When the cops get after you...just pull over

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Old 12-01-1999, 01:09 PM
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Here is my 2 cents on this whole discussion...I've been following it for a while now...It's time.....

I have no sides on this...I've been in a situation about 12 years ago, where the local police took my little kx-80 and impounded it...cost me $50 bucks to get out of it...Yes I was running....But then again, I was on pavement with a dirt bike...I did not know any better then...Atv's or dirt bikes just do not perform well with knobbies on the street.....From what I can read from this post...It seems there are two groups of people involved in this discussion...There are the ones who have been there before, learned and laugh...and there are the youngsters who can't drive, have a wheeler, and ride it on the roads, throw around attitude and eventually it bites them in the a** .

I personally do not enjoy riding on the roads...It's not a rush..I get my rushes on the local race track. This may be bold...But I'm not 15 or younger...I have an actual life and family to worry about now.. your never going to convince me that riding in the road is good... I'm not trying to be a hero...I've just been there.. Save it for the trails.

As far as the police go...well thats a whole different story...Where I live...U become a police officer if you know someone...Or do not have the drive to do anything else with your life. But I still respect someone who has to face everyday, not knowing what may happen or who they might have to draw a weapon on. Thats not my idea of fun.

If you decide to keep the atv's in the road..thats your problem..It will get you soon enough... And when the police come knocking on your door...They are just doing what we pay them to do. (eat donuts..hehe

No...really..this awful.. Put the quad in the truck and go riding.....You should not even own one unless you have a way to get it around if the need be.
Old 12-01-1999, 02:47 PM
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ATVing,Hey,ever heard this one?I was once clocked at about 37 in a 25.Cop pulls me over.He ask,whats the hurry?I told him that my furnance went out [middle of winter] and the repair guy cant get over to fix it till tommorrow,so I was heating the apartment with the oven on, and I accidently slipped out of the apartment and did'nt turn off the oven.I told him I did'nt want the apartment burning down,so I was in a hurry to get back to shut it off.He did'nt even check me for a license.If you ever hear this one,Im the originator.Or how about this one? I was [oh never mind] lol lol] BILL

Old 12-01-1999, 04:41 PM
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1. ITs better to be a smart a$$, than a dumba$$( Not implying anything here, thats just a standard answer when called a smart a$$.)

2. Answer one question. Is lying to an officer about facts, regardless of the circumstances, obstucting justice? I'll let you think about that for awhile.. Is it not obstuction of justice when a criminal gives a false ID. Again, think about it...

So in conclusion, having your fellow atvers lie to a fellow cop is probably a bad idea...

Old 12-01-1999, 05:22 PM
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Consider the consequences of your actions.

There are consequences not just for you, but for others. One of our respected members noted in another thread, "Where's the Brain,"
that "The ATV industry entered into the Consent Decree to avoid lawsuits that would destroy the industry." I previously posted a web-reference to the decree, so you could see it. I do not agree that the decree had anything to do with preventing lawsuits. It was the result of litigation by the federal government after studies revealed that large numbers of children under the age of 16 were being killed and injured in ATV accidents.

If you notice in this never-ending argument, we have 15 year olds driving ATVs and complaining about the restrictions placed upon them by adults. Has anyone read the decals on their ATVs?

15 year old are not adults.

The ATV industry entered in a consent decree with the Federal Government for several reasons. One was to diminish the numbers of childeren under 16 being injured or worse through their immature use of adult ATVs.

Now we have a discussion on whether children under the age of 16 should respect law enforcement authorities, or obey the law.

Do you think that will benefit our sport, or the ATV industry?

Old 12-01-1999, 06:29 PM
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Roost, I hear where you're coming from. ATVing, you almost seem like just an ATVer who came to act as an officer to stick up for cops. The way you're talking all this sh*t just surprises me...
Old 12-01-1999, 06:45 PM
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i love the cops here. i always have one come over for disturbing the police and they say dont worry about it as long as you are in your own yard.they told me to tell my neighbors to go **** on themselves.
(one cop really did it was an amusing conversation). i just wanna say COPS FOREVER BABY!

'97 banshee
Old 12-01-1999, 06:45 PM
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i love the cops here. i always have one come over for disturbing the police and they say dont worry about it as long as you are in your own yard.they told me to tell my neighbors to go **** on themselves.
(one cop really did it was an amusing conversation). i just wanna say COPS FOREVER BABY!

'97 banshee
Old 12-01-1999, 08:47 PM
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Go back and read TreeFarmer's post. Are you really going to become a dope addict because police officers are enforcing laws which you do not like (LOL)?

You have our sympathy, but instead of complaining about law enforcement officers, why don't you do something about it? Its easy to complain, isn't it? But does it get you anywhere? You can be part of the problem, or you can be part of the solution. Which is it?

By the way, Roost King is right, at least in NC (and probably most if not all States). Lying to an officer can be resisting or obstructing, whereas saying nothing can not. However, I don't think that is what atving was suggesting. If you have a slick excuse such as Bill thought up (LOL), then few officers would think twice about it, especially if they thought going 37 mph was hurrying!

[This message has been edited by kclayd (edited 12-01-1999).]
Old 12-01-1999, 11:01 PM
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Wellllll I will attempt to answer some of these conclusions best I can...then maybe we can put this thing to rest with finishing arguements...

sayitfmf-As far as the police go...well thats a whole different story...Where I live...U become a police officer if you know someone...Or do not have the drive to do anything else with your life. But I still respect someone who has to face everyday, not knowing what may happen or who they might have to draw a weapon on. Thats not my idea of fun.

