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Old 09-28-2009, 11:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Guard1
LOL...I bet you're 15 yrs old and have a picture of the "Big game hunter" in the Polaris promo vids on your bedroom wall... I bet you like his tight jeans...LOL

In all fairness the only comment I had for the XP, was that I would like to ride one. I actually like the looks ( especially the metalic yellow one ). It's not as spory looking as the Can Ams with their low, pointed front end. But still nice. As for the Video of the XP beating the Can am...the same guy has one posted of the Can am winning as well. Besides they are loaded with hunting gear and dragging on dirt. Way too many variables. The rest of the world already knows that the 800R is faster and more responsive than the XP... why debate that? We all know that their is much more to a quad besides awesome arm ripping accelleration. But when it's there ( Can Am ) it makes the fun factor for people like me, go way up. For me the Can am is almost the perfect machine . For other's with other priority's , the XP is perfect.
LOL. My my my how busy we’ve all been here over the weekend. Yep, all of 15 years old Guard lol. I did like the Polaris promo videos though, know where I can get a copy? Probably from the same supplier you get your naked Can-Am Fireman’s calendar from.

The rest of the world knows the Can-Am is faster?? Where…. Deerlick Newfoundland … population 17 (2 Can-Am owners and… the rest of your family). Tell me bye, jos where dos a guy get dat dere Can Am in Newfoundland and Labrador now, an how much doo dey sets you back bye?? Lol

Ok Ok, in some videos you might be a quad length faster, being as they both put out the same power, strip of the XP’s 14” rims, strap on a beer can frame to equalize the weight, then what’ll the results be? One other thing, “arm ripping acceleration” the Can-Ams do not have, unless of course you’re comparing it to the lobster boat across the road from your house. Saw the pic you posted, man riding that boat must be just like riding your mom and dad's 4 door Crown Victoria on Saturday night with the boys!
Old 09-28-2009, 11:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Roofer
It ooks like the XP has very good articulation. Also appears like it keeps the machine somewhat level and doesn't throw the rider.
That "articulation" is front right suspension compression, and yes it is good for clmibing over obstacles....and if you read above I said so....I said I prefer the XPs softer front suspension for crossing large obstacles for that reason..
This is like the 10th time in this thread alone that you have reworded something I have written like you never had seen it posted in the thread lol..so I am not sure what your point is. To get the last post in and repeat what I have already said like it isn't obvious? Anyone else could do it and it and I'd let it slide...but you have done it multiple times,besides the fact you act like I don't know anything and then turn around and try to reword the same points I have already made?

BTW I have actually crossed that log,and others just as large on the XP with 26" BHs. It does very well.
Haven't tried it on the Outty yet...I didn't have skids on it at the time
Old 09-28-2009, 11:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Snedd800
Oh countryboy...you did the same crap on canamtalk.com forum a couple months ago, and I think thats pretty much what everone over there thought, you were a 15 year old with nothing else to do...
I think it's funny that you said...Becasue the manufacturer said so...since just about everything you say is something you read on a web site or manufacturer brochure?
Anyways I have seen the 09 Outty and the 08 Outty race on dirt, grass, blacktop, etc. The 09 is faster, the longer the race the more the 09 pulls away.
Snedds! Where have you been, long time no see, come to think of it, I don’t ever recall seeing you. I myself don’t change my name when I go from forum to forum.

Good ol Can-Am Talk, didn't think you guys migrated from outside of your own little world there. More brand bashing goes on in that forum than at Highlifter. The mods over there claim to delete/close anything that’s considered bashing, yet if they closed all bashing threads there’d be very little left to read. If it isn’t a Can-Am over there, it’s a piece of **** and gets bashed mercilessly. I take great delight in responding to arrogant jackasses that spout about how superior their machine is compared to another. I specifically focus on Can-Am forums they are usually the ones that spout the most arrogance, and also cry the most when you point out deficiencies with their machines. I used to go there quite a lot when considering buying one, but got sick of the "Master Race" attitude as well as the bashing.

