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Old 04-04-2006, 02:59 PM
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Originally posted by: TXduneripper
Originally posted by: txcowgirl06
Originally posted by: TXduneripper
Originally posted by: txcowgirl06
Gee I don't know?

I guess they'll park at the NEW parking lot. I guess I never was at the hills when it was that full. But I can bet it gets that full again!

Well, that's the understatement of the day!

I'm beginning to wonder if you've EVER been to the dunes before KSI became a part of it. That parking lot was crammed full- people ALWAYS parking on the side of the road...BOTH SIDES!! You STILL serve absolutely NO purpose over here. Maybe you should pull your head out of your @ss and quit twisting the story and the details surrounding it and take your oblivious self somewhere else. You're not talking to a bunch of out of state people trying to pick a side to be on- you're addressing people who know better! And each time you post you make a bigger fool of yourself.

I wouldn't bet on anything. The hills have never been so bare as they are now. But, when one appears to be on hallucinogens 24/7 like you appear to be - perception problems are expected [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif[/img]

Talk about someone with their head stuck somewhere!! You need to find Jesus and have him help you get a grip on that anger you carry!! what a heavy burden it must be! I'll pray for you and hope you can get some much needed help!! God bless you!
My job here is done....but Jesus asked me to stay and help save you from your ignorance [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Thanks, Lord knows I need all the help I can get!
Old 04-04-2006, 03:40 PM
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I think most people are just scared to speak up cowgirl. They are certainly not going to speak up on KSI's site. KSI has done some good things with the rules but there's been some negative moves too. I can't imagine anybody is really happy about paying to ride on less land. They just sort of accept it.

You can blame that death for the closure of the park all you want, but that doesn't explain why he was allowed to clear it off the first time. I think the county realized that the park was intended to benefit everyone and that wasn't happening. Reminds me of that bedtime story where the troll charged to cross his bridge. He eventually got bumped off. And that death certainly doesn't explain the loss of the easement. I know there have been issues there, including parking and drags. So you can ignore the issues if you want, but they are real. And I think people have a right to be angry about a few things.
Old 04-04-2006, 04:24 PM
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A freind of mine who works at county is going to get me a copy of the minutes of the meetings of the co commish's court so everyone will be happy that I will be better informed. KSI cleared off the parking lot the first time for all the riders and to make it easier to get into the lot and so no one would get stuck while coming in. I know this for a fact. And yes they paid a backhoe company to do this. The county wouldn't do it, so KSI ask permission from the county to get it cleared off and them they HIRED a company to do it. So I believe that was a good faith judgement on their part for all the free loaders to ride on the free land. Look I don't want to argue but you and I both know that the only county owned land has been the little 18 acres. The rest of the land is owned by someone. So they are enterprising on a hopefully lucrative business venture too YES , one day make money and good money at that. So if you were in their position, wouldn't you like to make money? You purchase an asset, land, make improvements, although it may be slowly, and start charging people to use your land. Cattle ranchers grazed the open range for a long time before the land was bought up. Now they pay to graze on land that isn't theirs. They don't think they have any rights to graze on land that they haven't somehow paid for. Back in the day there were many fights over that same thing. But surely even you can see my point to all this. In this great land of ours, we still have the right to purchase something and make a business out of it. I see nothing wrong with that. And when you deal with the public there will always be someone that will complain about something. I'm just glad we still have the opprotunity to ride. And so close to home!! I'm not saying everything is perfect, but face it, it could be alot worse!![img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Old 04-04-2006, 04:37 PM
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Make money at what cost? I'm all for making money. Don't have a problem paying to ride on KSI land. But I also think he should have limited his tresspassing calls to HIS property.