Thanks I think??? Did appreciate your view on this manner but when you got down to the part about the job description I assure you I have lots to do with my life and I assure you I knew no one to get this job it is a thing called civil service you know you take a test and they pick from the top highest scorer on the list and thats just to get your foot in the door so to speak.
Becoming a police officer in WV requires that you go through a rigorous training more extensive than the army ever thought about being you go through 14 weeks of mental and physical abuse well this forum is not about police training but I answered the comment. I hope your not one of these couch potatoes with a dunlop talking about a police officer, what line of work are you in anyway brain surgeon??? Heart transplant Doctor???
This is all in good fun of course sayitfmf I have real thick skin. I liked your post overall just lighten up on the definition of a cop.

Ah Roostking are you happy that ignorance is bliss...you can't see the forest for the trees don't hit me with these big "think about it lines" like you have discovered something the human race is just now finding out about...If you really want something to think about I will give you something to make your ears smoke...the other night I pulled a guy over and wrote him a ticket for a headlight being out, known as defective equipment anyway he told the truth I just didn't like his attitude so I wrote him a ticket. When me and my partner drove off we were laughing about giving him the ticket and making fun because he had one brow altogether. Are your ears smokin yet? So does this make me a ***** because me and my partner just gave him a ticket and he told the truth. I was just doing my job and he was braking the law. Does this make me and my partner psychotic because we enjoyed and laughed about it...well maybe... its one of the job requirements. So here is how it fits into place and I quote you

Roostking wrote: Answer one question. Is lying to an officer about facts, regardless of the circumstances, obstucting justice? I'll let you think about that for awhile.. Is it not obstuction of justice when a criminal gives a false ID. Again, think about it...
So in conclusion, having your fellow atvers lie to a fellow cop is probably a bad idea...


Well for starters we are not talking about doing something that was a felony we were talking about stretching the truth a little bit, like I was speeding I am late for such and such, I mean come on, give me a dam break you are going to sit there and tell me if you thougt you could get out of a ticket for saying you were late for this or that, you wouldn't??? And you my good friend are full of more s*^t than a Thanksgiving Turkey.
We were not talking about lying to commit a felony it just all goes back to how the cop perceives the situation that is if he hasn't just come back off of some idiot call or if you have one single eye brow (just joking).
This original post was never about telling the truth or stretchin the truth or telling an exageration of the truth or about telling a little white lie...It was about that most of the time if you pull over, act respectful, use fairly common sense you may find out that the person in the uniform is human...I made this post so maybe just one person read about how I saw the situation from the other side, they may not choose to run and kill themselves...And yes if you do choose to run you will be responsible for what you tear up it happens everyday its a fact of life so just get over it. So Roost if you are telling your local donut munching peace officer the truth I admire you for it and anyone else who tells the truth different things work for different people on both sides of the fence. And the smarta@$ wasn't meant for you sorry you took it that way.

And last but not least Mr Ride and I quote you:

Roost, I hear where you're coming from. ATVing, you almost seem like just an ATVer who came to act as an officer to stick up for cops. The way you're talking all this sh*t just surprises me...

What is getting pathetic is that how you break into a forum with a three line statement that has no fact to it and really does not say anything...yeah pretty pathetic I agree with you. And you say you hear where he is coming from, well where is he coming from so you don't never stretch the truth huh...yeah now it is starting to get pathetic again. And yes I am a for real cop with a for real atv I am not sticking up for cops I am trying to make you realize that cops are human to, I am trying to relate this to you showing you that I own a four wheeler and explaining to you that I know people do stuff sometimes they should not do h*ll I do...I am trying to make you realize that maybe the next time someone pulls you over he may be a 4 wheeler junky like me and give you a d#m break. Don't take getting pulled over something personal you are just an example to the public, there is still law and order they are paying for with their tax dollar. Yeah maybe I am talking sh*# maybe you should be listening closer.

Well fellows in closing this post does not in anyway endorse telling a little white lie to get out of a ticket telling the truth sometimes will set you free and sometimes it won't. But do pull over the guy in the uniform may be cooler than you are...A cop is the last person you want to see on the highway and first person you want to see at your door if someone is breaking in on you. Remember this next time you get pulled over. And oh yeah ARTIC CAT RULES...did I just say that going to have to stop hanging aroung that Polaris forum so much...see ya on the trails or highway whichever comes first.


[This message has been edited by atving (edited 12-01-1999).]
Old 12-02-1999, 12:47 PM
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I know this post is getting long but I just ran into a cop last week and this is what happened.
I was riding down the side of the road at about 10 mph in the grass and as I was going down the side of an exit ramp I looked over and saw a sheriff, I immediately drove my atv right towards where he pulled off. I shut down the engine and removed my goggles so I could talk to him. He asked where I was riding and I told him I was heading to the trails and that I was pushing across the street. He said ok and then he started talking about how he liked my Scrambler and how big it was. He told me to have fun and just stay off of the roads and I told him to have a good Thanksgiving! That was it, that's how it goes everytime a cop stops me if he even does. The same guys usually patrol that area and once they know I am not riding on the roads and that I am a responsible adult they never bother me again. Why should you run unless you are crusing down the middle of the road? Be cool with the cops and they will be cool back!

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