15 years old lol? I usually either get accused of being 15, or I'm a Can-Am "wannabe" when I point out deficiencies about a Can-Am. Well, I'm not 15, and if I wanted a Can-Am, I'd have one. I think the last response to me on Can-Am Talk was…. “ya well… your mothers so fat her belt size is… like… the equator”. Yep, they all assumed I was 15, takes one to know I guess. lol

Sorry to tell you Snedds but nothing I post is from a manufacturers website, I post facts only. However the quote "the new Outty 800r is one full second faster than before" is from a manufacturer's website, but I didn't post that. lol
Old 09-28-2009, 12:32 PM
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Originally Posted by HIGHOCTANE
Countryboy over half of your 34 posts on this forum are argumentative...hell a third ofthem are in this thread..lol.

At least Guard1 rides the machine he is posting about..and he said his buddy has an '07 Can-Am...so not a stretch to assume they have compared their machines...duh.

Questions about a machine you havent ridden are one thing..but you know how important it is to actually ride a machine before you bad mouth it right? Or have you not learned your lesson?
High Octane, buddy ol pal, my sincere apologies. I didn’t know we had a celebrity in our midst. If I knew I was conversing with HO Holmes (aka SHERLOCK), I would have much more respectful. A fine bit of detective work and brilliance on your behalf, digging up old posts and posting them up for the public to see, as I assume they’re all computer illiterate and don’t have the skills to click on “see all posts” in my page. I see you also take great delight in publicly posting private messages that people send you. Why are they called PRIVATE messages? Hey moderators, isn’t there a rule against that? Hey everyone… HO just sent me a PM, no need for a PM here HO.

“Countryboy, Can-Am really does suck, I’m just making it all up because I can’t justify having spent $10,000 grand on something inferior, and I really hate Roofer for sh!tt!ng in my cornflakes the morning after nailing my wife”.

Should I dig up your old posts at Highlifter, where you posted your XP was faster than your new Outty? I think the theme over here was that your Outty was faster. Do you think I have something to hide HO? If that were the case I’d have deleted a lot of my posts long ago. If you’d done a little more research you’d have also found that 98% of my argumentative posts were in response to another jackass claiming his machine was superior to someone else’s. 100% of the time I do it for comedy value. As I’ve said before, I take great delight in responding to arrogant posts belittling other brands, I’ll do it every time. I didn’t bad mouth anything in your posts, what do you think would happen if I posted…. “the Outty didn’t want no part of the 850, and the Outty’s a Sedan compared to the 850 Lamborghini” at Can-Am Talk or Highlifter?? Yes, there’d be more mass panic, pandemonium and rage than Fathers Day in the Compton Projects. I’ve also said that Can-Am owners (some, not all) are usually the ones that spout the most arrogance, and are also the ones that cry the most when you point out deficiencies with their machines.

Yep, I learned my lesson with the Yamaha, and felt quite bad about it specifically because I hadn’t been within 50 feet of the machine, and hadn’t ridden one before. The Can-Am on the other hand I’ve examined closely, and have ridden them, not only in the dealers parking lot but have a couple friends that have them, and have ridden them extensively, much to your chagrin. They were nice yes, but I bought my 800 Sportsman over one as it cost me $2500 less, had a factory steel skid from front to back, and the power difference was minimal, to mention a few. Now that I know Yamaha quite well, I can't find one thing to pick apart about them, other than maybe being down on power a bit and a rougher ride in comparison. They have the best 4x4 system, lightweight (yes the shitty stock tires/wheels need changing which will add weight) but still light, no heat generation on legs, good ground clearance, tight turning radius etc, and now have the highest fuel tank capacity of any EPS machine. I would think their reliability is fairly good too.

Whether people cry about me owning one or not, any issue I’ve pointed with Can-Am has been fact. Would you dispute the fact that they have a weak frame? The Polaris Sportsman x2 has a tighter turning radius than 1 up Outty – fact. The Outty has poor ground clearance, and isn’t the 12 inches the manufacturer claims – fact. Don’t think I need to own one to point out the fact that the XP looks far more modern and edgier than the outdated Outty. What about the heat issue? Fiction? What about the throttle effort, no one comments on that one much. Yes they’ve corrected a lot of things over the years, but they still have a way to go and IMO, until then I’ll buy something else before an Outty. I wouldn’t buy an XP either until they get some of their gremlins worked out, but I’d still buy it before the Outty. A lot of the info I get is through forum research that is one thing that aids me in the buying decision. All of these facts have been confirmed through posts/information posted by the likes of “cc1999”, sure you’ve heard of him, “Jacobs online ATV Magazine”, 2 sources I’m sure would be fairly non-biased, but then again, maybe they’re lying and making it all up. That in combination with about 300 posts on numerous forums, from Can-Am owners, I'm sure some of them might be telling the truth.