If I owned HEB I sure as heck wouldn't sit in front of Walmart calling the cops on everybody that parks in a fire zone. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Old 04-04-2006, 04:51 PM
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Everyone has their faults and I guess that's his. Too bad it made so many people freak! And why were they riding on someone elses land? No one takes responsibility for that. They've been doing it so long they think they are entitled to ride on whomevers land. See that's what is wrong with the youth and others of today. They think they are owed something and everyone is suppose to ignore anything they may possibly being doing wrong. And if they should break the law, well to bad because I'm me and I can. See I don't understand what is happening to this country. What happened to respect for other people and their stuff? And to all the ones who thought they were being sneaky and gettin in the back way-- I'm talkin directly to you. Shame on you and your mother should have raised you better than that!! Have some dignity and respect and stoop acting like the world owes you and you can do whatever. Time to grow up!!![img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif[/img] Oh yeah and about the easement- come on it's just an excuse to **** off KSI. Really ride up and down the easement all day??? Stay at home and go ride at the dump at Kermit at least it would be more fun than Easement Duning!
Old 04-04-2006, 05:36 PM
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Cowgirl, I thought I was very clear on my gripe about the easement. I have a daughter and we used the easment to get around dunes I didn't want her on. Last time out, there was absolutely no way around the steeper stuff and she made me sweat it out once or twice. I don't know why that's so hard to understand unless you just don't have a child.
Old 04-04-2006, 05:37 PM
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Please get a copy of that for us. And if you would be so kind as to post just agenda 15. That would make things so much easier. There are 7 sections of dunes. KSI only owns LESS THAN TWO. So who has a small riding area? Because of Danny's harping on the sheriff so much with his unwanted phone calls about freakin state easement laws, the park was demolished. Now very few people have a place to park. Thats the bottom line. I understand you're upset the county didn't sell the park, but you didn't have to ruin it for the rest of us "free loaders". People have choice. We choose to ride on the land that has always been free to us and STAY OFF YOUR LAND. Thats fine. Not a problem. The problem many of us have, is Danny trying to keep us from the rest of the dunes. We WILL BRING PARKING AND ACCESS to the rest of the dunes and we won't charge a dime. You know why we won't charge a dime? Because we understand that it is wrong to charge people access to our dunes, but allow them to ride on all of them. Which is exactly what Danny has tried to do. And yes, there is a lot of angry people, BUT THAT ANGER IS BECAUSE OF DANNY'S ACTIONS. Everything I have said is undeniable. You call us "free loaders". Some call us "freedom fighters". But we call ourselves "FREE DUNERS". And we WILL make sure this way of life continues in the same way it began. FREE!!!
Old 04-04-2006, 05:46 PM
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Yes I have children and yes they rode the dunes since they were five. But unless my memory is really that bad, you know I do have mad cow disease, I don't remember anything so steep that they had to take the easement to miss a really steep hill. I was the worst mother in the world when it came to my children riding. I would have to puke everytime we went to the hills just hoping and praying no one got hurt. So I understand your concern and I believe children should have a special pass when it comes to easement riding but ONLY to miss a dune that they can't handle. The big kids and adults go sailing down the easement I believe for the sure joy they get from terrorizing the little kids and other adults. Just everyone use common sense, but sense we all know that will never happen.....rules are born!
Old 04-04-2006, 06:13 PM
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You must be friends with Tasha. You must both live in the same reality. Our group has already spent money to secure a place for all to ride, FOR FREE, FOREVER. Your saying we want something for nothing. Have you completely lost your mind? Your liberal, communistic attitude goes against everything that our great nation was founded on. The more rules, the less freedom. I chose freedom. We WILL ride, HOW we want to ride, when we want to ride. You are saying Danny's calls about riding on the easement was for the protection of people? Its just a coincidence that it also kept people from going around his land. Everyone out there has been riding on someone else's land for 50+ years, and the land owners have NEVER said anything. Come back from rainbow, TX and look at what is really going on in Kermit. I can only hope everyone else fully understands how rediculous and bias you sound.
Old 04-04-2006, 07:02 PM
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Originally posted by: txcowgirl06 No one ever parked up and down the roads! Or on the side of the road! ........... The county closed down the park because a kid got killed on their property! Get your facts straight!

He did not get killed on the county property either.. County never owned any hills. Hard to fly off one when there isnt one. As for parking on the road. There is always people parking on the road must not of been there near any holidays huh?



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