I just cant really get into that one at all, and have to think that no matter what he has done in the past that as long as those he represents are happy with his performance today and continue to vote him into office that its easier to let them have what they choose than to waste time trying to make our country any more politically correct. Actually I would find a way to accept it if a total racist (of any color or religion) was elected, and if thats what his people want then let them have it.

To add to this I believe our entire country is way to sensitive to race and religion. Remember that we are all in the same country with the same laws and rights, and one person not liking another for any reason though stupid is still their right just as much as there loving the living life of each other. I dont think its my call or anyone elses call to how anyone should have to think or feel about another, and if you want to bring in the N word ticket then I guess most every person I have met both black, white (and even all those others on the govt applications) is a damn racist because I have head the word Spam wordSpam word Spam wordSpam word Spam wordSpam word Spam wordSpam word er spoken by thousands and thousands of people in my life time. Just also remember it was not always in the same manner or used in the same context either, but hey I think its the word that is getting you pumped up.

So maybe we all would be a lot better off if we stopped trying to make either other do things a certain and writing laws around these insane ideas, and just encouraged people to try and get along, and maybe establish some kind of tolerence law instead that only would deal with the fact that people would have to treat any other person in the same fashion they would any other, and though you dont have to love people you really dont you would need to accept their rights as an american and tolerate them 100% as you would another.

Guess we would have to disolve all the many laws that help to seperate the various races of people in the us too, and honestly put everyone on a level playing field (or as damn close as possible) and since your looking reducing direct racism then we had better do the same with reverse rasism as well.

My point is that if we were not always told how different we all are, how were not supposed to get along well and treat each other fairly (reason for all the laws), and all the other ways our govt has thrown tons of money to bandaid a situation then maybe just maybe we all would learn to get along in a way that worked for us all.

So I guess I can respect a mans right to be ignorant enough to hate a person or people for no good reasons as well as that persons right to be totally pissed off and hate him right back, but I do have a problem with creating an entire new way of thinking (politically correct etc) that changes nothing and only makes people more angry in the long run.

There is much more to add but this is too long already, and also sort of off topic.

Old 01-03-2006, 11:25 AM
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Default Why buy American

Originally posted by: Fahq
Different person, same mantra. Your view might hold some water if you provided some facts to backup the baseless accusations against Bush. What specifically has Bush done to ruin this country? On what do you base the statement that it will take 20 years to straighten out? Was it his weather machine that targeted only black people in New Orleans?
Was it the unfounded accusations that he fixed the vote in the 2000 election?
Or, did you watch a Michael Moore movie and base your opinion on that? If that is the case, you probably left a showing of Footloose thinking you could dance.
Not including Katrina, or the election (which did swing on the state that his brother is the govoner, mmm?), never saw the Michael Moore movie, and when I left the movie theatre after seeing Footloose, I was with 2 girls, we were all in the 4th grade, and I knew I couldn't dance then.

But anyway, you want some facts about Bush?? Here are a few...

Bush Facts: You Can't Argue With the Truth
Get the facts. Read the facts below and get angry.

>Bush's tax cuts overwhelmingly favor the wealthy. The top 1% will save more than $30,000 per year while 31% save nothing at all. Source: Citizens for Tax Justice and AFL/CIO
>The nation faces a record $500 billion deficit. The biggest cause of the deficit is Bush's tax cuts. Source: www.govexec.com
>The Bush Administration is systematically turning back 30 years of environmental progress. Source: Sierra Club
>President Bush is under-funding education with the smallest percentage increase in funding in eight years. Source: Committee on Education and the Workforce
>2.9 million jobs have been lost under the Bush Administration. Source: New York Times
>Bush misled the public about the reasons for going to war with Iraq. No weapons of mass destruction have been found. Source: The Guardian
>Bush's Medicare bill helps corporations, not the elderly. 43.6 million U.S. citizens do not have health care. Source: www.misleader.org
>Halliburton, the company where Vice President Dick Cheney was CEO, was given multi-billion dollar contracts in Iraq without competitive bidding. Source: New York Review of Books
>Pentagon officials found that Halliburton overcharged the U.S. government by $61 million for gasoline in Iraq. Source: Associated Press
>Bush has tried to roll back more than 200 of America 's environmental laws. The United States emits more greenhouse gases than any other country. Source: Rolling Stone