Have you never done internet forum research before buying a machine without owning/riding it? You’ve repeatedly stated the fact that you didn’t buy the Outty previously because you didn’t like the visco lock. How did you know it didn’t lock instantly? Did you own one at the time? Didn’t think so, you bought it based on internet forum research.

I also don't get the "technological superiority" claim either. If this were the case, why did it take them 3 yrs after another manufacturer to come out with PS? Why did it take them so long to get their auto lock 4X4 system to lock instantly, something Polaris's has done for years. They still haven't solved the heat issue, or strengthened the frame. I guess as long as buyers are willing to fork over gobs of cash for after market add-ons, what do they care.

I'm sure there are a few folks from Highlifter dropping in to read the thread being as HO posted a link to it over there, in the Can-Am section. To everyone reading... Sorry to burst your bubble but I'm not brand loyal, and it's just as easy to rile up Can-Am owners over here as it is over there! LOL
Old 09-28-2009, 12:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Snedd800
I too have went to the dark side..lol ..and bought a can am. I got a smokin deal on a lightly used --221 miles 26 hrs, 2009 renegade 800x. I can't wait to put it to the test. I really liked the SP 800, it had a ton of power. Most of the guys I ride with have 08 or 09 Outty's. The Outty really impressed me as far as handling, power, and top end. I could "hang" with those guys on tighter trails, but anytime the trail opened up..they were gone. I will say the SP 800 was better in the mud and I felt more comfortable on steep hills with it. Time will tell. I need to get some seat time on the Rene.
The dark side?? lol. I'm not jealous of what you own Snedd, anyone else? lol I always thought the dark side was like Arctic Cat. I mean, don't all Outty's scurry away like a bunch of shool kids at the recess bell when the mighty TCat comes rumbling in? Oops, my bad, you bought a Rene, that'd be a good schoolyard rumble, until your frame buckles from the breath of the overweight ditch pickle.
Old 09-28-2009, 12:51 PM
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Post #164 is hilarious and so true!

I'm sure there have been plenty of linkbacks and PM sent around to people about this thread that are unknown.

Still fun though for an interesting thread for those that care to play along.
Old 09-28-2009, 01:03 PM
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Country your posts have so many misstatements that it would take pages of typing to sort them all out. I don't need to sort them out though everyone can see them.
I will entertain a one though,since you are insinuting I am lying. I did say on HL right after I got the Outty that at first I wasn't impressed with the power and didn't think it would take my XP. After I put a little time on it and it got remarkedly more powerful...and after just a few operating hours I know it would out run my XP..It loosened up alot in the 1st three hours,more than I would have believed if I hadn't experienced it..
If you read my first post here...I said "The Outty,even the Max feels noticably quicker and more powerful than the 850...sorry fellow 850 owners,but it flat out rolls after some break in time.

Notice the last 5 words...seems some people have trouble with reading comprehension...and only see what they want to see.
Like I said,sure seems like you have had your feelings hurt by a Can-Am dealer leading to a hatred of Can-Ams...Is that reverse brand loyalty? lol.
Old 09-28-2009, 01:03 PM
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Although, we can't blame a guy for being excited about his new ride.
Old 09-28-2009, 01:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Roofer
Although, we can't blame a guy for being excited about his new ride.
lol, have at er fellas.
Old 09-28-2009, 01:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Roofer
Post #164 is hilarious and so true!

I'm sure there have been plenty of linkbacks and PM sent around to people about this thread that are unknown.

Still fun though for an interesting thread for those that care to play along.
Yep...you and countryboy have definitely tried to turn it into a brand bash fest for sure....something I want no part of..but I'm not going to sit back and let you call me a liar.
The link I posted on HL was in response to someone asking about a comparison of the 2 machines...rather than retype everything I posted a link to this thread.

Originally Posted by Roofer
Although, we can't blame a guy for being excited about his new ride.

Well that is weird....how could I possibly be excited coming from an 850? To hear you tell it I should be dissapointed...and trust me I am NOT...that is a fact. I guess I am just too dumb to know I have a piece of junk right? Maybe that is the case..hey ignorance is bliss...in any case I am quiet satisfied.
I think you want me to convince you that you should dump the XP and get an Outty...I have no intention of trying to do that...you make that choice. Did you hear back from the dealer on that Red Outty yet?

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