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getting pulled over by the cops for riding on the road

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Old 01-13-2004, 03:18 AM
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Default getting pulled over by the cops for riding on the road

Once again, an end-run around the question.

...people think that they have a right to ride a all terrain vehicle on a public road way...

I know full well that there is no such 'right', I just question why police jump with both feet on a person riding an atv, yes even carefully and respectfully of traffic, and yet pay no attention to these unlicensed, unregulated, uninsured (all the things they love to ticket ATV riders for) battery powered things. Rescuediver, you have said nothing to justify this police position. You have said that the ATV's are operated at a faster speed, not how or why this makes the scooters and their operators immune from motor vehicle laws.

...As much as you try and portray yourself as I'm justing going down the street to my riding area" In reality, it's just not a leasurely ride. ATV's don't belong on the roadway with cars and trucks....

I have spent years doing just that, trying to be as low key as possible and get to the riding area. First with dirt bikes as a teenager and now with my quad. I don't ride on the paved road to the corner store by any means, and I don't seek to, but according to Canadian law, travelling on any road, dirt or not, overgrown or not, that isn't your own private property makes one fair game for the nearest ticket happy cop, who is only too happy to scribble his heart out. Meanwhile brakes are screeching and cars swerving because of the ever increasing numbers of battery operated 4 wheel carts with LESS attentive drivers, LESS amenities such as mirrors and lighting, and no regard for anyone but themselves and the police are completely blind to them. It isn't a matter of 'impeding traffic', it is about creating a hazard on the roadway. Yet no attention from police. Nada. Did the seargent tell you all to leave them alone? Is it national policy?

...Do you think the scum bags that stole that quad are down at your local ohv park riding? No, they are tearing it up, riding just like the majority of you on the roadways...

I don't really follow your line of reason here. Do all riders of ATV's tear around on roads, or are they thieves? You lost me there.

...I've made arrests for possession of stolen quads, possession of stolen property, drugs, drug lab dumps etc. All because of people riding their atv on public roads...

Oh, man, if there are nothing but drug lab operators, thieves, and lowlifes riding quads on public roads where you are located then I fully appreciate that you would tend to characterize them all as bad eggs. These idiots should get a brain and ride scooters and they could front their stolen goods and market their drugs without being bothered by police! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

...I just hope that while you decide you may out run us, no one innocent gets hurt because of your stupidity...

Lets talk about stupidity. Once when I was 16 I was riding a motorbike I'd made from parts, on a side dirt road near my house when a police car with two cops went by on a parallel highway. The cop slowed right down and obviously wanted to talk to me. I was getting older as a teen, and trying to act more adult and so I stopped and waited while he drove around to my location, though I could easily have melted off into the bush and gone home. The cop pulled up and I took off my helmet. He was training a rookie. He asked me for I.D. and I gave it, and he proceeded to ticket me with every possible offence he could think of, by way of showing the new guy how it was done. When I protested this reward for my cooperation to him (In a polite way), he dressed me down like a drill seargent and left me with a staggering wad of fines and citations, over $350.00 worth. (30 years ago!) I learned a great deal that day and I never stopped for a cop again while riding a recreational vehicle when there was a way for me to just leave. I always lost them. Always.
The 'stupidity' was when I tried to cooperate. You can be indignant all you want. I left to ride another day. It was, and time has proven, the smart thing to do.

But all that is incidental to the question: Why are scooters tolerated/ignored and ATV's targetted by police? In all honesty, the ATV riders aren't all drug dealing criminals, as is evident when you see guys on utility machines geared up for a bush ride I should hope, and the scooters are the greater meanace. So why the double standard?
Old 01-13-2004, 08:50 AM
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Default getting pulled over by the cops for riding on the road

im not a drug dealing criminal
way to put it Glenlevit im behind you 100%
Old 01-13-2004, 11:47 AM
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Default getting pulled over by the cops for riding on the road