Bush: The Warrior

>2 – Number of nations George W. Bush has attacked and taken over since coming into office.
>130 – Approximate number of countries (out of a total of 191 recognized by the United Nations) with a U.S. military presence.
>10 million – Estimated number of people worldwide who took to the streets in opposition to the invasion of Iraq , setting an all-time record for simultaneous protest.
>$221,941,986,246 – Estimated cost of the war in Iraq to U.S. citizens. Source: http://costofwar.com.
>104 – Number of American combat deaths in Iraq between May 2003 (when Bush landed on an aircraft carrier and declared an end to the open conflict and the middle of October 2003.
>1007 – Number of U.S. deaths in Iraq as of September 11, 2004. Source: http://icasualties.org/oif/.
>37 – Percentage of Americans who approve of Bush's handling of the situation with Iraq. Source: NY Times
>95 - Percentage of Army Reserve Soldiers in Iraq and other Middle East bases experiencing significant pay problems. Source: GAO report.
>36%: Increase in the number of desertions from the US army since 1999 (as of January 20, 2004). Source: The Independent, UK, reprinted: here.
>What the bipartisan 9/11 commission said on the link between Iraq and Al Qaeda: "We have no credible evidence that Iraq and Al Qaeda cooperated on attacks against the United States."

Bush: Money Manager

>$28 billion - Amount of proposed cuts to veterans' benefits in the congressional Republicans' budget resolution for fiscal year 2004.
>$127 billion - Amount of U.S. budget surplus in fiscal year 2001, the last year Clinton was president.
>$374 billion - Amount of U.S. budget deficit in fiscal year 2003.
>#1 - This year's deficit will be the biggest in U.S. history.
>$7.29 trillion - Current national debt.
>$1.98 billion - Amount on average the national debt increases each day.
>$23,396 – Amount of each citizen's share of the national debt as of October 21, 2003.
>#1 – Record for most bankruptcies filed in a single year (1.57 million) set in 2002.
>#1 – Set record in 2003, for most residential real-estate foreclosures in a one-quarter period.
>1.6 – Percentage increase in economic growth since Bush took office, the slowest rate of increase over an equivalent period for any administration in 50 years.

Bush: Has Lots of Friends

>$11.5 million – Amount of hard money Bush raised through the controversial “Pioneer” program. Pioneers pledged to raise at least $100,000 by bundling together checks from friends and family.
>212 – Total number of Pioneers identified by the Bush 2000 campaign.
>524 – Total number of Pioneers later revealed through court documents.
>61 – Number of Pioneers subsequently named to government posts.
>19 – Number of Pioneers subsequently appointed as U.S. ambassadors.
>2 – Number of Pioneers subsequently appointed to the Cabinet .
>$5.3 million – Amount Bush raised this past September 30 toward his re-election campaign, breaking the one-day record he himself set.

Bush: The Environment

>58 million- Number of acres of public lands Bush has opened to road building, logging, and drilling.
>200 - Number of public-health and environmental laws Bush has worked to downgrade or weaken since taking office.
>#1: Rank of the US worldwide in terms of greenhouse gas emissions per capita. Source: The Independent, UK, reprinted: here.

Bush: More Like the French Than He Would Care to Admit

>28 - Number of vacation days Bush took in August this year, the second-longest vacation of any president in U.S. history (Record holder: Richard M. Nixon.)
>13 - Number of vacation days the average American receives each year.

Bush: Loves to Travel

>65 – Approximate number of fund-raisers attended in 2002.
>0 – Number of trips taken to Afghanistan before waging war against that country.
>0 – Number of trips taken to Iraq before waging war against that country.
>0 – Number of funerals or memorials Bush has attended for soldiers killed in Iraq.

Bush: Tough On Crime

>#1 – First president to execute a federal prisoner in the last 40 years.
>8 – Number of days after that first execution that a second federal prisoner was executed.
>#1 – As governor of Texas , executed more prisoners (152) than any governor in modern U.S. history.

Bush: Employment Record

>2.4 million – Number of Americans who lost their jobs during the first two and half years of the Bush administration.
>9 million – Number of workers unemployed as of September 2003.
>#1 – The administration is well on its way to being the first since Herbert Hoover's to preside over an overall loss of jobs during its complete term in office.
>+6%: Percentage change since 2001 in the number of US families in poverty (as of January 20, 2004). Source: The Independent, UK, reprinted: here.

Bush: Helping the Rich

>#1 – Has assembled the wealthiest Cabinet in U.S. history.
>$10.9 million – Average wealth of the members of Bush's original 16-person Cabinet.
>75 – Percentage of Americans unaffected by Bush's 2003 cuts in the capital-gains and dividend taxes.
>$42,000 – Average savings members of Bush's Cabinet are expected to receive this year as a result of cuts in capital-gains and dividends taxes.
>$42,228 – Median household income in the U.S. in 2001.
>$116,000 – Amount Vice President Dick Cheney is expected to save each year in taxes.
>9 – Number of members of Bush's Defense Policy Board who also sit on the corporate board of, or advise, at least one defense contractor.

Bush: Helping the Poor

>43.6 million – Number of Americans without health insurance as of 2002.
>$300 million – Amount cut in December 2002 from the federal program that provides subsidies to poor families so they can heat their homes during the winter.

Bush: Foreign Relationships

>35 – Number of countries to which U.S. has suspended military assistance after they failed to sign agreements giving Americans immunity from prosecution before the International Criminal Court.
>#1 – First American president to ignore the Geneva Convention on warfare (by refusing to allow inspectors access to U.S.-held prisoners of war).

Bush: Public Opinion

>90 – Percentage of Americans who approved of the way Bush was handling his job as president on September 26th , 2001.
>67 – Percentage of Americans who approved of the way Bush was handling his job as president on September 26th , 2002.
>54 – Percentage of Americans who approved of the way Bush was handling his job as president on September 30th , 2003.
>50 – Percentage of Americans who approved of the way Bush was handling his job as president on October 15th , 2003.
>10 million: Estimated number of people worldwide who took to the streets in opposition to the invasion of Iraq, setting an all-time record for simultaneous protest. Source: The Independent, UK, reprinted: here.

Need more? Just ask.
Old 01-03-2006, 11:52 AM
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Default Why buy American

Originally posted by: OkieTom

Even Polaris buys Fuji motors. I would guess they use some other parts from overseas also. Made in Amerca could also include Mexico and Canada because they are in North Amerca. I work for a company that has bought foreign products and labeled them. The fine print will say where they were made. We have also sold products to foreign companies to label as their own. You can't always know what you are getting by the name brand. Ford, GM, Jeep, Chrysler, Dodge are all USA brand names but have different degrees of foreign partnerships or ownerships as with Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep. I have an international fund in my 401K. The new Pontiac GTO is made in Australia. At least the body is. It really doesn't matter where it is made as long as you get what you want.
I have to quote something from a while ago who is a bit mis-informed, at least on Polaris. Fuji assembles the single cylinder Polaris engines per Polaris's design. They only assemble them. The 600, 700, and 800 Liberty engines and transmissions are designed AND assembled in USA. My 2003 Sportsman 600 has "Made in U.S.A." stamped on the engine, transmission, frame, and other various parts. It does have a Ducati coil though, I guess since Polaris owns Ducati, they share parts.

And for the "You can't always know what you are getting by the name brand" quote, it's better to buy from an American owned company, since they will still get the profit, unlike buying from a foreign company. Example, buying a Chevrolet assembled in Mexico is still better than buying a Honda assembled in the USA. Reason? Chevrolet still gets the profit. Chevrolet had to move said plant to Mexico to compete with price. If people would wake up and buy more domestic, then GM wouldn't shut plants down here and move them elsewhere. Reason why American auto companies aren't making enough profit?? Because American companies have been paying pensions for hundreds of thousands of people for the past 75 or more years. The foreign companies (using foreign resources to build their plants mind you) aren't paying pensions yet, they're too new.
Old 01-03-2006, 01:01 PM
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sp600towtruck, good points and good documentation. Its hard to argue with facts.

Something which has been lost in the discussions, which gets to the heart of the matter...is the dems and reps are in this together, and the american people are the target. Bush couldnt have done all of that with out help. The dems had to rollover, and the media has to play a role too.
Ever notice how you have to go overseas to see real news stories? The media in this country is prevented from doing certain stories, and told to push others.
Who really cares bout OJ or micheal jackson. Why isnt every paper in the country outraged, about the erosion of civil liberties and loss of freedom of speach. Could it be that they are part and partner with the politicians?

The in fighting you see on the sunday morning news shows is all staged and according to script. They want you to believe they fight for your special interests, and they want the populus to fight among itself, so they can continue their dirty work.
The real untouchable topic in the US, is the class warfare. How the wealthy elite are getting richer and more powerful, and the botttom 99% is barely treading water.Want proof? Who here, works less than 50 hours a week? Who here CANT recall mismanagement and fraud in thier own work place? How many here were prinicpals in a news story...only to find what was reported was spun?

America wont get better until people who put america first, get into office, and vote for term limits and get rid of lobbying, and special interests. America needs an honest reporting of facts, with out spin, and an honest discussion of solutions.
Jobs and money will keep going overseas, as long as the top 1% wage earners want it that way.
Old 01-03-2006, 02:02 PM
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Hondabuster, true you are.

Our family (wife actually - I'm a stay at home dad of 4 - 5 yr old girl-K, 3yr old girl-pre-k, and 1 yr old twins-boy and girl) makes good money...wifes a Pharmacist. And even that, we still struggle with stuff. I think people in top management positions and any largely paid person are getting greedier and greedier. If they didn't pay themselves so much, maybe U.S. manufacturing jobs could be afforded to stay here in the U.S. And that goes for all large corps.

It seems that our government is pro-big corporation; it benefits their pockets (gov and corp) and not the citizens. Its like if it doesn't benefit the wealthy in any way, then screw the ones who do really need it, i.e. middle class and lower.

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