polease radoi? What's that? Of coarse I know what a police radio is but by the time the cops got back up I would be long gone. All the back up a cop could get in this county wouldn't be able to cover every trail entrance around here. I also carry a cell phone while riding. I could just give my mom a call and say I am at a friends until the coast is clear. Hellycoptur? Not two shure bout that there on eether. Do you really think that a police helicopter would be used to find a person that did nothing compared to real criminals that are killing people and robbing banks? rhetorical question. Do I have to tell you what that one means Rob?
One day ye shall learn oh young one. **** off a cop and they'll go out of their way. They don't like it when they don't get the respect they deserve for putting their life on the line every day for little pay. Besides, your in the wrong and he's in the right.

But it sounds like you have all the bases covered. Except since you don't drive a car/truck I'll assume you ride close to home and have simular riding habits. Eventually over time he can pin down your location. He's seen you, your ATV, etc. If you live so far out in the country then he could just ask around and find you.

OK this isn't rocket science, I know your smarter than all of us so just be careful. If you get caught, don't smart mouth, use the "sirs" and take your lumps.

and be safe....

Old 01-13-2004, 12:34 PM
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Default getting pulled over by the cops for riding on the road

Okguys, I was reading this forum a day ago and apparently this is quite the hot topic ! So as a Quad racer (mx) and a police officer I have to add my 2 cents.

As a Quad rider I agree with many of you , (especially the connecticut crew) I do not blame you for not registering your quads. Connecticut gives you riders absolutley nothing for your 30 dollars. I do know that there is some places they are going to try and open (MDC land ) but that remains to be seen. As a police officer I feel your best bet for not getting in trouble is the following....... You ride on a major highway you are a moron! Not only is it illegal its stupid and dangerous. AS a kid did I think it would be cool to ride through downtown or on a major highway? Yes and I did that and got caught by the Chief of Police! I got grounded and my bike was taken away(by my mom) for a month, and the chilef proceeded to tell me the following which ALL of you need to understand!!! TDriving is a privilege, as is riding . If you have respect for that and for other people most people will respect you and at least try to listen to your point of views. I learned a lot that day. Are there A--HOLES out there that where a badge? YES , but thats the way things are in life. The ANTI-ATV crowd loves it when stupid people do things like ride on the highway, they love it even more when an accident occurs because it gives them more ammunition to say" oh look at how dangerous this is , bla bla bla.... Bottom line guys stay off the roads !!!!!! Use the sides if possible , make a trail, ASK ASK ASK your neighbors for permission , a lot of times the simple respect of asking someone permission will get you a lot farther, ( and in much less trouble)

Thast about it guys, just realize you may screw it up even more for yourself and everyone else if you act irresponsibly. Remember there are consequences to your actions .

God I hate you guys you make me sound like my parents!!!!!!!

Jason Perron NEATV/MX

Old 01-13-2004, 05:33 PM
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Default getting pulled over by the cops for riding on the road

Several years ago, I let my buddy ride my 3 wheeler. He rode it a few hundred feet from my house on the side of the rode and then was pulled over. The cop didn't ticket him, but they did impound the three wheeler. They had to wait a long time because the cop called in a flatbead truck to take away the trike. No tickets but we had to pay for the flatbed truck usage.
Old 01-13-2004, 06:05 PM
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Default getting pulled over by the cops for riding on the road

....why the he|| would u stop from a cop!!! I'd flippen floor it and take off into some woods!!!!!
Old 01-13-2004, 06:34 PM
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Default getting pulled over by the cops for riding on the road

Like someone said before;They'll catch you eventually and, when they do it'll be all over but the crying.........
Old 01-13-2004, 06:49 PM
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Default getting pulled over by the cops for riding on the road

After being burned for being honest they never caught me.
Old 01-13-2004, 07:04 PM
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Default getting pulled over by the cops for riding on the road

screw the cops, copper copper crime stoppers, man how i hate them they always mess up my fun!!!!
Old 01-13-2004, 07:47 PM
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Default getting pulled over by the cops for riding on the road


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